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Posts posted by salacious709

  1. Do we really think that out internet usage is all that private? Don't all the corporate giants already look over our shoulders then blast us all with spam based on out online usage and demographics? Don't they sell all this to whomever they want? Didn't Google just get busted for doing this?


    Maybe they just want to sell it to the government to make a few extra billion......you know, price of coffee goes up all the time, gotta keep up with that.


    Police can already look over our shoulders to a degree, may need a warrant but those are more easily obtained that everyone thinks. Convictions in courts......that's another thing but they still get the information.


    I think this is the extreme of the pendulum swing but something in the middle will work to keep those cyber criminals in check...... lots more bad going on than just child porn (although that should be a hanging offense, maybe the parents should get to pick what the offender gets hung by ;-) )


    If us hobbyist and service providers as clever in how conduct ourselves it should not present any issues here.


    Anyway..... that's my nickles worth

  2. Gentlemen,


    If you are looking in St. John's for a young classy gorgeous woman then should definitely look up Kat.


    She is the real deal, tall slim, model-like looks, killer smile, wholesome, healthy and vibrant.


    I have met her several times and am never disappointed. Don't be fooled by her youth, she is far from naive.


    She made me feel totally at ease within in moments of us meeting, Very relaxed conversation, great sense of humor, she is well spoken and polite.


    Our time together...... not getting into great details but she does offer full service, she doesn't watch the clock and was committed to seeing that I enjoyed my time with her. She really enjoys herself, has a mischievous sparkle in her eyes and you know she is very much into pleasing you.


    Afterward was so very relaxed, lay together for a while, a true GFE.


    Guys this lady will not disappoint you. If anyone would like to know a little more pm me, I'm not here all the time but will check for the next while just in case.


    She is very classy, a really sweet young lady and surely will appreciate anyone who goes a little above and beyond.


    Good Luck

  3. I think I am getting the picture now. There seemed to be a lot of disclaimers on the sites I viewed in the US, but there are ways I guess to feel people out and allude to things rather that say them straight out.


    One SP had detailed instruction on how the event would unfold, basically no discussion about any exchange until the guy was naked and had already been a little intimate. I guess that wouldn't be appropriate behavior for law enforcement and would weed those people out. LOL


    I agree on the CC info, smelled fishy to me.


    I still don't want to give a lot of personal details like employment and birthdate. Is that how things work here on cerb with the ladies I see posting here?



  4. Hi,


    I've been looking at some adds on another site and after contacting a few women there was sent to a "www dot date(insertnamehere)dot com" site that directed me to some "securepaypass" site that was just verifying who I was via my credit card info.


    I don't know if this is legit or a scam to get my information. It it is legit..... what's the point? Don't psychos have credit cards too?


    Anyway....... I was going to be in Harrisburg PA anyone point me to a nice SP in that area?





  5. I think that st. John's still holds to a small town mentality when it come to sexually suggestive advertising. There is an adult sex shop just around the corner from there, window displays don't seem too outrageous just the same.


    I think the people posting the adds are probably plastering them in inappropriate places, maybe getting paid by the poster, possibly over doing it. I believe the city has bylaws to remove posters every 30 days.



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