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Evangeline Grace

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Posts posted by Evangeline Grace

  1. Sarah, you keep saying this all over the place... do I really need to go into details on every single page? Ok, fine so hear goes...


    Signing the petition is only a small part of the big picture. As someone who is experienced with social media and how to promote a cause, whether signatures are recognized through the senate or not has little to do with it. When a person signs the petition and perhaps shares it, we continue to educate people. I haven't worked on this enough because I need to work to pay the bills as well.


    Someone who says they are retired and could be utilizing their time to help, seems to insist on doing what they can to avert people from signing the petition. I have always supported you in your endeavour to update us on Bill C-36; why you behave the way you do is beyond me.


    So YES, you should send in a letter, but as we all know, not many related to the industry are going to be willing to do that. That is what the Conservative Government is counting on. So the fact that I give a venue for ANYONE to say something and protest, is a GOOD thing, not a NEGATIVE thing.


    If we actually got the number of signatures that were possible if people actually spoke their mind, it may capture media attention.... I know the Bill will pass, but I encourage you to keep signing, as I am taking this all the way to the next election. It takes time to get people involved, it takes time to educate people on what is really happening, and it will take time to overturn this bill... that is why every step of the way we need to network and stick together.



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  2. Comments left on Petition:


    MALE, CALGARY, CANADA about 10 hours ago

    Because consenting adults should have the right to set the terms of their own private sexual experience. When phrased as a question the answer becomes clear - Should consenting adults be able to set the terms of their own sexual experience? Canada is NOT Sweden.


    Because virtually all organizations that represent active sex workers are against Bill C-36 on the grounds that it will make sex work more dangerous. These voices have been roundly ignored. To ignore the input of those who undertsand the issues best and are most directly affected by Bill C-36 is arrogant, patronizing and unethical.


    FEMALE, VANCOUVER, CANADA about 13 hours ago

    Canada is supposed to be the land of the free- freedom to do a job that is between 2 consenting adults- that is what I as a provider offer. I do it as my choice, I am independent .


    My clients are decent people who have a human desire that I fill.


    Please go after those who traffic children and foreigners who are being used as slaves-that is a totally different situation.


    The thousands of independent, happy, healthy, escorts need to be able to advertize so we can be safe and continue to screen our clients- they are not criminals !!


    Either are we- dont take our freedom away please !!

    • Like 4

  3. Well considering how angry so many of us about Bill C-36, I really do hope that the Conservatives do not win these seats. Perhaps if they don't it will give him something to ponder. I know a lot of people support him and honestly I didn't have anything against him until now, but I don't follow politics much either. I am however not happy with how he has handled this whole Bill C-36 issue.



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