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Posts posted by thomasocboss

  1. I tend to agree, while seeing her on facebook just by chance tells me she is still in the Ottawa/Gatineau area, it doesnt seem right to contact her especially if she has left the business and is in fact in a family life that doesnt know about it. Would hate to be put into that position myself and doubt she would appreciate it as well.

  2. Hi all,

    Been in this hobby a number of years took a break for a few and now back again this year. When I started visiting mp's it was triple a that was my first experience and what a learning experience it was, won't get into reasons why but I did end up meeting a great mp there named Taylor she had long straight brown hair, spinner, bcup, French Canadian.. This would have been about 12 years ago, she would now be in her 30's and while I know the odds of her still working are slim, I thought I would put the post out there to see if anyone remembers her or knows if she may still work.


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