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Posts posted by Dori

  1. Hello Gentlemen,


    I am bringing back this very useful thread started by Anna Sweets as I am thinking of moving from my current location.


    My turn to ask you if you would prefer a private host location downtown or a private host location midtown. I am not talking about any hotel, but a private placein a medium rise building having a visitor parking. Which would be the pros and cons to be located downtown or midtown?


    Thank you very much for your answers!


    Downtown has too many eyes (for those of us with a lot of friends of friends and close acquaintances) and the parking situation is absolutely horrendous in the downtown area.


    From experience, central and west end locations are always far better.

    • Like 1

  2. Is this a good idea or a bad idea? I know if they ask me for information I tell them because safety is always first.


    Its a good idea.


    In the past year or so there has been an increase in junkies in Kingston. So a lot of "users" will attempt to put up fake pics or just vague body shots. But once you get there you see why no face pics were used.


    Bait and switchers are climbing. It wasnt this bad before but its definitely a bigger issue now.


    In the last year or so I've left many times when I showed up and I saw what answered the door. Either because they completely lied in the ad in one way or another, or because they were obvious junkies.


    If the person you're contacting starts giving you a hard time or making up endless excuses why they cant give you a photo, just drop them. Its totally not worth the hassle to get there and having to walk away.


    Real providers dont give you the run around, and they dont waste your time either. They have nothing to hide. So the moment you run into someone with something to hide ..... run.

    • Like 1

  3. Yep, it would be.


    Not to mention ladies come out of retirement all the time. Doesn't mean doodly squat.


    Until OP graces us with some actual evidence, I'd say this is just scare-mongering.


    Its not scaremongering. I'm not going to put up links because they arent permitted to be posted here so I wont. But Kingston regulars can go to B P and they would know which ad it was I was referring to. It was an S P that I have a history with, so I know quite a bit about her. She would absolutely know who I was, without a doubt.


    At first I thought it maybe she's just coming out of retirement. So I messaged her and asked and said a few things and asked her certain things in specific ways that only she would know the correct response and answer to.


    The person responding to the message answered incorrectly. So its absolutely not her. I can guarantee its not her.


    So the fact that its not her, and the hint of it being a police presence makes it seem too suspicious.


    And trust me, if she came back out of retirement she'd be posting her come back here, as she did before.

  4. I just saw an ad on BP from a S P that has been retired for almost 3 years. She was very well known. Just the ad was suspicious and not like her old ones.


    So I did a search on Google of the phone number and the first thing that came up was a post on a forum that states that police are setting up stings by using old photos and posting up ads to catch old regulars.

    • Like 1

  5. One point: the cop would have no grounds to bust in on two people in private. What evidence would exist of solicitation? This video does a great job of showing the ridiculousness of the new law, but I don't think any consenting adult couples can expect to see any doors kicked in any time soon.


    They cant kick in doors between two consenting adults, even if one is an "provider".


    What they can do is create fake "provider" accounts and fake "provider" ads and set up the individuals contacting those ads. Once the person show up to the agreed upon place, it shows intent to carry out what was discussed (hence "proof") that the person was going to exchange sex for money.


    But they would literally need to the person to show up to the location in order to do something.

    • Like 1


    Well if you look at how the media is actively portraying it to the public ....


    "criminalizing the purchasers who create the demand for paid sex. "


    .... which means this is how police departments will end up treating the whole thing. So basically it will be a carbon copy of the US system. They keep saying its the Nordic model, but its definitely not the Nordic model.







    They're preparing the public to get used to the idea of criminalizing the purchasers and see them as criminals.

  7. CRAP I forgot about Bill C-13 Protecting Canadians From Online Crime Act. They will have the ability to monitor your net use without a warrant. So no privacy on the net period.


    Actually they dont have to wait for Bill C-13, they can already monitor online activities and get personal information pertaining to IP addresses without a warrant from ISPs:




    The Supreme Court decides today whether the warrantless searches and monitoring is legal under the Charter of Rights, and whether police and law enforcement agencies can continue doing it.

    • Like 2

  8. US Border often ask if I have ever been fingerprinted. If you have that opens a big can of worms. Even if you are aquitted or pardoned you are still in that system!


    Re the Registry, I believe it is up to a judge to enter your name, not the police. Fortunately.



    Thats a flawed question for them to ask.


    School children get fingerprinted. I remember being finger printed in grade 6 when the OPP ran there "missing kids" campaign and claimed how finger printing kids would help find missing kids. That campaign ran in every school across Ontario.


    So technically every person would have to answer "yes".

