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Posts posted by livefast1098

  1. If you are referring to the same Trisha who also advertises on EC I have seen her. Saw her this last Saturday actually, very sweet young girl, new to the bizz. Lacks a little experience (2 months into the job) but I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her. PM me for details if you're not in a rush (I'm not on this site every day!).

  2. Curiousm, I don't think you need to justify your post at all. It was a beautiful homage, an in the moment reflection that positively touched a whole lot of people and, I hope, made a few keyboard warriors think about how to phrase that next "less than stellar" review on the other board.


    No you just happened to get your thread hijacked by a few people, including myself (sorry!), which saw an opportunity to debate on the merits of having a more balanced approach (Jesus! if I haven't wrote that word like 20 times in this thread I didn't write it once!) to the "recommendation" process on this board.

  3. Would you use a tripadvisor equivalent where only positive reviews are allowed to pick a carribean resort?


    When any of you use Tripadvisor do you only book with the hotel ranked first? I know I don't.


    I look at the general score, make sure I'm not choosing a dump, and read a few positive reviews and then a few negatives. From there I match the positive and negative with my set of prioritized criterias for what constitute a good trip for ME. For example: if the resort I'm interested in as bad reviews of it's beach and I mostly spend my time at the pool it won't deter me. However if they say the place is paradise but the food sucks and food is at the top of my list, well then I'll look elsewhere.


    I welcome the fact I can make an educated decision of spending my hard urned money based on MY set of critirias. And I'm sure the "good" resorts welcome the fact that the shady establishments aren't all bunched up with them making everybody look bad.

    • Like 1

  4. Wow! already at the "if you don't like it here just leave" phase and we're only a few posts in to this hijack of the OPs thread.


    I, and a few commenters, didn't say we hate it here, we are saying a better balance would be nice. And yes, as I've stated before maybe this utopia of balance is impossible to achieve but wanting a debate about the feasibility of it shouldn't be met by "take a hike"!


    I'll give you a great example of why I'd like more balance. I responded to an ad from a provider when I first started being a member of Cerb after checking out her reviews here (she had a few). Turns out she was a crack-whore (literally) tricking out of a run down motel. Now a more "balanced" set of recos would've helped avoid a very awkward and very uncomfortable situation for a newbie hobbiest that was seeking a high-class provider.


    Now, for the record, a spend 99.5% of my "board time" on Cerb, so I'm not "that guy" that comes over from the other boards just to bitch about this one. In fact I just logged in to the other one today just to check if my login still worked because I hadden't been on for at least 4 or 5 months!


    So yes I like Cerb. Could I see a few tweeks making it better? Absolutely!! Should I feel bad about expressing that? Absolutely not!


    Additional Comments:

    I believe both Ironman and all-in have some very good and valid points in their posts. Both Cerb and other reviews boards have their advantages and down falls.


    But I think what the OP was trying to say is that even though "you" are posting anonymously on a review board, people should still show a little respect and maturity and not degrade and dehumanize women/people in a disgusting hurtful way. It's just wrong. I think there is a way to communicate your (negative) experience without putting down, trashing and bashing the ladies.



    I think by "honest", he means comments like:

    - She is not the spinner type or a perfect 10 but pretty enough...

    - She doesn't offer the best BJ in town but it was still ok

    - Her rate is too expensive. She was nice but not for that price. Next!

    - etc.


    I guess a little "negativity" will prove that the reviewer is objective and honest in his review/reco.

    Thank you! Exactly what I'm trying to get at. Plus I should be able to say if her photos, ad and other representation of herself and her services are accurate.

  5. For the guys afraid of bait and switch on BP, may I recommend checking out Cowboy Kenny's website! ... Now that man there might not be enough to catch all them scoundrels out there but heck he's the best sheriff we've got 'round these parts!! :D

    • Like 1

  6. Thank you Ironsman1 for that counter argument. I thought you made an excellent point of what I referenced as Cerb being too rosie. I really would like this site to become more "balanced".


