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Posts posted by MsMorganThorne

  1. Wow! That was so offensive. I can't even begin to tell you how angry reading that made me....almost as angry as the other article they published recently. People who know nothing about SWs shouldn't talk about us. I just had an article published in NOW (not sure if I'm allowed to link, so I will err on the side of caution) talking about my very positive experiences over the last 3 1/2 years that I've been in this industry. I wrote it precisely because people know nothing about us and they need to see us as real people!

  2. Just thought you guys might like an update. I was at the SCC when the case was heard. What an experience!


    We are very hopeful. The court asked some really good questions, seemed like they were sympathetic to the decrim side. They made it clear they didn't want to hear about the Nordic model. At one point, one judge got pissed and tried to get the abolitionist lawyer to admit that by putting forth the Nordic model as an alternative, that they really wanted to criminalize everything.


    We should hear a decision in 6 months to a year. Legal minds tell me that this is so the government has time to come up with some new solutions if/when the laws are struck down for good.

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