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Posts posted by cdncasanova

  1. All the derriere talk got me thinking....should I say feeling like learning a new language..ð??? and I know it's been brought up before in past threads, however since the law change many of those lovely ladies are retired. With that said, recommendations for best iâ??land vacation SP? Preferably with "active" status, SP'S welcome to chime in. PM'S always welcome.

    ***Can't wait to try speaking....***ð???ð???ð???

  2. Been on BP pretty consistent....however she seems to delete previous ads..


    someone must have TOFTT by now....no......40F no one else even curious....with those curves if she is legit, and positive she could make a killing.


    nuthin on any board about her......



  3. Comments, and advice alike welcomed. I have admired this specific SP for some time now....however after initial conversations I come to find out that their could be a friend of a friend kind of link....nothing immediately close. However given the age of social media and large groups crossing during get togethers it is in the realm of possibility of crossings paths or having specific interactions with said SP. I am nervous.....but have wanted to see this girl so bad......still do.....but not at risk of life as I know it.....she is like a dream come true I know many cerbites have fallen in "love" with everything about her

  4. Was wondering if anyone's thoughts where similar to mine. As I have found out that I am not the only man in my situation.


    According to Mazlo's Hierarchy of Needs we all require self actualization. Which for most men, can be satisfied rather easily. As long as you are honest with your own emotions.


    I love my wife and family!!! A wise man (thanks RNH) told me that you can not have guilt when it comes to this hobby, if you do....well I don't!


    The main question is am I the only one that this happens to? I may have only been with 2 SP's to date; BUT after each encounter I feel more and more alive. Not that an encounter was better than the other, but completely different, and both filled every need for self actualization I could ever have.


    Ever since my initial "enlightenment" (Thanks Cleo) my home life has never been better. It brought me out of my shell again. I feel alive. Since I met SexxyRebecca the other day, the same thing again.


    Am I the only one who doesn't have guilt, but it kind of has the opposite affect? Would love to hear what y'all think



    • Like 3

  5. Please forgive me Rebecca.....with all the energy that you infused my body with, allowed me to complete weeks of tasks I had been putting off for some time now.....in roughly 30hrs.


    I have been admiring this beautiful women for a while now. However I was intimidated by her picture and previous rec's. This week I chose to contact Rebecca, after pm'n a little bit. I made arrangements to meet her, however I couldn't give an exact time due to Dr. appts and the need to be home. Which she completely understood. I was so giddy with excitement I couldn't sleep. So the next day I messaged her and told her see her soon. Everything seemed to line up. Dr. took me early, so I gave Rebecca a call arranged to meet on the today (which was the 8th.) After which I found out was her birthday. I will celebrate the 8th of January every year now. My encounter was so mind altering and spirit rejuvenating I want to keep my details to myself, as to use them as an "Internal Power Source" There is nothing that hasn't already been said about this gem. "Girl Next Door"....fuk I wish she lived next door to me....


    I will say one thing, and it should make you all pick up the phone and take 20 years of stress off your spirit....keep in mind I am 36.....


    Remember everything you read about her, but believe nothing you read about her.....! WHY? Well you know that ol' analogy if it sounds to good to be true....it is......Well anything that you have read that "sounds" to good to you.....YOU HAVE NO IDEA


    Words can not quantify the rushes and sensations from the real deal!


    Last but not least, what melted me right away.....If you love a cute french accent, as soon as you hear her beautiful voice you will be hooked like I am now. If you treat her right the possibilities are endless!!!!!!


    Thank you beautiful....see you again soon

  6. Now that I am alive again....I feel the need to explore. I am really gravitating to going the "mature" avenue this time. Just something different. Any ideas? would like a smaller petite if possible. I have seen some amazing pictures here. Has anyone seen Mature Ashley from C&K's? She looks like my style.

  7. Sorry Cleo for not doing this sooner. As you just burned me out. ;-) ;-) ;-)


    I have been a "Virgin Hobbyist" for over 1 1/2 years....until yesterday that is....


    I began speaking with this purrrfect example of the female species. At the begging of the week....and not because I contacted her. But because I had a question on the board and she offered this newbie suggestions and advice. This shocked me, due to the fact I stayed in the background never really interacting, and figuring out what I wanted in a women, and because who she is I didn't expect it.


    So we exchanged PM's for a day or two. While doing so, I found myself educating myself on Cleo Catra. I had seen her initial interview with Nikki in Toronto the day she had posted it. She had always had my attention. Just a little intimidated I was. However I knew shortly after she was the one for me. I LOVE THE "BAD GIRLS"


    So after a few tense hours of me juggling, scheduling and timing Cleo and I had figured out Thursday at NOON would work best. Up until that time everything was through PM's. I wanted to make that confirmation personal. So I sent her a text, which is between her and I.


    I was so nervous, like many people I felt like "flaking" a few times. So I took a shower, got ready sent her a text, letting her I would be on the way, because she mentioned she would be with family. She replied "You can call me any time"....


    I arrived at her Palace, as my knuckles hit the door, it opens. Standing in front of me, is the most powerful, sensual image of a women I have had ever witnessed. In one breathe; she takes my jacket; we exchange a nice kiss, (WHICH LIT MY FIRE RIGHT AWAY) and an embrace with her perfect tight body that started melting my insides.


    Once in the bedroom, Cleo's legend status is confirmed if not immediately, with in a few seconds. I was put at easy immediately.

    Every worry and care was just gone, it was like we had known each other for some time, like friends.....


