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Posts posted by Ferrari127

  1. I'm looking for a place to just hang out, not necessarily to have anything more than a drink, enjoy the sights and atmosphere, and maybe even some pleasant conversation (with other clients or service providers). Any recs?


    I've heard CMJ is a very pleasant place, but their website gives the impression it's just for massages. If you're not having a massage, are you just sitting in a waiting room? Will anyone ask you to leave if you're not getting a massage?


    Strip clubs don't have the atmosphere they had 15 years ago. Girls used to actually dance and have conversations. Guys cheered. There was atmosphere. Or maybe I'm just older and looking for something more refined.


    Advice is welcome.

  2. Valentino's was the first club I ever went to...when I was 16. The high school dance was cancelled, and I had to take advantage of being out of the house. I'm of Asian decent, so I figured they wouldn't question my age too closely because it was in Chinatown. They didn't. The waitress told my bud and me our drinks were $7 (for both). We were so nervous, we each handed her $7 with shaking hands. Everyone must have known we were under age, because they treated us like cute curiosities. It was the first time I saw ����� that wasn't while changing diapers.

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