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Posts posted by tepic

  1. This might be an odd question, but i'm going to wade in anyway...


    Been doing my research, been on an off the site for a couple years (great resource btw :) everyone seems friendly here too) This is another one of those "first time with an SP" questions...but a little different


    It would be my first time....period.


    I was always in the camp of "waiting til marriage, it will be worth it" (not that I've been totally locked up. I've been to a couple MPs, try to come out of my shell a little bit). But i'm believeing that a lot less now.

    After deep discussions with a good friend, i'm starting to believe it is actually HURTING my interactions with women (I didn't develop the confidence that other guys do with success.. plus all the pent-up energy and such..and being almost 30 there's a LOT pent-up :P), and it's more of a negative than a positive *shrug*


    So I guess i'm wondering, would SPs avoid a virgin? Is there any good advice approaching an SP about this? Is it that uncommon?

  2. I feel like I wouldn't like that doccumentary. Mainly cause its (as usual) sympathetic to single women. Single men on the other hand? Are flawed and lazy and probably porn-addicts.....


    Being single and male sucks major... ESP when u lack and bankroll and looks that are the near-exclusive criteria to even get a girls attention

    Posted via Mobile Device

  3. Professional accountancy is all about discretion. Accountants are considered dull, but they've all seen stuff that would make your head spin. If anyone knows about the dark side of human foibles, it would be them. They just can't tell anybody about it due to their professional code of conduct - hence, they seem dull.


    (sorry ... back to the thread, ha ha ...)


    Boy is this ever true...Financial Advising/Planning is similar...

  4. This is the second time you have brought up this point. I am genuinely curious who exactly is making you feel unwanted? The ladies that are not touring there? The ones that are? Or the "bad eggs" that make it difficult for everyone?


    The SPs that lump all the moncton hobbyists together. That either don't answer or decline my requiests for appt's because 'Moncton guys usually no show' (even if i'm proposing travelling to their town. Both here and on another site). If that answers your question.


    I'll admit my frustration is getting in the way of being level-headed about this discussion, which i hoped would foster solutions. I apologize if i've come off as brusque or offended anyone here.

  5. Just a quick additional thought popped in my head. When a lady tours to a city based on encounters, who turn out to be no shows, not only does she lose the income from that tour, she is now at a loss as she paid for the cost of the tour, without any renumeration to justify the cost. She would be further ahead to go to a city where her expenses are justified as she sees gentlemen who happily pay her donation (which is her income for her livelihood) instead of being last minute cancellations.

    For guys who cancel, how would you feel showing up to your workplace at your expense, only to find no work there...and most of you don't need to fly and book hotels out of your own pocket to do so

    What if guys had to pre-pay the lady her donation, and it was non-refundable. Maybe that would stop last minute cancellations


    ell I am a consultant and a sub-contractor, so yes I can relate at least somewhat to their situation. However I also know there are ways to lessen the impact (actually some if the consulting I do is cost-efficiency). This isn't to say the onus should be on the SP, but neither the SP or the hobbyists can control the no-shows sadly.....we cam however work together to male sure neither of us suffers


    Paying in advance would be great....but problem is that leaves a paper trail in what is an industry that's cash-based for protection purposes. But it is an idea.

    Posted via Mobile Device

  6. The last visit to Halifax for me was almost a bomb. I had several people requesting me to go, so I advertised for 2 weeks. The first two days I was rather upset...as the very same people who were requesting me all of a sudden did not book?? Thankfully the last two days filled up, just in time too! The same thing happened to me in Ottawa, until a member spoke up and said " come on Ottawa we can do better than this!"


    You raise an important point. A lot of hobbyists are all talk and no action in that they say 'come to my city', then don't book!

    I guess my query then (which probably could have been worded better from the get-go, since it seems to have caused confusion) is how do hobbyists become more pro-active? Pre-booking and incentivicing are great ideas...is there anything else?


    I understnad that the margains arent working, and obviously thats a problem. But i think the question we all can ask, and this goe to the very core of business 101, is 'how do we improve the margains?' and not 'NB is full o jerks and no-shows'

  7. Fredericton doesn't have 'massage parlours' I'm afraid. The LE is really vigiliant about that around here :(


    contact Sophia varoushka though. She's in Fredericton and I'm told she's the best (she's also a sweetheart too).


