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Posts posted by johnsonville

  1. 30 minutes just isn't enough time to get to know a lady, and be comfortable with her before having an intimate encounter. On the other hand, I never seem to last a full hour, especially when I'm with a lady that is very sensual.I've requested 45 minute appointments a few times and am usually accommodated. For me, a 45 minute appointment means that I have enough time for an enjoyable encounter, and I can visit my favorite ladies a bit more frequently.

    Would anyone else like to see 45 minute appointments become a standard offering?

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  2. I recently visited an SP that uses textme.us. It was one of the best experiences I've had in a while. There are also SPs that use legitimate #s, but post fake pics and false information. This is the more prevalent type deceptive practice!Using a "Google #" is not only convenient, it's a self preservation technique for a married/working man. I can't afford the risk of using my primary cell to contact an SP, and I also can't afford the risk of owning a pay-as-you-go phone for private use. No matter how well hidden there will always be a risk of it being found.

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  3. Elle's latest photos on Explore Her are sumptuous, I was totally drawn in from the moment that I saw her. She is every bit as beautiful in person, and the best part is that she is also a beautiful person. I'm haven't been a frequent flyer, but I think Elle will change that :-)

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