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Posts posted by Tsukiyo_Chevalier

  1. I think and having a university degree is not what it used to be. back 50 or so years it almost guaranteed a job but now it is all about the luck of finding and getting lucky with getting employment, and having a diploma can help but not like in the past.

    Thank being said i do think that a university degree still has its place, when i went for my degree it was less about work and more for the sense of accomplishment even thou It might have been a burden money wise and not used for my job. it is still something i can look back on.


    so to answer your question no I think a degree does not guarantee a career with the way the job market is, so i think it should be used for your own pursuit of knowledge, and as a accessory for you life's goals and not as a sure thing.


    Have a great day all



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  2. It is sad to say that is the way the world works, and it is not just for appearances but also for how people act and are as a person that also gets picked on or mocked by others. I have seen it time and time again how when people how do not act as others do , or be leave the same things quickly become the mocking point only for the sol reason that others do not take the time to understand the person they are abusing. most people i think just find it easier to ostracize and push away those that do not look of think like they do.

    (P.s. like with all my posts i hate putting my thoughts into words lol, so i hope you get the massage)

  3. well i do not have a preference. while black would not be my first choice, it all depends on the lady. some colors just go better with different people. and as some body before me said the style also plays i think, such as simple vs. extravagant lingerie.


    but in the end to me it is a small part of being with someone. :)

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  4. I agree with the mod your question needed to be reworded as it was not gentlemanly, remember these are lady's, but I will not go further as the mod already has. If there is someone you are looking at on this board just pm her and talk to her as everyone will be different in there opinion on the same person, also look at the recommendation section to see what others say in what ever area you are in.

  5. Unfortunately as it turns out, the majority




    well because of our legal system only 40% of Canadians voted for the PC that is the crazy part :(


    also i just love the double standered of we think that all women (not men apparently) should be free to do and act how they wont, so long as it is in the way we think they act. I mean that is Nuts. I mean every political party is so-so but i know that i will never vote for the PC not if this is the way they think :(

  6. people well still have a lot to learn :( i have looked after raised and helped animals of every type you could imagine and have seen people do the stupidest things to them. some people think there are superior to any thing else and can do what they want. for example in the middle of a forest one on a trip i saw someone try and stomp on a squeal with his foot and when i stopped him and said why are you doing this, his reply was that they are a bother and should not be here, first off we are in the "MIDDLE OF A FOREST" i mean come on, and this is one of the tamest stories i have. i try to save ever animal i can to al least make up the the ***h**** out there.


    P.S. if you would like pics let me know. :)



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  7. well i just watched the last show (again) of the tonight show with him, and i can say he will be missed. i still do not this that Jimmy Fallan will ever be as good as him but well that NBC. over all you could feel the emotion from Leno in the ep. tonight and i hope he moves on to other things.

    Cheers to Jay, Best of luck :chug:

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  8. I know with the world we live in giving out information of any kind can be scary to say the least. And i an under stand that people do not want something to come back and bit them in the "end" but any lady that takes the time to at least do some kind of background check even if it is just talking to get to know the other person as you can learn a lot about someone that way; is ok by me. i mean i treat my time with any lady as if see way my girlfriend for the time we are together so if she is not comfortable wondering if i am going to do something it would ruin the time together. now there are limits too, i think as the the information that should be requested or given out but that comes down to other factors.


    and for the guys: remember there are a lot of nuts and crazies out there that would not mind hurting someone, or just people that would play around with someone for fun, just to get there kicks. so a little background helps show that you are " hero instead of a zero " (sorry i was going to use gentlemen but the rhyme was catchier :) ) after all just like you are looking for a great time so is any lady.


    have a good night


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