    What I see as the big challenge however is: what is a good balance and how do you police it? I'm sure the other board (if we agree on one in particular which we can't name) didn't start out as a "bashing board". But who's going to decide what's appropriate to say? One's comment might be perceived as disrespectful by one SP while another might just see it as constructive criticism.


    I also don't believe that the primary intention of this post was to quash any form of criticism but was intended as an homage to the diversity of wonderful ladies on this board who provide us with a very special kind of service and that no one deserves the type of "intimate" attacks the author witnessed elsewhere.


    I strongly believe your point warrants it's own thread to create a healthy debate about accurate recommendations. I encourage you to start it.

  7. Usually when I see a post like this, my anti-PC side comes out and I become a sarcastic prick and add a comment about what a kiss-ass the author is. Always in good fun, not to ridicule but bring balance to too much goo! Lol


    But this time, Curious, you hit that one out of the park! And all this sarcastic prick can do is totally agree! Having been on these other boards I can't believe the lack of class so often displayed. Now, even though I find this site a little too rosie at times, it certainly beats the outragious negativity found on the other ones!


    Although unacceptable, this "business", like every other, has unfortunately fallen victim to today's culturally acceptable practice of using social-media and the anonymity of hiding behind a keyboard to say the most heinous things about a "product", "service" or "company". Now I won't get into why all this is wrong in this particular "business", the author as already done a better job that I could've anyway but I will say it's an ugly path we're on.


    In the end though it's all about adding my voice to others in saying thank you to all the incredible ladies I've met in this "business". You've given me so much, so much of yourselves and for that I am greatly appreciative.

    • Like 5

  8. Bob54 had long ago recommended that I see Rosie. He cautioned me that she might be a little too PSE for my tastes but said she had the attitude and the body I like.


    It took me awhile to finally book with her on account of the fact I'm more of a GFE kinda guy but damn! I have to say I waited way too long for nothing!! Yes the sex turned into some pretty hot PSE action but not because she "acts" that way but because she is so freaging passionate and sexual that it just leads you into an animalistic frenzy.


    We started off with some nice LFK that quickly heated up to DFK. There was a lot of caressing. So far very much GFE. I undressed her slowly and uncovered what everybody here have stated as one hell of a hot spinner body. Not too skinny with nice muscular thighs and ass ... Oh what an ass!! ... Gentlemen I usually don't get graphic in my recos but you absolutely have to get her to BJ you while you're kneeling on the bed and she lays in front of you to perform her art. The sight of that beautiful little bubble butt of hers in that position will certainly make most men lose it right there and then!


    When I moved down to perform DATY on her is when things went from "mild" (not in a negative way - GFE) to "wild" (PSE). After, what I was told was a very good job :) , she just lit up and it ignited me as well and things turned pretty intense. Now, as is customary in my posts, I will not divulge every thing we did together ... after all I already went farther than I usually do ... funny how she makes me do that! lol


    Needless to say I will be visiting with her again, sooner rather than later!


    P.S.: her incall could be a little classier (mainly the bathroom) - though it is reflected in her pricing - but it's a very very minor detail when you have the chance to spend time with a gem like her.

  9. I would tend to agree with Ironsman but don't mind when a touch of humor or cleverness is thrown in as a bonus ... You're pretty good at this by the way! ... What's important to me is to get the lady's accurate description of her physical appearance, maybe get a few pics in there, and what services she provides.


    As one poster also mentioned, a long list of "I don't do that" comes off as a turn off to me. Not because a certain service I might want is listed but because it makes the SP sound negative and "difficult". I'd rather read: "all services provided are SAFE GFE" than read "I don't do bbbj so don't ask for it"!! Just a question of presentation!

    • Like 1

  10. What a breath of fresh air to meet such a bubbly, sensual and outgoing little vixen. Talk about a natural at putting somebody at ease!


    Saw Chantal today for the first, of I'm sure, many more visits. Like previous posters have stated she is drop-dead gorgeous with beautiful eyes and a sweet yet mischievous smile. She has a slim spinner's body but with perfect curves where it's important! Her massage is soft and sensual, just the way I like it. She takes her time to run through your whole body, including a foot rub that was sublime. Her body slide is very enjoyable to say the least and she does it so well it's hard to believe she's fairly new at this. She is both playful and erotic, switching with ease between the 2 to build up to a tremendous finish.


