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Posts posted by kompulsive

  1. Was there earlier with a pocket full of dough, but only a couple ladies were available.

    Nice blonde milf.

    Sexy exotic one named Sonya.

    I didn't pull the trigger on this visit, just turned into a tire kick. Will return when selection is more abundant.


    Anybody experience Sonya, I only got a peek @ her but my eyes were slow to move from bottom up. Looks like a dancer.

    Willing to TOFTT also.

  2. First off let's establish that this is a man who favors physical appearance over personality. Doll faces. Manicures, faux eye leashes. Slutty apparel, skinny waist high heels and stockings and so on.


    Emily is gorgeous. I never experienced her.

    Lots of these other ones mentioned you couldn't pay me to spend time with them. Again I never experienced.

  3. Suprised by how off topic the thread got. I appreciate the input, still.

    Thanks for mentioning Diamond Rae up above, although this isn't her.

    So the classiest local SP is one who is allegedly retired.

    Who would be considered the most classy active local SP?

    By classy I mean she would be breaking necks even at the beach. Model.

    You take her for dinner at five two nine and she stands out.



  4. This is powerful advice. I'm not one to air out assumptions and allegations without evidence. Its hard to explain everything I picked up on, I mean I would of bet what I had in my pockets at the time that she was an escort.

    I guess a more direct question is whois the most upscale and classy escort in Winnipeg, blonde or otherwise?

  5. I was walking through the Fort Garry Inn on Saturday morning and I noticed this extremely upscale blonde leaving the hotel. She looked like a celebrity the way she was dressed with her knee length white coat and white heels. She isn't on bp or I don't even think EC, any ideas? Something tells me she is local because I think I've noticed her in the past and her rates are prolly +300hr.

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