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Posts posted by hoodaddy

  1. This was quite an enjoyable read. The solitude and survival aspect of it reminded me a bit of Henry David Thorough's "Walden" (which is probably my fave read).

    I could easily imagine myself on that boat with Pi. The story is a good metaphor for life (at least mine) as we all drift aimlessly through life at the mercy of wind and waves, going with the flow, sometimes landing on a beautiful island that turns out to be poisonous or meeting someone that at first glance you think is a friend and turns out to be Hannibal.

    It was refreshing to see a positive spin on the major religions. He really brought home a good message that there is good in every religion, unfortunately we only hear the negative because of all the extremists out there.

    In any case, it was a good read. I wonder if the book could have done without the last part. It was okay, but unnecessary (IMO). Maybe I missed the big picture in the last part, I don't know.

    Thanks for choosing this book. Looking forward to the next (whatever it may be).

  2. I have to say this girl is such a pleasure to be around with. I only wish time would slow down when I am with her. She doesnt rush, but rather she takes her time and makes you feel comfortable and relaxed. She is also very articulate and smart...and her eyes and her smile radiates warmth and makes your heart beat a little faster.

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