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Posts posted by hoji

  1. it's an adventure for me, every encounter is and has been unique. I go in with nothing more than an open mind. The chemistry always seems to carry the day. The opportunity to share a pleasant...or...wild crazy moment...or...anything in between with a beautiful woman always does it.

  2. In retrospect, it must have struck the older folk as odd, all their little darlings hanging off the doors. Little legs frantically pumping away. All we needed was a little dog with a birthday hat with a propensity for riding to complete the picture. But alas we didn't have a dog and I am sure they never caught on despite the fact that it was happening all around them.

    Funny why I can't remember how the practice fizzled out.

  3. Last time I checked I was a dude. Exercising did it for me,at least that was what I discovered when I was 9. For reasons still unknown I grabbed and hung off the two knobs of the hallway door. With the edge of the door between my legs I lifted my knees up to my chest so that in effect it appeared as if I was mounting it like a horse. I was the happiest cowboy in the world, riding my vertical steed!

    I remember riding that thing at every opportunity! Fell off a couple of times in ecstasy. I remember my two younger cousins innocently standing by watching. No judgements! Pretty soon we were taking turns! Funny thing that the adults never asked us what we were doing. The door never hung quite right after that.

    My cousins and I have always had great abs.

    Funny thing, this occurred to me in a flashback after I had made an arrangement to meet a local SP. The humour of me as a little kid doing this in full sight of the adults had me laughing uncontrollably. I texted her about my flashback and she responded by telling me in no uncertain terms that she did not want to meet me. She asked that I not contact her again. I must have come off as some sort of nutcase. To be honest, I was horrified to discover that I offended her that way. I guess it is safer to keep my normal reserve.

    So Castle, all is not lost! We men need only to seek out the perfect door.

  4. The festival kicked off with a Night of Filthy Emails on Monday night. Once again a full house of purveyors and recipients of unspeakably inappropriate prose. There were many juicy awkward moments and the readers took full advantage. I encourage all who live in the HRM to attend our naughty little festival.


    I am sad to report however that our champion, Thom Fitzgerald has been given notice to shut down our beloved little independent theatre. Apparently, the landlord has chosen to expand into the space. We are heartbroken over this development but I am certain the Plutonium Playhouse will rise again in another location.


    So come one and come all in support. The subject is sex and that, I know is something of interest to this community.

  5. I am a new member and i have been struggling to educate myself as quickly as possible but I am quite alarmed to learn how often daty is performed during many of the encounters I have read about. If certain SPs are concerned about kissing why are they not concerned about daty? Mind you I love doing it because there is nothing more satisfying than bringing a woman almost up to the point of orgasm and keeping her floating at that point for as long as humanly possible but the reality is that both providers and clients are taking a massive risk. What are they doing to protect themselves?

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