    But above all else her most spectacular skill is her amazing personnality that will absolutely bring sunshine to your day! I highly recommend.

  11. This as been a long time coming!


    I finally saw Gia this spring after "stalking" her on this site, EC and her own website for months. There was something about this lovely lady that just intrigued me so deeply that I was actually afraid to make real contact. I was captivated by her above average intellect that easily transpired through some of her postings/website musing and the way she described herself in her ads. I was also drawn in by her exquisite body and screaming sexuality so successfully brought to us by her artfull photos. But I was hesitant to make contact because even though I am myself a well educated gentleman I do not dabble, even a bit, in the poetry and readings she seemed so found of and so was afraid we wouldn't connect.


    Was I ever wrong! When I finally found my balls ;p I contacted her through PM and saw right away that she was far from a head in the cloud elitist. And when I finnally met her in person what I found was a very smart and fun loving, down to earth, young woman. An extremely hot and sensual one at that!


    This may seem like a weird reco because I don't even get anywhere near our sexual encounter but I just wanted to get across the fact that she isn't the out of reach intellectual that some believe her to be ... Well I know financially she is for a lot of guys out there ... but on the connectivity level she is very much within reach! So bottom line is: if you can afford her rates don't let the poetry stop you, she is so much more than that!!

  12. I also visited with Nikky this week and I'm glad I did!


    She has a very sweet personality and puts you at ease right away. Like Cato mentioned she doesn't wastes time getting to "business" but not in a "lets get this over with ASAP" type attitude. No she is just very eager to please, and be pleased ;)! At no time during our date did I feel rushed or unattended to.


    She was very responsive to DATY and clearly let me know she was enjoying herself by sweet naughty talk and sexy hip movements. I was then rewarded for my efforts by a fantastic bbbj. Let me tell you gents she has a very talented mouth!! And not just for bj but for kissing also. I too am a big fan of kissing and she has just the softess lips ever!


    The rest of the encounter is between me and her but I strongly recommend you hook-up with her on her next visit.

  13. Being in the retail, commission oriented sales business I would say I'm understanding but unsympathetic to the issue. Everyday commission sales people are treated like crap by browsers who intentionally waste their time to "touch and feel" the real thing but never intending to make a purchase because they'll save 2 bucks buying it online. The clothing business is particularly affected nowadays by this practice, shoes especially.


    It sucks but salesman have grown to accept this and other similar practices as a cost of doing business.


    Now my point isn't to say it's an acceptable practice, far from it. And the particular case study that started this thread is pretty bad but I have a hard time with the institution of a standardized "monetary compensation" rule.


    Like some have suggested each situation as to be evaluated on its own merit. There are other methods to curb this if it becomes a trend, like blacklisting repeat offenders. Deposits or payments in advance will hurt business on both sides of the equation IMHO.


    Anyway that's my 2 cents!


    Oh! and I was forgetting. Just like the previous poster (Steve McQueen) I was cancelled 3 times when in the lobby of the hotel waiting for the room number! twice by the same provider 2 days in a row!! I never asked for anything ... but you can be sure I never went back.

  14. I may not love myself,


    Meaghan, I may not know you but it really pains me to hear you speak like this. Now I hope it was just a temporary moment of rage and disgust towards that ignorant prick that made you write these words because if it isn't the case, no amount of money should be worth living with that feeling.


    I may be reading too much into this and I usually don't get stuck in semantics, as I am far from being PC, but referring to yourself as a "whore" in this context feels wrong and degrading. The GFExperience you ladies provide is so much more than "getting us off" and fulfils a void in our lives that should be acknowledged. The hugging, the kissing, the listening, the being there for us for that amount of time we are together counts in the equation as much as the sex part. Otherwise all we'd need is a glory hole!


    You should actually feel good about the good you are doing! Forget those assholes, they aren't worth the time or the tears.

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