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Code Blue

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Posts posted by Code Blue

  1. I love romance!


    Of course the obvious gestures ... Gifts, holding a door for a lady, flowers (just because) are all so important.


    .... Such intensity is the holy grail!




    Interesting that from an historical perspective Romance as a concept began with the chansons de geste of the 12th century - variants of heroic poems. It was all about the deeds and "courtoisie" to win the hand of the Fair Lady. Gifts and lady's favours.


    I would suppose the nearest now is simply the making of each other feel uniquely special when together.


    The tools may vary with our skills: some converse better than they can cook - I belong to the King Arthur school of baking for example, but can usually string a few sentences together. I am a traditional kind of person though, and like to hold the doors, be the best host I can, that sort of thing.


    In the end I do believe it comes down to the degree of "chemistry".


    Absent that "connection" or chemistry, any action or statement can be viewed with cynical eyes and thus look to be self serving. With a well suited coupe on the other hand, even the simplest of things - a shared cup of tea or coffee as above - can take on an aura of Romance and leave a deep and lasting impression.


    Now where is my White Charger and shining armour?.....



  2. "Freedom is just another word for nothing left to lose" from the song
    by Janis Joplin.


    According to Nathalie Lefebvre, freedom is not the ability to choose between multiple options, but rather, the ability to do nothing at all. ;)


    "Freedom is a loose leash. Freedom is the license to be different.."

    Erica Jong 1994, Fear of Fifty.



  3. ....

    The reason why I love the post so much is because I'm one of those women. I'm an able-bodied, white, cisgender women who is attractive, has class and educational privilege.



    That you are!!!



    Slightly off thread - a book not an article, but try Honey Money: the Power of Erotic Capital, by Catherine Hakim from University of London (UK). She rather attacks the "classical" feminist world view as well as providing an interesting, well researched chapter on the topic from sex workers perspective.



    • Like 2

  4. Excellent site!


    The tempo for compressions - for those of us old enough - is the Bee Gee's "Stayin' Alive". :icon_rolleyes:


    On a sadder note, up to 27% of AEDs do not function when called upon! Still that's an 73% improvement over the alternative.


    It is well know that under conditions of uncertainty most people will look around hoping someone else will have a clue, so simply calling 911 is a huge leap. Great use for speakerphone technology.



  5. The risks of BBBJ run both ways with this activity. There are cases in the medical literature of the recipients receiving a little more than they anticipated!


    Interestingly among young women, the risk of STI is lower with anal sex than with vaginal by a factor of two. However both are more risky by three and six times respectively if BB as compared with Covered.


    The only risk avoidance approach is abstinence :frown:: all else is risk management. The risks from safer practices are much lower. There are lots of other things we do that are way more lethal, say driving a car for example.



    • Like 4

  6. From Wrinkled..


    "This was not a miscommunication thing - she stated that she intentionally phoned because I wasn't expecting it. In her mind, she firmly believed that she had proved something with this strategy."


    I suspect she may reduce her business somewhat unnecessarily by such an approach.


    Similarly, I am aware of a lady who, having been provided name and room number, called at a time when it was most unlikely the client would be there, simply to verify the hotel putting her through, and hence the client's existence.


    I am not sure either is foolproof or even useful, but in matters of comfort, it never ceases to surprise me the nature of some peoples' Reassurance Rituals.



  7. Honestly, I've stopped reading reviews.


    When I first came to the board I did, because I found them a way of sorting one SP's name from another in what felt, at the time, like a profusion of names.


    I use other criteria now to make an introduction and then decide how to proceed once a "channel" is open.


    I tend to agree with the posters who regard them in the same way as "locker conversations", although being the nerd at school, I tended to exclude myself from them for reasons of self-preservation! Despite the emphasis on Recommendations here - a feature I do find appealing - they can at best mislead and at worst still be hurtful.



    • Like 1

  8. Peachy,


    You asked a good question. Formal education is overrated in our society. ....


    ... for a few quotes from Einstein, who was very sceptical about formal schooling and was not a good student at all, as he saw most education as a brainwashing exercise and not a way of making people more creative.


    "The only source of knowledge is experience."


    "Education is what remains after on has forgotten everything he learned in school."


    There is now even a "school of thought" which would suggest formal education is simply societal conditioning as Einstein suggested. The subject makes for Very Heavy Reading though, full of big words and politics with a small "p".


    There are all kinds of intelligence, but the party-trick trivia (for the nervous teen like I was once) and the performing parrot style I see with some "graduates" are not demonstrations of it.


    Emotional intelligence, however, something rather neglected, may be of much more practical use.


    My Mum left school at 14, earned her living, raised a family and when she got old enough to have free time, went back to school and collected degrees for a hobby. She was studying law when she died! Maybe that's what did for her......?


    Don't ever confuse education with being smart.


    Belated Happy Easter to all,



  9. Anxiety and "nerves" are signs of some emotional investment in the moment. In the absence of a little frisson from the adrenalin, we do not react or participate as fully as we would otherwise.


    For me, if there are no such physical signs of interest, the moment is passé and has become too mundane to extract the best of it. If that ever happens in this lifestyle I have more serious issues than the rendezvous at hand!


    On the other hand it is possible to go too far the other way and be paralysed or impaired by excessive anxiety. Fortunately for me, that has been something I have never had to manage.



  10. I fall in with the rest of the pack, in that essentially I look at rates after deciding I would like to meet. Thus the decision is made for me on the interactions we have prior: I don't want to turn up without the agreed sum!


    I have posted elsewhen about the difference between ladies when I noticed variations of up to five-fold in rates. I was educated by the responses to that thread - and if I had any geek skills I should have been able to provide a link thereto.


    I have only felt once that the value I received from an encounter was not commensurate with the sum I paid, and in retrospect that was my fault, not the lady's, and not really an issue of money as such.


    I find I derive more enjoyment from an encounter dependent upon the effort I put into making it enjoyable, not the money I part with.



  11. ....Ccleaner never finds anything amiss and norton hasn't let me down in five years, but there's a first time for everything. Hopefully it is contained to email only. ..


    For cleaning malware from a PC, in contrast to viruses, I would recommend the free download from antimalwarebytes. It covers a different class of problems than viruses.


    I haven't got the link anymore as I have migrated back to Macs these last few years.



  12. Suggestions off the top of my head:


    Sean Young (Blade Runner)


    Rene Russo (Thomas Crowne Affair remake)


    Debra Kara Unger (Payback)


    Catherine Zeta-Jones (Entrapment)


    Catherine Deneuve (Belle du Jour)


    What about Voices? Just shut your eyes and listen:

    Lana Del Ray (Video Games)


    Adele (Set fire to the Rain)


    Holly Brook (Wanted)


    and to be gender neutral on this, What about the later Leonard Cohen versions of for example "Dance me to the end of love" or "I'm your man"?


    CB - keeping warm under a snow bank

  13. Most jurisdictions mandate reporting of STI's - the list varies slightly by Province or Territory - to the Medical officer of Health. The responsibility in law is that of the treating care provider, but labs involved in testing have to report positives.


    Contact tracers are then used to attempt to locate potentially exposed individuals. As has been mentioned, the "source" may not be identified in all/any case when folk are contacted.



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