    After making some small talk, and staring in each others eyes for a second, we began kissing...and BAM.....ROCK HARD.....(SERIOUSLY)


    I was led to the side of the bed, and asked a question I have never been asked before......with in a fraction of a second BBBJ......I almost passed out.....(If there was a University for such a thing, Cleo is Dean & Professor) It took every ounce of me to not pop in 2 seconds. I felt like a male pronstar for the first time...and I wasn't doing a thing....


    After some good ol DATY, which I must say is the sweetest nectar I have ever tasted. I had to ask for one of my favorites.... 69er; before I finished my sentence I was told I didn't have to ask twice, I was on my back and in heavan. I will not lie either, I could not help myself. She knows what I mean....I just became an animal. "Man Tiger" there you are.


    I couldn't take it any more, I had to have it inside her. Hat on, and she straddles me like a goddess. After only a few minutes but one of the most physically demanding "sex-rcises" in my life. I wanted to look in to those beautiful eyes, and press against her silky skin. Also learned I like a little dirty talk, with about 2 minutes POW.....round 1 done.


    What came next was shocking to me just because it had never happened. As we lay in our sexual aura, we just talked. Her laying on my chest....everything from life, to where we've been, where we like to go. (ANYONE who knows, knows this is a precious time at connecting) Before I klnew it, as we are talking; she begins to rub my abs...

    BAM that guy pops up.....


    Back to that mind blowing world of Cleo's BBBJ...... What came next I will only say it made me SCREAM CLEO's NAME, all while levitating off the bed with my toes curled....(You know gorgeous)Now I am good at time management and I do not have any idea how long I had "crossed over" to the other side....does anyone else know what it feels like when you "cum back2life"?


    Before I knew it my 2 hrs was done. I am still high from the experience. There is not enough time, nor space on cerb to fully detail any experience with Cleo. If you are like I was, don't wait. That is my biggest regret. I waited this long to feel this good.


    One of the biggest turn on's about Cleo is that she loves a good challenge, whether a newbie or anything else.....right sexy!!!!!!



    As soon as I have the funds aside she will be getting a call, so to all of you please share her and don't monopolize her time after this rec.

    If I had the finances to keep her to myself I would in a heartbeat


    I LOVE YOU DR. CLEO, thank you for saving me. You know that what we shared is so much more than any of these words can do justifying.



  8. Please excuse my tardy response....was with my little one. I will post a real rec later tonight when I have more time....because...welll y'all gotta a wait....lol....and for all the English teachers in the room....I don't care cause my brains are still scrambled. .....and toes curled. ......(Cleo knows for anyone feeling like asking) never felt more alive and ready to contribute more to this group. Who doesn't love a girl who likes challenges... (wink...wink):-)

    Happy Halloween everyone......best ever for me!


    Additional Comments:

    I couldn't leave without giving a big high five to the other one for the healthy push and recommendation. Thanks again RNH


    Additional Comments:

    FUKN RGHT Cleo for Prime Minister.....

    • Like 2

  9. After popin my "hobby cherry" today with the amazing....tantalizing.......shit come on who am I kidding there are no words to describe you Cleo. I got to thinking what other gentlemen's thought where on that feellings and thoughts right before....than on that ride home? my rec will be posted soon about today....I do not mean as far as over all experience. I just mean for all the guys who where like I "was" and a "virgin hobbiest".



    • Like 5

  10. Hey Cerbites, and hopefully a few SP's. Long story short, 34 year old male. 2 year old daughter. Been on here for some time while trying to "fix" things. I think....I know I NEED to feel like a man again....and NOW.


    Any suggestions for my first experience? I am not attuned to any specific "type". I just want a real women, who knows what she is doing. As I am sure I will be nervous at first, but I am sure the "man tiger" will surface eventually. A GFE, with a twist of PSE if you know what I mean. I love 69, and doggy style. Always wanted to try greek, but not a must. Open to suggestions, and any SP's please feel free to help me out with a message if you want. Thanks, this week is the week I become a man again!

    • Like 1

  11. Good Afternoon fellow Cerbites, still a virgin-newbie hobbiest. Almost about to make that ever increasingly difficult decision. Which SP to see. I am some what hypnotized by Katrine Cannon. Does anyone have any recent rec's for her? They all seem to be older ones.


    A women who also caught my eye was Exotic Barbie. Does anyone have any recent info about her?


    Lastly, I know many of the ladies do not like the term ''spinner'' and it took me a little to understand the hole concept, but I must admit now it has me thinking even more.


    Does anyone have any rec's for an Ottawa Area Spinner?

    GOING NUTZ....trying to figure the right lady for me.

  12. Good evening fellow cerbites. So this virgin hobbiest is almost ready. First thank you cerbites and MOD, you have helped more than I could ever say.


    Now this should be my last question before my first exp. Based on all the reviews and my personal preferences I think I have made a decision. however this exotic beauty is rather "close" to home as far a geographical location. is discretion also equal "confidentiality"? I just do not want to be put in a very bad situation. I love my family, and fellow hobbiests will know what I mean. anyone please.........#tiredpalmalatwins........:-(

  13. Good Morning Fellow Cerbites. Question of the day by Newbie.


    I have noticed a few ladies that peek my curiosity. Now the question becomes.....as I am beyond a rookie.....lol


    Could someone educate me as far as the ''service'' is it the same as an SP. ie full service, or is it like the old-cliche days of hands on only?


    So many things to consider when looking. Want my first time to be worth it

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