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Posts posted by notatalltall

  1. Believe me I get what you're saying, but I think that was a little unkind. "Specifics" can be discussed in general terms and with sufficiently ambiguous language not to attract that kind of attention. In this case when I met her she suggested that it would have been helpful to know of my plans to visit the Mediterranean region, that's all.


    In any event, you're missing out if you let this consideration prevent you from seeing Kendra Nicole.

  2. I had a great experience with KN a couple of months ago. She is 100% legit, and as you say very hot. One thing you will want to do is discuss specifics of your encounter in advance so she can be fully prepared. I neglected to do so and somewhat regretted it.

  3. I've sent more details in a PM, but I can highly recommend both Studio Aura and Kendra's Red House. They are both classy places with very pretty ladies. The prices are comparable for comparable services at the two places, but Kendra's has begun to offer a bit more, if that's what you're into.

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  4. There's a girl named Kendra Nicole who advertises on ������� as being in Stephenville. Very nice pics.


    Additional Comments:

    Ah, so they censor �������. Well, it's the site where non-youth persons in Newfoundland and Labrador can receive local advertisements.

  5. I also was able to text her (or somebody at that number anyway) on Sunday past. It was a short exchange and then she didn't answer when I asked how long she would be in town. I haven't followed up because I'm suspicious, but hopefully someone who actually meets her will post here.


    Oh and I also did image searches on several of her pictures and found them in all sorts of places on the Interwebs. Very suspicious.

  6. I've generally had poor experiences with local agency girls; the independents are almost always best IMHO. I can give very high recommendations for Savannah Lane and AvaLynn. Sasaki was nice too, but not in the same league.


    Having said that, there are also both good and bad visiting agency-based ladies, and except for one dreadful experience I never got the impression there was a habit being supported.

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  7. I PM'ed but there was no reply, perhaps you didn't get the PM.....What are your thoughts on Sara?

    I really liked Sara when I saw her; unfortunately I'm having trouble contacting her now. I've heard that she isn't very friendly but I didn't find that. If you can find her, I strongly recommend giving her a try.

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  8. I would very much like to hear comments about these girls as well. Am thinking duo but would like to know what I would be getting into. Would also like to know how long more they will be here. Laurence is smokin'!

    I saw Laurence when she was in St. John's. Absolutely fantastic body, apparently she's a stripper in her day job.


    The experience was ... okay, not spectacular.


    Actually the Quebec girl I really liked was named Jessika who was here with Olivia a few weeks ago. Actually Olivia is nice too, but Jessika was amazing. Unlike Laurence, I don't think Jessika fully understands how stunning she is, so her attitude is better.

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