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Posts posted by Lunaterium

  1. So now it's a crime to simply visit a website and view the media on it? No membership required, no downloading, nothing particularly "pirate" worthy about it.


    What's next, suing individuals for viewing a copyrighted stock photo on some random blog? Currently bloggers can get sued for using copyrighted photos in their blogs, that's the new rage. But the individual viewers themselves?


    I know it's just a money play, they'll get more from sending letters to individuals rather than suing Redtube directly, but it's just ridiculous.

  2. I would just like to throw something out there:


    This conversation is predicated on the idea that there is a right way and a wrong way for a guy to be nice / decent / principled.


    Is there an equivalent concept for women? I don't think there is and I can't think of a general situation where a woman is criticized for being too friendly or considerate.


    But with men, there is a right way and a wrong way and being on the wrong side of it, you can get labeled a white knight, pussy, f**got.


    It's a bit twisted and I'm sure it feeds into why a lot of men can be jerks. Because they are to a certain degree discouraged from being otherwise. And for a lot I'm sure it can just be easier than trying to navigate the waters of figuring out how to be "acceptably" nice without inviting ridicule.


    Just my two cents.

  3. Is Buffy Lee still active?


    And does she include happy ending or not? She must since she's on cerb but it's hard to tell from the website.


    From my research (but without having seen them), Jude Masso and Buffy Lee seem to be the serious options for a solid sports/groin massage for areas too sensitive for normal RMTs. I intend to check out one of them eventually but luckily my body has been holding up well lately.

  4. I would be mortified if I developed a hard on with a regular RMT. And that's how I found cerb: I have a great RMT who's sort of hot and it can be a challenge to stay in control. And then finally I thought, maybe I should look for someone where I don't have to worry.


    Call me naive, I had no idea of the wealth of options in Ottawa. But I still haven't taken the plunge yet.

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