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Posts posted by FootFetishTess

  1. I love the "how to be alone" poem. It's wonderful.


    I saw a video today (a much sillier video) of a song called "get off the phone" about how so many of us are plugged into our smart-phones and missing out on social reality because we're so hooked up to social media.


    As an introvert, I cherish my "me time", but I find that I have to be careful. If I spend that time catching up on twitter or watching youtube, I find that I wind up feeling lonely (not the same as being alone), whereas if I use the time to pursue a hobby like knitting or baking, or to go for a walk by the river, I feel much more energized and recharged.

    It makes a huge difference.


    For me, "alone time" means turning off the internet far more than it means spending time with nobody else in the room.

  2. As a fetish provider, I don't offer GFE (more like "friends-with-benefits" experience?) so kissing doesn't tend to happen. But hugs? Sure.

    I mean, as a very tall woman who offers Size Comparison, full-body contact and feeling enveloped are integral to the experience. But beyond that? Hugs are wonderful. They're a lovely way to welcome someone into my space and let them know they're... "not just a number", y'know? Hugs are important. :-)

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  3. Oh, gosh. I have lots of not-so-secret indulgences (shoes, obviously, but also silk-merino yarn, dark chocolate, Sortilege-based cocktales... I'm a hedonist, what can I say?) but secret ones?

    Oh, dear...

    Okay, I'm coming clean:

    "Who Wants to Be a Pussy Cat Doll" (and its follow-up, "Girlicious") was my secret indulgence for ages, back when I had a TV, and now it's watching youtube clips of "So You Think You Can Dance".

  4. Oh, shoes... How do I love thee...


    Part of why I love them is, I suspect, a direct result of "wanting what you can't have". I spent far too much of my youth in horrible, ugly, boxy shoes (some from the men's department, but even women's large-size shoes tend towards conservative and boring) because they were the only ones that fit. I'd look at the gorgeous, colourful, elegant, High Femme heels, boots, and gladiators on the size 7 and 8 racks (and racks, and racks...) in the shops, and I'd just yearn. Yearn, I tell you.


    Now that I've found (largely online) places that cater to folks with shoe sizes in the teens (I bless the Drag Queens every day, because they're why I get to wear five-inch heels!) I have another reason for loving shoes:


    Shoes are wearable art.


    Just look at them. Shoes are wearable art. <3

















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