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Explore Her

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Posts posted by Explore Her

  1. Hey Guys, Just to make this clear, only a few girls are taking this opportunity to work at tha studio and all they are offering is erotic massages for regular EH clients.

    EH will continue operating as usual and we are expecting new Elite talent soon.

  2. Hello Guys , Ladies ;)


    Just wanna take a minute to explain you what is , and been going on with T2T/CC ... I think i owe you an explaination and dont want any confusions.


    Since the agency was getting bigger(T2T) ,it was becoming harder to please everyone on my own , it requires a LOT of work and time to make sure everything goes the way it should ! so i needed someone to help with phones and other little task. This is when i decided to to join 2 agencies togehter , candies & T2T ( who became CC ) , which was another little agency already establish on the Gatineau side ,and the owner seemed to work the way im used to : professional,honest and care about customers & the ladies satisfaction. So thought this was an opportunity to grow bigger and better ... So I worked with is webmaster to create a complete & perfect website .


    As you might of seen , ended up being a disaster lol

    Joe wasnt as professional as i thought and nothing was the way it used to be

    Both clients and ladies were getting frustrated by the poor service offer.

    Plus their server and webmaster isnt reliable and been having a tousand problem with this as well..I tried to fix situation and work out things the best i could in a meantime ... But times now have come ... cant work this way anymore .. and since T2T domain avec been taking away ...I am recreating a website that will be just as good , and without server failiure , and will run things on my own like it is to be ... Ive realized that nothing gets better done than when you do it yourself ...


    So as i know many of you will be pleased by this change , Joe will no longer be a part of our team , and will run www.CapitalCandies.com on his own while we ( me and the ladies ) will operate from another website

    which i will provide the link starting next week. Our phone number will stay the same , so you can reach us at all time ;)


    Hope you understand and sorry for all that confusion




    [email protected]

  3. hahaha !


    I didnt even know it was same charlie at first , had to ask her

    Because when she contacted us she told us she was '' new '' to this

    ( which she fairly is )


    and Maya is now back with us now that she found us ... she said she couldnt find our number and T2T website disapeared ...


    No trying to Hunt for PK's Ladies tho lol , even if they seem to have quite a good selection these days !! i understand & respect the work agency go thru and would never do this purposely.

  4. Maya was out of the business for a few months.

    And when she decided to come back , she couldnt find T2T website, a lot had changed and she didnt know how to contact us ... But got a hold of one of our Ladies and came back where she first started and always worked before. She also liked working at PK , But didnt feel '' home '' since it wasnt what and who she was used to work with.

  5. Hello Guys , Nah it is not even about the bill ! lol

    everything is paid for a full year .. so yes it is frustrating !


    Our webmaster working on the problem The company we are working with is doing maintenance & upgrading our admin system.


    It should be back tonight or tomorrow the latest .


    Sorry for the inconvenience, in a meantime you can check photos on our cerb albums : http://www.cerb.ca/vbulletin/album.php?albumid=358


    Thanks to understand !



  6. :hahaha ! some of you guys are Hilarious ;)


    Ill tell you the reason why just now !


    The admin programm we us to add/edit girls profile

    is a premade programm , and we ourselves only have this option

    We can only select option in a box that only gives us those options:





    etc ... !


    We are in the process to customize the program and this is one of the main thing we wanna change

    height / weight

    ages &

    exact services offer !

    for each Ladies .


    in meanwhile , if you wanna know the EXACT age of a lady

    please feel free to call or email us , we will let you know

    We have never lied about age in the past ,

    and not planning on doing it now!


    and Between me n u , is a girl is between 18 n 21 , she is NOT 30

    and when you walking down the street and see a lady you like

    are you able to see exactly how old she is or would you think : she night be between 18 n 20 years old ... or look over 30 ? And for height n weight , i think theirs enough photos to give you guys of the idea of the size/look of the lady ! and again .. somehow for most each agencies they lie and all the ladies seem to be between 100 n 120 if not they are consider fat by many !


    We are keen on customer service and if theirs any problem , please feel free to ask us question , you have lot more chances to get the right answer if you go directly to the source ;)


    PS : for many agency the lady whos 18 will be 18 for 2 years in a row anyway ;) lol



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