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Posts posted by KaceyKatzegeist

  1. Unfortunately, Christmas is putting me in a rather foul mood this year. I'm currently in school (yes, I was serious on my bio when I put school girl as an occupation) and so money is tight, as it is for all students, and I'm not able to get my family anything for Christmas. I know my parents will understand, but a part of me will always feel like I've done something wrong if I can't give them something for Christmas/their birthdays/their respective parent appreciation days.


    Having said that, I don't see why anyone needs to be doing any of those sniping attitude remarks regardless of what time of year it is.

  2. I don't know that I'd ever do 15 minute appointments. I take my time to make sure that I look good for a session. I make sure my nails are done, my hair is looking decent, my face looks good (which may include applying some makeup or not), take a bath, etc.


    That's a lot to do for 15 minutes ... My last appointment, I worked on my appearance for a good two hours before I found out it had to be canceled. I'm sure people would be more likely to cancel a 15 minute appointment.

  3. Last time I donated (I haven't in awhile due to piercings and tattoos), the question regarding tattoos was if you had one done in the LAST SIX MONTHS. I guess most diseases will show up by then.


    For awhile, every time they called me to donate, they'd tell me they'd call back in six months because I'd gotten a new piercing or tattoo. (Pretty much this whole year is written off that way.)

  4. Hm ... generally, I'd say it's not a big deal. The lady is being hired to see you regardless of how you look. Just as if she wasn't attracted to a certain race, do you have to tell them ahead of time you're whatever?


    However, being that it's genital and well, likely to go in, I'd inform her in case she's found she's had issues with enjoying her time with someone who has such piercings.

  5. Alexa, I read an article once that mentioned that the beta male is a better option to date than the alpha male. The alpha male already knows he's at the top and cocky about it. He thinks if you leave, he can get someone else, just as hot. The beta male, however, realizes you are a wonderful woman and wants to do more to please and keep you. Just saying ... ;)

  6. Good gods, Julia. I can't believe that woman screamed at you.


    And frankly, even if you WERE recruiting her husband, as she thought, it's HIS choice to call you and cheat. :/ I hate how women have a tendency to blame the other woman 99% of the time and forget the man is the one in the end who chose to actively move on something he knew was wrong.

  7. I'm a polyamorous person to begin with, so one way or another, I would be having sex with other people. I'd need someone I was in a relationship with to realize that I love people. I honestly do, in the emotional sense. I am attached to everyone I am with to some extent.


    Pfft, it's hard to describe, especially without vocal inflections, how I feel about things.


    So either way, I would hope that they'd realize this is how I'm making my money and that money or not, I'd be sleeping with other people.

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