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Posts posted by mrrnice2

  1. It is no longer Donald Trump this or Donald Trump that. When you speak of him substitute the words the United States instead because he is being supported by both houses of Congress and a large percentage of the American public.


    I shall be interested to see what the people of Alabama decide on December 12th but apparently there is a good chance that an accused pedophile and stalker of young teenage girls will be elected as a senator of the United States. He is supported by the President of the United States.


    I am feeling very sad about the fact that so many millions of people are ready to throw women under the bus and the LGBTQ community along with them.


    I am perhaps more nervous that Trump will resign or be impeached and they will have Mike Pence in his place. A true hater.


    Just some musings.

    • Like 3

  2. First, if there's anyone out there that missed me, I'm still alive and kicking. :)


    I have been seriously interested in alternative sources of energy since I moved to PEI in the 70's and at that time we were a world leader in wind turbine research. Unfortunately government dropped out of the initiative and we lost our advantage, however we do now generate up to 25% of our electricity now from wind in the province.


    As well I have always had an interest in solar energy and last April I installed 20 solar panels. So far so good and if they perform as advertised then they will generate a little more than half of my annual electricity. I can monitor them literally minute by minute so after a year I shall consider whether to add another twenty.


    Of course I have always had the interest but when the United States began to withdraw from so many of their environmental regulations and were making motions about withdrawing from the Paris Accord, that was the final piece that helped me to make this decision. So in a way this is my FU to the United States.


    For those who are interested, the payback is estimated to be about 10 years. I have looked at going off grid but battery storage is cost prohibitive, even with the new Tesla powerwalls or any other type of battery storage. Right now my over production is credited to my local power utility and I will get that back through the winter months.


    I have always loved blue skies and nothing but sun but now I look forward to those days more than ever. :)


    Sunny days everyone.


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  3. Well it's Tuesday the 8th and now only a few hours until votes start to be counted.


    Any predictions or final thoughts?


    For me I will lean on my long history of idealism so I have to believe that hate will not win out. I think it will be Clinton by a wide margin, but even as I write that I am terrified that Trump will have more millions of secret voters who were too embarrassed to admit they would vote for him.

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  4. It is hard to believe, almost beyond my comprehension actually, but there is a very good chance that Trump is going to be the next President of the United States.


    I have felt from the beginning the anger at politicians and politics as usual, but had no idea that there are millions and millions of people who are that angry that they are willing to go with a Trump to make their point.


    The politics of hatred, xenophobia, misogyny and extreme right wing evangelical ideology was tossed out in Canada a year ago and we shall see how that works out, but I fear the worst in the U.S.case. Trump makes Harper look like a cupcake.


    Why do I care? I care because the U.S. is a world power, perhaps THE world power and what they do has a profound impact on everyone in the world. I am truly worried about the economic impact of a Trump presidency, the potential for major world conflicts of a Trump presidency, and of the message that he will send to our young people about how to treat each other. Canada and Canadians will not be immune to his rise to power unfortunately.


    That election has been unbelievable to watch and follow and I still hope that sanity will prevail even if Clinton is certainly far far less than an ideal President.

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  5. Pretty simple but I am still kicking and it was a gorgeous day in PEI. I was outside from morning till night and got a lot of outside work done. I am planning an early Thanksgiving visit with my girls in Halifax. :)


    I can't believe that it's October, but October is also one of my favorite months.

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  6. I am presuming that in no way you are speaking of revisionist history which is a pet peeve of mine.


    A constitution is a very difficult thing to change from a political sense. In the U.S. the issue is their undying faith in founding fathers and the sacrosanct belief that the constitution is inviolate. For them the desire to hold on to the past will be a difficult thing to get over.


    Religious texts are also inviolate to those who believe, whether it be the Bible or the Koran. How one interprets the text has always been and will alwys be open to interpretation.


