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Posts posted by jdob100

  1. I am just asking for this general question for curiosity


    To answer my own question: I am using providers as I was in a bad marriage for 19 years. After the birth of my daughter, sex was very infrequent and I mean once or twice a year. The last two years I did not have sex with her at all. That along with a there things, we finally broke up. I actually tried to get in the swing circuit, but it was very hard for me to jump in as a single male. I started to date a woman, but we lived over an hour away from each other and I still had the need to make up for lost time thus me becoming a hobbyist.


    Whats your story?

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  2. I just want to give my two cents about Jessica. I have the great fortune to see her 2x as she paid a visit to Syracuse NY a few months ago. My experience with her and her friend was unforgettable. Jessica was by far one of the top 5 providers I been with. Very attractive, very giving and sensuous. She also enjoyed what I was giving her to which is a plus. I highly recommend seeing her

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