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Jade-S (Retired)

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Posts posted by Jade-S (Retired)

  1. As always the response here is nothing short of phenomenal. Thank you all for your unwavering advice, caring and support. xoxo


    As Jade I can honestly say, she is mostly just me, with a Different name. I don't try to be something or perhaps someone Im not, the effort it takes to not be myself makes me weary.. :)


    The only difference I suppose is not revealing that personal side, with its ups and downs, mostly difficult to hide the downs. To maintain the professionalism while unintentionally my mind wanders to my life unbidden.


    And sometimes a flash of pain or anguish at a thought cannot be hidden.


    but we all do this, every day don't we?. In one form or another, hide our emotions from others, whether in our personal or professional lives.


    So all in all we will all do what we do, we just have to remember to be present in every moment as fully as we are allowed at the time to.


    To feel the pleasure, to find the beauty and even not fight or ignore the sadness when it does come. Theres blessings and lessons to be found in everything. Truly even with its ups and downs, while you live one life, or two lives in one body, one mind....


    Life is a really beautiful thing....



    J xo

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  2. I think the hardest part, honestly is holding on, to memories, to dreams, to love.


    To what WAS rather than what IS. And those are the things that keep us holding on.


    Some people are lucky enough the evolve, grow and change together. Though its not always the case. Some settle into comfort and are happy there even knowing its not the same.


    There are a million different ways relationships survive, flourish or end. Every one unique, because no matter what two people are never the same.


    I've always believed that it didn't matter, you always have the possibility of falling in love with someone again. I've seen it happen many times over, Because good or bad what you focus on, becomes true.


    All that though being said. I think ultimately our hearts know whats right. And I think we hum and haw for months longer than we need to when we already made a decision. Only to make the decision we had already made to begin with.



    Theres no right answer. Only the right answer for you. And All I can say is follow your heart....

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  3. I've honestly never had to deal with this from an outward prospective. But perhaps the far crueler of the two I have experienced it tenfold.




    Whether my weight fluctuated for various reasons, the only person telling me I was too fat, was me. Our own voice is too often harsh when we look in the mirror. Telling us we are not pretty enough, finding many many (inacurate and untrue) flaws not thin enough. ect ect


    I had gone through a point earlier in my life where I was what you would class as an exercise anorexic. My weight plummeted to about 97 pounds.

    And I still wasnt happy with what I saw.


    (I still didnt fit the ideal in my head, the image of what I thought perfect was.


    10 years older and now 116 pounds. (i think? I dont weigh myself anymore but my clothes fit and thats what I was last time I checked! lol) I've learned to love myself as much as I can, flaws and all, I've learned to love my body and all the things it does and can do. wink wink


    I wonder what it will take to have and live in a world in which everyone was based on who they are and not what they look like?


    Maybe it'll just be when we all stop caring what other people think about the way we look and care enough to love ourselves first.

  4. First let me say....you are incredibly beautiful. (see post about St. Bernard lol)


    Second, yes I think its a problem, some women are naturally thin and some...feel the need to fit into a stereotype that is ridiculous.


    I often wonder why there is such pressure to be so thin and where it comes from, media obviously for a start. I wonder at what point did women start to say that what people want and thats what I need to be?


    Marilyn Monroe who was WOW for a lack of better word was a size? and stunning.


    Angelina Jolie? Just as stunning.


    Either side of shaming is horrible. Whether we (or others) feel we are too thin or overweight. Either is judged and there's no one who has "perfect"


    And yet...we all are. Perfect in our own unique individual ways. Tall slender and beautiful like peachy average? like myself or beautiful women that have all those lovely curves in all the right places!


    Society can go hang! lol As long as you are happy inside and comfortable in your own skin? its all that matters you are already perfectly perfect as you


    J xoxo

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  5. I think I would like to be a Deer.


    They are one of the most beautiful animals I've seen they have a gentle graceful presence that captures your attention, their gaze feels often as though they can see through to the heart of you.

    Always aware of their surroundings sensing danger and whether to fight or flee. yet they love to play.


    Yup i think Id like to be a deer lol

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  6. Your poem was incredibly touching, when I saw your reply I re-read it. It touched me again in a very different way.


    I think you are very brave to have brought up a subject that most would consider off limits but yet most of us at one time during our life have gone through.


    Its not an easy place to be though I've seen the devastation too many times in my life to not see how suicide shatters the the lives of the ones left behind.


    Parents, children spouses siblings their lives are forever changed in one moment. Nor will they, (especially children) ever understand why they werent loved enough for them to stay.


    Thank you for sharing this, brave, beautiful poem, and for taking the time to help people to understand.


    Jade xoxo

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