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Posts posted by oftenrong69

  1. One of my first calls as a hobbyist was to n SP in Hamilton, but I got cold feet and didn't go. She called me and reamed me out for wasting her time and costing her money. It was a lesson in common courtesy that I never forgot and never repeated.

    I would guess that in the business there is a lot of "window shopping" that happens so, Absolutely block their calls and spread the word but only if it is a definite appointment.

    • Like 3

  2. It seems my earlier post got you worked up and for that I apologise, however let me try to make my point again.....

    If I am attracted to an SP anything in her past is of no consequence to me. That she may have been a man matters not.

    As I understood earlier comments some felt that they had a right to know what was in a woman's past..... My point was an attempt to say that it is none of your business, whether those issues in her past be positive or negative. My (obviously) poorly chosen examples were not intended as a comments on stereotypical views, although that is exactly the way they came accross.

    How about..... If she was previously a hit man, would you demand the right to know that? Could also be dangerous if you piss her off.

  3. So my question horndog is, how much of an SP's past to you feel that you absolutely must, or have a right to know? If she has transitioned to being a woman that's who you are going to see, however you seem to demand the right to know her past......

    Hmmm, so If she has some STD's in her past do you want to know that as well? How about if she had a child and carries stretch marks or had her vagina torn? Or if she has a criminal record? Any and all of these are high probability within the SP community.

    How people choose to make a living in this business is driven by a multitude of issues in their past and so my advise to you would be to assess the person for who she is right now and for the rest of her history it's not really any of your business unless she chooses to reveal it.

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  4. Thanks for your helpful and interesting post. As a man who tries very hard to empathise with women and understand our different pleasure centres, I try to avoid imposing my personal interpretation (which, in most instances is way off base).

    I have always been intrigued by squirting and it looks more like peeng in porn movies when she sprays like a fire hose.

    • Like 1

  5. In reading your original post I got to think about "why" someone would try to use a review to bully?

    As I see it then the reasons might be-

    1. He hopes that it will intimidate you into giving him a free ride

    2. He is pissed at something you may have said in text or on a post

    3. He is trying to 'clear the field' for another SP in your area

    3. He has psychological issues of being in inadequate

    4. He is just a self-righteous bully and it's the only way he relates to other people

    I suggest you put him in the jerk category and try to ignore him and move on unless it feels it may threaten your safety

    • Like 1

  6. For years Iffequented the "Hamilton Strip" in Hamilton On, To see my favourite dancer. What I particularly liked was her choice of music (had a somewhat C&W twang), she danced barefoot and always making a lot of eye contact around the room.

    One day I showed up and she was gone, when I tracked her down she told me that she had been fired because she had turned 40. I was floored a) she didn't look it and b) she was very popular with the drinkers.


    Unfortunately although this would be legal grounds for her to sue, she was not going to do that because of the danger of pissing off the owners.

    In my books she was worth so much more than the skanky young girls teetering on 6"heels but sadly she is now out of the business and making deli sndwiches at a grocery store, fully clothed. ........So sad, I almost wish that there was a club that offered only mature dancers with some life experience and a good sense of humor.

  7. Please don't Andrea, I agree that from this side your body is just wonderful the way it is. So bigger boobs won't do anything for your looks, but I guess that's not what drives your wish for bigger boobs. Oh yes our view is biased, but we believe tiny is way more special than just another set of look alike silicone implants.

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