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Posts posted by Weiner9

  1. Most therapists will use both hands throughout the massage treatment, it's not a Manitoba thing if your therapist just used one hand. As a therapist myself I do sit at times throughout but both hands are always working on the client. It is possible that your therapist isn't comfortable with you, and not into providing their best. Nothing against you it just can happen, not every match is a good fit. If your not comfortable with your experience then keep looking till you find the right experience your looking for. There are many well liked women on here to try, look on this site for recommendations or pm others for suggestions. And always remember a simple rule, if the client is clean, respectful and generous, then their therapist will always give you a reason to smile. Guaranteed

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  2. Cold FX isn't a drug, it's a herb. America Ginseng. As with most herbs they don't give immediate results but need to be taken on a ongoing basis for health maintenance. Then if you feel a cold coming on that's when you take more to boost the effects. Cold FX is overpriced, so I use America Ginseng from a herb store. It's much less pricey. I find if I continue with just one a day it's all I need. Then if I feel like something is coming on I take more. I am exposed to clients who are sick all the time and never get sick myself. But just wait after posting this I'll get sick lol.

  3. While giving or receiving a massage there needs to be a comfortable atmosphere, soft music, dim lighting or candle light, a warm room or table, warm oil, lite conversation at the beginning just to help the client feel comfortable. And a caring touch. All this sets the proper soothing mood for relaxating and a enjoyable experience.

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  4. Thanks for your comments. Hi yes I do provide massages, a great deep tissue and relaxation to clients but I guess what im asking is if anyone knows a therapist who can also give a very very strong yet soothing massage. Not looking for HE. I'd like to feel like my clients do when they stumble out of my home studio. Any recommendations? Thanks.

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