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Nichole Jenisen

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Posts posted by Nichole Jenisen

  1. I was going to say what I do, but Sweetest Massage covered it. When I get online inquiries I have a standard copy/paste I send them if their msg is not one that is worth my time.

    This way if it is an honest mistake, they can read the info I sent them and try again.

  2. I have never seen an MA, but I would love a massage that included some kissing. Like sort of a second-base make-out?

    Not what all MAs are looking to provide, I'm sure, but if any curvy MAs (or SPs I guess) are looking to make out and do non-FS things with a female client, send me a message.

    • Like 1

  3. WHOA fast replies, thanks all.


    Just to clarify, I didn't mean just messaging women I don't know and calling them honey, etc.

    I meant talking to an SP and agreeing on something else to call them or name to use during a session.

    I appreciate the feedback though that some people never enjoy those nicknames.


    And Summer sorry if I wasn't clear, but no I did not mean asking an SP for their government name. Though I expect to always give mine out for screening or whatever.


    Maybe I was right in the part of my post where I said that if I am not comfortable with a provider's name I should just see another SP.



    Random question - would you care if a client asked you if you could both just not use your name as listed on cerb?

    I'm assuming it may be an alias, but still, maybe you love it!


    Would it be rude if I thought an SP seemed great, but I was going to be uncomfortable calling her her name as listed?

    Like is it okay to just say.... "baby" or "honey" or, I don't know, a different name?

    Is it better to just choose a different SP?


    I think if I went on a date with someone and they weren't willing to call me by name and didn't want me to say my name I would be turned off and maybe freaked out, but would an SP be okay with it?


    If you are an SP who sees women and you answer that you don't mind then it saves me awkwardly messaging you to ask! hahah


    Anyone who feels like commenting, incl clients who have experienced this, I appreciate it! Thanks.

  5. Samantha is so right!


    I was going to write a whole thing, but her comments basically cover it.


    SPs are different than other workers. If a client gets friendly with their dentist and they start hanging out as friends with no $ exchanged, presumably the dentist is not going to be looking in the client-turned-friend's mouth.


    But if being friends means the SP listening to your stories, hanging out with you, charming you, entertaining you... then you are just getting the service you should be paying for!


    If I am at a restaurant and a waitress keeps asking me how I am, would I like more water, and refilling my coffee, I am not going to say "wow, I love how this feels, we should be friends!" and expect her to do this all the time.

    • Like 4

  6. xxxAxxxx

    I am really sorry that I used a term that made you uncomfortable.

    You are right that SP/escort is the type of language used on this board, and I should recognize that.


    I didn't mean disrespect by it and was sort of using a term I thought was all-encompassing, and I will be more careful in the future.


    I also apologize if there is anyone who read my comment and was offended and didn't speak up.

  7. I had full on intercourse with my first boyfriend sitting on a park bench down by the Locks when I was a teenager.


    Also had sex on a lifeguard stand at the beach with a different guy.


    Those were pretty crazy because it was full piv sex.


    Also sex with a girl in the bathroom at Babylon.


    Major's Hill Park?

  8. I love, love, love kissing upstairs at Fax.


    Some dancers are not into it. I don't initiate it, and even if it gets deep, I try to not push it. Usually it is easy if you as the client are the one sitting, them on you. Then they can lean back (away) if they don't want to kiss deeper.


    I totally understand not wanting to kiss if they don't want to, but ooohhh I love it when they do.


    I would love to see an SP even for just an hour of kissing, making out, playing, no sex.

  9. If I had to choose I would prefer a woman in a hoodie or some cute T-shirt, but that is just more relatable for me. I am a different case though because I don't mind the woman not being super feminine, because I am not looking for heterosexuality.

    But if the SP was a femme or just into wearing dresses or whatever for work then I am not going to complain.

    I always worry about if I am making sex workers uncomfortable in any way, so whatever is their preference of clothing is fine.

    • Like 1

  10. Great night at Barefax Thursday night!

    There was an amazing black girl who was wearing a black cropped sweater/top thing on stage that had sleeves, and also a black g-string, with long black hair. She had small to medium breasts and bum, like sort of curvy sort of thin, and was just mesmerizing. She danced to Phil Colins or something, ha.

    I think she was called Nicole or something but I don't remember.

    I had several great lapdances with her... so fuckin hot.

    Love Barefax.

    The door guy said my health card was not good enough ID though... but he let it slide? ugh

    He was friendly though.

  11. Is it just Toronto and NYC that have queer, dyke-y, feminist, lesbian-y SPs?


    Some combination of clothes/style but also attitude is what I'm looking for! Not just a straight woman dressed-up as a suicide girl for an alt fantasy.

    (Or, I guess, a really convincing straight performer so I would never know! ha)


    No hate to straight SPs and mainstream/conventional hotties, just looking for something a little different this time. Or maybe I am looking for one of you but just more dressed-down in street clothes? Like a cutie at the coffeeshop or bookstore.

    Glamorous is lovely for sometimes and many of you are such beautiful model types, but I'm wondering if there is a dyke-y dyke out there or someone who can pass as one who is looking for a dyke-y client.


    No preference as far as skin colour or hair type.


    Plus size or at least somewhat cushy and curvy is excellent.


    Mature a must. Over 25 would be better, or at least mature if you are younger. (No offence to the younger women on here, I just feel uncomfortable sleeping with people who are way younger than I am!)


    punk-rock derby girl knee socks would seal the deal:



    Thanks for reading! Feel free to PM me if you prefer that to writing here.

  12. "Bottle Rocket Hearts" and "Holding Still for as long as Possible" by Zoe Whittall (one of the authors interviewed) are two of my favourite Canadian novels.


    I initially read "Bottle Rocket Hearts" because it was nominated for Canada Reads 2011 on CBC. Set during the 1995 Quebec Referendum, the main character is a young queer woman trying to figure out life and relationships. The main characters evolving sexuality was interesting and the narrative really captivated me!



    I love, love, love those books.

    I like her poems too.

  13. Sometimes I have had strippers full on make-out with me, french kiss, etc.


    I love, love, love this!!!!!!!!!


    I have had others tell me it is against the rules and they will get in trouble when someone sees it.


    I have no desire to pressure a dancer into kissing, so it's fine with me if those women that prefer not to just say they are not allowed - whatever. no problem.


    But am I putting dancers in danger of getting in trouble by kissing?


    Is it unreasonable for me to expect kissing in a lapdance?


    Just trying to see how others feel or what they know - clients or dancers!



  14. This is suuuuch a longshot, but in case anyone recognizes this dancer and her special move, or in case this dancer herself is reading this!


    I only have a few details, but 2 or 3 years ago my boyfriend and I had a hot lapdance from a wonderful chick upstairs at Barefax. I have not had a couples lapdance compare since, and he and I talk about her a lot! :lovers:

    I wish I could go back to her!


    She had dark hair, was white, and VERY friendly and perky and happy.

    I think she was French. I think she might have had a ponytail...?

    So vague, sorry.

    At one point she bent over in front of us and put her finger in her ass. So amazing.


    I need some really good couple action with someone. I have had others since, but they haven't compared.

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