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Posts posted by Julianna

  1. I think when you truly fall in love with someone, you fall in love with THEM as they are. I don't see how certain behavior, especially something that is sexual in nature, should change my opinion of someone I am in love with.

    Society puts a lot of heaviness on sex, and in all honesty it is something fun and beautiful that is completely human nature. I'm not here to judge how anybody else thinks or believes, I just think people in general need to loosen up a little bit, and smell the roses. Men and women like variety, clearly or else why are we all here? If everyone would come together and be honest with each other, imagine all of the beautiful open sex we could all have, and how much happier and more connected we could all be...

    Joke. Maybe that's what happens in heaven and that's why we're all naked :icon_lol:

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  2. Yes. That is totally scary. Especially with a SO around. I'm sorry you had to go through that, that is unfortunate.

    I personally would do the acknowledging nod (that nobody would see) and maybe hop onto another machine for 5 minutes, and gracefully exit to return another time. I'm sure my client at this point would be having a slight heart attack, so I will save him the nerves and leave ASAP.

  3. You're the one who said you "don't understand" how other SP's do certain things, I am merely explaining it to you from a different point of view, in hopes you might see everyone is in fact different. I didn't "condemn" you for anything, I don't know you. I merely see what and how you wrote things. I got "offended" (which was a bad choice of words on my part, my apologies, I think "in disagreement" would be more correct) because you blatantly said you can't understand how other SP's do it in such a condescending air that it really merited a response. As for twisting things....PLEASE...I used your own words I didn't twist anything...I merely made an observation from the things that you wrote.


    Call me a hypocritical bitch for all I care, I said what I needed to say because you "didn't understand"...I'm explaining it to you. My gosh...if this is what you call someone getting upset...you're putting emotions on me that I do not feel for you. You have never met me, and don't know what me upset looks like. It takes MUCH MUCH more then a cerb post. If I was so upset...I would most likely have PM'd you, but since I wasn't upset in the least I just explained some of the questions you seem to NOT UNDERSTAND. Also I never said being with another woman is wrong...WHATEVER makes people happy is great. Been there, done that got the T-shirt. Sex is a beautiful thing with one person, two people or more ;). I don't judge what other people do in their bedroom and I hope people don't judge me for mine. I never said anything about your kissing, or mine for that matter. I'm sure you're a wonderful provider and perform your services in whatever way you are comfortable. You definitely did NOT only talk about yourself...you CLEARLY spoke of other people's choices, and other people found the things you said quite condescending as well...


    You can keep your hug frankly...because I don't think I sounded upset in any way shape or form. Stop talking down to people like you know everything. Give me a hug? Come on... Like I always say:


    Don't DISH it if you can't TAKE it. You said right from the beginning of your post that people might get offended...you must of been expecting something. I think I rebutted your comments in a calm manner and NEVER spoke down about you or the choices you made. I merely had a problem with the way you spoke about OTHER people's choices.

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  4. I find opening up all the blinds/curtains and windows inspires me to do the spring cleaning. The sunshine just brings up all the unnoticeable stains on the wall, or the dusty mouldings. I am so glad for the wonderful weather, I spent 6 hours straight spring cleaning yesterday, and the feeling I felt this morning getting out of bed was priceless.


    Cleaning supplies: $20

    Cleaning: 6 hours

    Feeling the next day? PRICELESS LOL

  5. I must say I LOVE stockings. Bravo to all you girls who can wear stay-ups, but I have some pretty thick thighs, and they look best in stockings being held-up with a garter-belt, and some sexy heels of course. Now if you can find your way up to my crotchless panties...;)

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