  9. My reading , for what it is worth, says that Savannahs is correct. An independent is free to advertise. Agencies it seems would not.


    It would be a crime for anyone to communicate in any way with the independent about the advertisement but the advertisement it seems will be legal.


    Well if you take how the media is interpreting the wording its like this:


    "Criminalize the advertising of sexual services in print or online, with offenders facing a maximum prison term of five years. "




    That means thats how their legal reps have interpreted the bill, and thats how they will want the public to see it.


    Since the wording the Conservatives are using, like "perverts" and "scum", is portraying how they expect to treat the issue going forward, so they will definitely put pressure on the police forces to act in the way they are implying and they will set an example probably with quite a few (publicly) to make their message clear.


    So I definitely will expect for print and online advertising venues to close the option to advertise such services (whether you are independent or not) for simple fear of potential legal issues (in the same manner that Kijiji and Craigslist ended that option).



    The real downside is that it can also lead to some very shady areas such as disgruntled customers, or competitors to inform and snitch to the police of online/print advertising to get that individual in trouble. Couple that, with the new "anti-spam" laws coming into effect July 1st, and you have trouble if anyone claims you sent an unsolicited communication to them.

  10. This proposed bill is ridiculous!


    Its a copy of the American model of prostitution, which is not surprising considering Harper's government is like Bush Jr. Lite.



    So the new bills provisions means this website has to come down, Including not being able to collect money for banner ads as well. No SP can advertise their services at all online on any website including their own.



    Next stop, mandatory minimum sentences for johns, pimps, and SPs.

    • Like 1

  11. Just my opinion. But I think it is the perception that there are "too many eyes" In reality you are really just another face in the crowd, and not someone standing out.

    And how can room service interrupt unless room service has been called for.

    As for hassle getting into a hotel, could you say which one. Because that has never been my experience. BTW I've had both incalls and outcalls at major downtown Kingston hotels, four to be exact, not to mention one incall on a well known Princess Street hotel, and then two others in relatively less known hotels/motels back in my newbie days...so I draw from seven Kingston encounters from seven different companions. I add that I used to live in Kingston (I grew up there in the 70's, and worked there in the mid 80's), people I used to work with know me and my current co-workers, I have family and friends of family who live there, so I guess I could be seen by those "too many eyes"

    The reality is, and again, my opinion, based on my Kingston experience, well hotel experience no matter what city, is that there is more a matter of perception than reality going into a hotel...the reality is your just another client, you only stand out if you make yourself stand out.

    Anyhow, just my opinion




    You misunderstand by what I mean "too many eyes".


    I know a lot of people (A LOT) in Kingston. So I always run into someone I know, or knows someone I know. That includes having several close friends that work at various hotels.


    Therefore I have to be extremely careful, if you catch my drift.



    As for the hotel interruptions, housekeeping interrupted three of the very first hotel sessions I had in 3 different hotels. The worst was at the Ambassador and at the Holiday Inn at the Waterfront. They almost didnt knock and walked right in. Then there were various other hassles in other hotels, so I avoid visiting SP's that are at using them.

  12. Private residence is absolutely better if you are talking about the comparison with large hotel chains.


    Hotels draws too many eyes, especially if you have to go through a main lobby area, and generally the better ones are in the downtown with severely lack of good parking and very little discretion.


    Every time I've seen an SP in a hotel (which is not a lot) there was always some ordeal to contend with like: room service interrupting, having to wait more to be let into the building, hassle finding the right wing and room, etc.

  13. What can I say .... wow! A great girl. Seriously, she is really really cute and just a so down to earth type of person. Very much the girl next door type thing going on as well. Great body, and very creamy, soft, white skin. If you simply just met her at the bar shes the kind you'd instantly be friends with or you'd ask her out.


    And oh boy .... she's good. Let's put it this way, I moaned, really really loud, and I couldnt stop quivering.


    I'll definitely be repeating!

  14. Wow, that is a run of bad luck. Were all of these ladies Kingston Sp's? I have a tendency to only book visiting Sp's and have always found them exceedingly reliable.


    Yeah they were Kingston SP's. I like locals because I know I they are generally available and not traveling out of town too much, if at all. Plus the visiting SP's tend to be far more pricier.

  15. Im just curious, since you say you book so far in advance, did you confirm the day prior or a few days prior? other than just texting for the location the day of? As personally to me, if you don't confirm the day prior we have no date.


    Yes, I do send a reminder text 24 hours prior, and I usually get a response with "ok, send me a message tomorrow at X:XX time for location details".

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