    On a more local level it would seem that most Canadians would like to have an abolished senate or a revised one but in order to do so a constitutional amendment would be required and unfortunately that is no small thing.

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  7. Have you ever rolled the dice in any serious way? If so, how did it turn out?


    I have decided to do a roll of the dice in a medical sense. My choice is to lose my leg above the knee or a surgery that will prevent that but with the down side being to lose the one leg above the knee and the other below. The safer bet is to sacrifice the one leg. I have chosen to roll the dice though the risk of a bad outcome is medically significant. Surgery Friday and then we shall see over the next few weeks how it turns out. For the last while I have been pretty upset about what to do. Now I am content with my decision, no matter how it turns out.

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  8. Here it is just the beginning of August and the election is not held until near the end of November, but at this moment it appears that The Donald has finally gone too far. He has had a dreadful two weeks, all of his own making, and at the moment both the national polls and the state polls have him trailing badly. As much as I detest Hillary and the status quo, she is the lesser of two evils I think, and perhaps the general American population is coming to the same conclusion?


    The way that this debate has gone so far it shows the racial divisions and as well the extreme right wing strength in America.


    Now when Russia releases more of those emails.......

  9. Well I`m not really sure what I missed that caused the previous three posts in this thread???


    In addition to my initial post when starting this thread let me say that I do not believe that Trump is planning a genocide against Muslims or Mexicans but if he gets to power with his law and order agenda and starts to try to deport 11 million Mexican immigrants, does anyone believe that they will line up and go peacefully?

  10. They say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. It is perhaps from that perspective that I write this and with a sense of foreboding. I hope beyond hope that I am wrong. As a very amateur historian with a strong interest in the rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany in the 1930's, I cannot help but see and feel the eerie similarities with the rise of Donald Trump who is on the verge of being elected President of the United States.


    It is generally accepted that there were several keys to Hitlers rise. The first was a population that was living in desperate conditions. There was poverty, mass unemployment or underemployment , the feeling of having a lack of control of their own country and there was a pervasive lack of hope. Being desperate they were ready to grasp anything or anyone that offered an alternative. For many Americans this can be argued to be true at present.


    Hitler used hate as a way to unite the country behind him. He gave the people someone to blame and promises of greatness. Through manipulation the people gave him absolute control, legally. We know that the holocaust and WW II resulted - and all of that from a population of people who were just like you and I.


    We need not listen too long or look too hard to hear the hate from Trump and the way that he is focusing that hate on certain groups. He has now proclaimed himself as the law and order candidate. Think Gestapo.


    I realize that this is a very bare bones and inadequate review of the rise of Fascism in Germany in the 1930's however the similarities to today are very clear, at least to me.


    Around the world there is a rallying cry, "Never Again." I am very fearful for a large population of people in the U.S. - Muslims, Mexicans, Latinos, LGBTQ people and anyone that does not fit Donald Trumps world. The chanting at his convention last week told a big story. I am afraid that we are living witnesses to the rise of Fascism.

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  11. Perhaps I shouldn't reply to this not being from Ottawa, but I have had a number of trips there in recent years. Being from little PEI, being in any real city is a treat but Ottawa is more lovely than most.


    I continue to be impressed of course with Parliament Hill itself. The War Memorial is very impressive to me. My absolute highlight as a thing to do was a tour of the Canadian Mint. My biggest disappointment was the Canadian Museum of History.


    It's too late for you this summer but after three tries I hit the tulip festival at exactly the right time.


    I'm assuming that you are heading for the nation's capital city and if so, have a great visit.

  12. Most will probably think this is crazy because my supper could be in the Highlights of the Day thread for me. :)


    First of the season little PEI new potatoes. Not sure what I'll have with them if anything. Maybe nothing excerpt butter. !!!!

  13. Another good member gone. :( I am very sorry to see you leave and I only hope that it is for the best reasons and not because of the way that this site has gone or the legal environment.


    Very best wishes to you and all the best from a fellow Maritimer.


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