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Miss Melody

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by Miss Melody

  1. Google will show a ton of results but ths site is one where info is verified as opposed to those natural health sites:



    I would use coconut oil for this purpose per se but its just a nice added benefit

    They give the references but if you look at the research they are referencing it actually doesn't have much info on coconut oil specifically except for some topical applications.

    They quote research of compounds that are found in coconut oil as well as other things, but they don't speak to the efficacy of those compounds in the form of coconut oil.

    • Like 1

  2. true it wil break down latex but has some added anti-fungal and anti-bacterial benefits tho

    Like any oil - it'll also stain clothing & sheets


    I haven't read any science to back up these antifungal and antibacterial claims, I've only heard people repeat it over and over.


    Where do you guys get this info?

  3. I have never had one, but am not an anti-vaxxer. In my line of business, I should really have a rock solid immune system and do appear to. Anyone with immune deficiencies should really get one.


    Everyone should get the flu shot, it's not necessarily just about protecting you as an individual. Do some reading on herd immunity. This is why health care workers are required to get the flu shot.


    • Like 2

  4. Hey there boys, I've relocated to Salmon Arm for school. I'm semi-retired and am transitioning out... My schedule is pretty limited to essentially weekday evenings and some weekends.

    My services are as great as ever.

    I'm still the tall, curvy, and naughty girl next door.


    I host from my private little apartment near the downtown center, discreet entrance in the back of my building.


    I am available to do outcalls to Revelstoke, Vernon or Kamloops but there's a minimum 90 minute booking for me to travel that far and it must be planned at least 24hrs in advance.


    Regular rates:






    Overnight or extended rates are available upon request.





    • Like 1

  5. I'm @DeviantMelody and I update often with snippets of my life, my animals, my schedule and my tour dates!


    There's some candid pics of me there, and lots of pics of my furchildren (a horse George Bush, a dog Hillary Rodham Clinton and my other horse that I just rehomed, Bear Most Wanted)


    Plenty of funny things, some sexy things, lots of cute things.

  6. some really fabulous letter submissions on the site from both ladies and gents ... keep 'em coming!






    Additional Comments:

    Some changes have been made to the preamble to clearly state we represent CONSENSUAL sex workers whatever their circumstances.


    Hope that helps to clarify our message and our movement.


    Thanks for hearing and considering our concerns in regard to the general preamble on the site :)

    • Like 3

  7. its clear that there are hundreds of 'save the hooker' movements .... I did plenty of research and found nothing current regarding happy consensual sex workers, especially not in Canada.


    I'd love the links of any existing movements so we can collaborate ... maybe you're better at research and can provide them?


    Ladies there was never any intention to alienate or upset any sex workers. I'm not engaging in a battle here but I also don't want to be bitched out and lied about by the ladies with some strong opinions. I just wanted you to know that trouble was far from my intention. Looks like I've created a bit of a stir.... I wish the energy was focused on the real enemy though!



    Again thanks for the support in nominating my post looks like it was a winner!!


    Ah, you caught me in a gramma error, congratulations. You know exactly what I meant.


    Jessica, you refuse to discuss any of our concerns PERIOD. And that's actually why girls are upset. Wouldn't you be? When it's something as serious as this? Our public representation?


    Also, Maggie's is an advocacy group, susi represents workers and works hard for our rights. Do you think those people are trying to advocate for non-consensual workers?


    I'm completely done with this, as are many. You're successfully dividing the ranks!

  8. I'm the only worker who's ever spoken out? MEOW ladies. Not sure where I said any of that crap. Grow up already. Plenty of lies and insults, not really worth bothering with a response to any of that negativity. There is so much positivity resulting from this movement and that's where my focus will remain.


    The very title of this thread inferres that this is the first time (and therein the only) happy sp "movement" aka spoken out.


    Just sayin'.

    • Like 5

  9. Do you people even read what has been posted?


    This isn't about you, personally, any of you, despite the fact that many of you have gotten extremely defensive of the criticism provided--criticism which I might add that has been completely ignored in favour of "we need all our voices to be heard."


    I'm not saying don't speak up. I never once said that. I said that the way the letter was written was problematic in that it created divisions between so-called "happy hookers' and survival workers. And that survival workers were being thrown under the bus in an effort to show that hey, there are happy hookers who love their job!


