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Posts posted by DocMyles

  1. I was in last Wednesday, and it was a quiet afternoon, handful of customers, 8 girls including Delicious and Claire. Dancers at Barb's seem to be getting "curvier" since my last visit. Smirk of the day? One of the girls isn't being very subtle about using the club to set up tricks. I lol'd

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  2. While it was nice to hear that Barb's was busy, we all know it's on it's last legs. I'd be interested to hear what the veteran girls are planning to do. Management isn't promoting the club or putting any money into it, so the girls don't owe them anything. The daytime vets aren't stupid, they know what the score is. I cant see them walking in and finding out the club is closing on their last shift, then getting stuck somewhere else trying to hastily recruit new clients to make bills. I figure they'll split up the city. I think Jenny will go across the river to Pigales, Claire to Nuden or Playmate, and Bridgette to Barefax. The night vets will likely do the same.

  3. I was thinking about something the other day. I had my first dance with Claire in October of 2010 and I remember her telling me that she'd only been dancing a few months at that point. I'd just like to say Happy Anniversary to Claire for providing some great times over the last five years and I look forward to more! Most girls don't last this long as a dancer without becoming all hard and jaded - Claire is still just as much fun as she's always been.

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  4. I hope Barbs and can find a new location close by.


    Considering the very restrictive nature of Ottawa zoning by-laws on strip clubs, a move close-by won't happen. If ownership wants to keep the club alive, the only real option is to buy/lease the former Silver Dollar property.

  5. Although this subject has come up on a regular basis throughout this thread, I think there is a lot more fire behind it this time. The timeline will depend on what's going to be developed. If it's just a Lyon St LRT station, the club may have as much as a year, but that's optimistic. If development includes condos/retail with plans to be ready for when LRT is finished, I think we're looking at only a few months. If notice has been given to Glue Pot staff, I think the latter is much more likely.


    I'd be interested in hearing from the girls about their plans. I figure a bunch will move to Barefax, a few to Playmate, a couple across the river, a few to NuDen, and maybe a couple to Tease. As I know several of the girls have a strong preference for only dancing at Barb's, I think you'll see a surprising number take the opportunity to leave the biz. Hopefully, we'll have a good chance to say goodbye! :)

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  6. I think you need to re-read my post again.


    I'm not blaming the Harper Tories for anything here... The reality is that they are the current government, they are the ones that have to deal with the Supreme Court decision, and we BOTH agree that this is an issue that they would rather not have to deal with. I also agree with you that the Liberals are likely in the same boat (see Justin Trudeau's comments from yesterday).


    Implementing the Nordic Model is about political expediency and stalling, rather than sound public policy.


    I find it interesting that you disagree that the Supreme Court intends on liberalizing prostitution law, yet you agree with me that implementing the Nordic Model would likely not survive a court challenge. Lets look at the logic... If the only policy alternative that will survive a court challenge is one that incorporates liberalized prostitution policy (legalize/tax), then it must be fair to say that the intended outcome by the Supreme Court was liberalization of prostitution law. Lets face it, there aren't too many policy alternatives here.


    What should Ottawa do? Legalize it, set up the federal taxation scheme for it, mandate the provinces to develop public health policy, and let the cities dictate where such activity can take place.

  7. I think we need to refrain from counting our chickens before they've hatched. It's pretty obvious, based on what various government officials are saying, that the Tories are going to do everything that they can to implement a "Nordic Model" policy that sees enforcement targeting clients instead of service providers. Instead of liberalizing prostitution laws like the Supreme Court intends, they'll just declare prostitution itself illegal.


    The result is that girls will continue to engage in the same dangerous practices as they currently do in order to protect their clients from arrest. Anybody here with half a brain realizes that such a policy won't survive a court challenge, but that's not the concern of the Harper Tories. It will take another five years for any challenge to work its way through to the Supreme Court, and by then Harper will be long gone. The Nordic Model is simply NHP (Not Harper's Problem) Policy. It appeases the base, and requires no real action on the part of government (at any level) to do anything. Perfect stall tactic for a political party that would prefer not to have to deal with this issue.

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