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Posts posted by yogibear

  1. I Too have seen, and cleaned up, the uKash virus, got 3 clients infected in one week a few months ago.

    One suggestion is to NOT use Internet Explorer, use firefox or chrome.


    As for backups.... Web backups may be convenient, but slow, especially uploading a large amount of data, residential internet has different upstream speed vs downstream, not to mention bandwidth caps.

    And even restoring gigs of data after a problem can take long time.

    I myself have a NAS drive connect to router with automatic backup of select folders,

    Plus another external drive that I connect for monthly second backup, then store in fireproof safe.

    • Like 1

  2. Well the originators of the white poppy HAVE misrepresented / changed the true meaning of the red poppy, which is remembering, thanking and honoring those who have served our country, and not about 'celebrating war' as they say.




    So I am definitely offended by their hijacking both the day and the symbol.

    • Like 4

  3. Bust you for what?


    Anything done in private is completely legal.


    So as long as you don't discuss or do anything in public there is no need for such a greeting


    Serious question... usually when I greet a customer at the door one of the first things I ask is are you affiliated with the law if they say "no" I c then ask them to touch one of my breasts before any money is seen or exchanged... but have laws changed? does anyone know if they really have to tell you before they bust you?

    Posted via Mobile Device

  4. You can do an Image search thru google images or tineye


    You can also google her phone number, that sometimes leads to

    other ads with either confirming or contrary info.


    Edit: Searched the images from that ad, so far they all lead to uncropped photos of different girls

    from generic or selfies webpages, so I'd say beware


    lol yeah but im not much of a good leader so i dont wanna be the first one to have the bad experience ha!, image search? whats that like finding random pics to see if there fake?, cause she has about 5pics on BP go by the name Haylie, i have texted her and seems alright no red flags but we havent talked that much either so... Her pics could be real just there really sexy so i dunno if u could consider that to be to good to be true lol. forums yeap, and no luck, sometimes i wish BP had a short review page HA

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