    I understand the instinct to say, hey, I'm not addicted to drugs! I'm not homeless! I'm not like them! I understand, I really do. I made similar comments when I first got into sex work organizing. But those comments really are extremely problematic for reasons I've outlined in previous posts. There is a reason the international sex workers' rights movement doesn't use that argument. Because a) it doesn't work and b) it harms other sex workers.


    I would sincerely suggest that MJL contact a local sex workers rights org. There were plenty of form letters that you could write to your MP that did not throw survival workers under the bus, but rather explained the harms of C36.


    Not to mention, it's a bit insulting the way MJL acts like she's the only sex worker to ever think of speaking out. Did you miss the op-eds from Celine Bisette? Or what about the letter that a Maggie's board member named Rachel wrote, which was quoted extensively during the second reading? There were a number of sex workers I know who wrote op-eds under pseudonyms such as the piece by Vanessa D'Alessio, who is what everyone here would term a very upscale escort, who works in Toronto (Vanessa is not her work name or her real name).


    I struggle to believe that they don't read anything we are saying, but they are selectively replying to certain things and completely ignoring the other things.


    To say I'm shitting on a sex worker group pretty much proves that point. Either she doesn't comprehend what's being said or she's ignoring it and trying to misdirect by lashing out at me/others.


    The name is the least of my concerns, it's pretty simple and not clever really (done before, used against us already).


    Frankly if they can't see how this divisivion of us/them is hypocritical and harmful then I question their ability to really spearhead anything progressive. To completely ignore or disregard the legitimate concerns of other workers who are doing their best to remain diplomatic in the face if a higschool attitude of "don't like it? Too bad! We don't care!" is again telling.


    Emily Muse let me join you in your shock at the way this is being handled! (We can perhaps have a shock party? Wear party hats?) None of is said this IDEA is bad. Do not get confused, we should have representation (well we already do, so we could have MORE representation) but the execution of the idea has some issues that I think will work against you in the end game.


    Where's the democracy here?

    • Like 4

  10. I have two Goddesses for today:


    The beautiful and fiery Berlin in Toronto and the exquiste Savannah in Newfoundland!



    Additional Comments:

    Make that 3 Goddesses...


    As equally awesome, smart and sexy:

    Erica Obssession from Vancouver!


    I know I'm a huge Eric and now a Berlin fan. They are two of the most articulate women I've seen post, they come across as very thoughtful and intelligent.



    • Like 2

  11. If a bunch of clients blazed forward with a project trying to represent what they feel is the majority of clients and you knew that the public will paint you with that brush and you feel that while the intentions are pure but the method is flawed and will bring a negative response and actually be USED AGAINST clients, would you voice your concerns?

    Just because they say "if you don't like it don't participate" doesn't mean that the words you don't like and don't agree with won't be used AGAINST YOU by the abolishment groups.


    It's not squabbling, it's others trying to have their voice heard and fearing the reaction from outside sources because of the words of others!


    I've explained how I feel about this and why on other forums, that is all we can do. But guys don't criticize us for voicing our concerns! This affects us too, we have a right to share our feelings. Unfortunately the outward reaction by those who are in charge of this group is apparent dismissal so far. I truly hope that changes because it's going to drive a rift between groups of women that should be listening to each other and trying to work TOGETHER.

    • Like 3

  12. Oh wow I just found this! I believe I was the tallest sp in bc, I know there's one girl my height in Alberta. And one touring from Montreal who's a few inches shorter than me...


    There was a midgit touring who was in van at one time... Lavinia is SHORT!


    Additional Comments:

    Oh wow I just found this! Thanks for the kind words!


    I believe I was the tallest sp in bc, I know there's one girl my height in Alberta. And one touring from Montreal who's a few inches shorter than me...


    There was a midgit touring who was in van at one time... Lavinia is SHORT!

  13. Is there still room for a couple ladies :)

    Vanessa Kelly


    Yes! Vanessa just informed me about this and I'd like to try to attend! If there's room for us I'll start making arrangements asap for flights etc.


    If we come out would there be a possibility of a ladies night the night before? Vanessa has told me how wonderful you all are and I'd like to get to know a few of you before the social :)

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