    Samantha sexton is also based in Fredericton. I dunno I she's on cerb or much about her but she's a hottie and does massage. Might be worth a search

    Posted via Mobile Device

  8. First of all, let's not misrepresent me. I did NOT say that anybodys rates are too high!! If u interpreted it that way then maybe u were looking to pick a fight, looking fir a red herring to latch to, I dunno


    I merely addressed that the economic landscape is different in different parts of the country, ad that it is more of a sacrifice for an NB hobbyist to see an SP than soneoen in an affluent area. And that being said, it frustrates me that the guys like me who are willing to make that effort (a price which is WELL deserves I might point out, I've mentioned many tines before on the quality of CERB ladies get lumped in with the bad eggs and NB seems like almost a chore for most SPs, who only focus on te negative (not just Emily, there were many in that thread and others I've heard in passing). Doesn't make a guy feel really wanted.


    My original q was what factors into a touring decision, and was hoping it would give me constructive ideas on how to get more SPs to nb. Focusing on the negatives doesn't solve the problem... :(

    Posted via Mobile Device

  9. I have found that a huge majority of gentlemen drive or travel long distances to visit with me, and that in turn has made me decide to tour some of the smaller cities that I do tour in (there is something about hearing that someone drove 4+hours to visit with you), the best gift I can give in return is coming to you - so A) we can spend more time together and B) you don't have any explaining to do about where you are.


    I am a quality over quantity lady and find that while I prefer to cover my expenses when I tour, in some cities a quality companion is few and far and I honestly do not believe that respectable gentlemen should have to miss out.


    In regards to your interest in more ladies touring to NB, I know there is this started months ago, and I believe it had lots of valuable information on why few ladies tour NB.



    I've read that thread. Frankly it makes me not want to bother being a hobbyist. I know it's pocket money in a place like Toronto or Ottawa, but 300-400 is a significant amount in the Martitimes. Why bother blowing a weeks pay on an SP visit if i'm just going to get lumped in with the 'bad apples' in the area?


    Whats a guy to do?

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  10. Sometimes things get frustrating, but then something happens, or a thought comes to you and it changes everything, your mood in particular.


    I sometimes get bummed out. We all do, and I am bummed out right now because I want ice cream, but they dont have my fave choice....(silly I know, but its realllly good ice cream)


    So here I am adding my song post to the Variation on the "favourite song" thread which was 99 red balloons and I thought to myself I love Balloons! And it made me smile. These little things in life are what make me remember that even though I had a moment there hating my hotel for not having raspberry cheesecake ice cream, all it takes is a red balloon to make me happy again.


    Project for this weekend....track down angel Starr and get her some raspberry cheesecake ice cream ;)

    Posted via Mobile Device

  11. I've seen both these lovely ladies. They are both in NB regularly as I understand, and they are both simply great people, very attractive, conversational, versatile and really know their craft. First time out the gate I would recommend a 1.5 - 2 hour appoint (if you have the coin) to ease in to things.






    I second this. I ha ven't had the pleasure of meeting Angel in-person yet (Though she is top on my list!) but she is a sweetheart. And Katherine is great for a first-timer (hint, the bodyslide will win you over :P)


    NB is ironic in that there are very few SPs, but the ones that are here seem to be AMAZING (I've seen Sophia's photo sets too and she piques my interest, so to speak ;) )

  12. I'm learning as much as I can here, I've been thinking lately though about how much time a person should plan for for a good session with an SP


    Obviously the longer the better, but is there such a thing as too little time? I see some SPs advertising as little as 15 minute sessions. That seems really short! Would a 15 or 30 min appointment be worth it? (I mean, as a hobbyist you could indulge more often, but it seems like that would be rushed and you'd be better off saving up for longer sessions. And do SPs actually enjoy short sessions, or do they only offer it to meet demand?)


    Wondering some thoughts from others on this. Thanks in advance for your knowledge

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