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Posts posted by JohnnyWalks

  1. I think that if he were elected, I would likely move to another continent.


    If elected, I would be the first person to volunteer to go join the SpaceX program and go to Mars... Because with his finger on America's nuclear arsenal and the craziness that is North Korea... I fear what might happen to this planet.

  2. Although possible for law enforcement to get a court order, requiring your telco provider to give them a copy of the your call logs and text messages sent and received by your phone. This is not something that happens every day, the proof of burden fall upon LE to prove the necessity of such an invasion of privacy.


    However if you are really truly worried about this happening to you, do what many other hobbiest have done and still do. Get yourself a prepaid hobby phone and buy the refill cards with cash. The likelyhood of you being identified then becomes significantly more difficult for our dear friends in LE.


    I hope that answers your question.

    • Like 2

  3. Being a Montrealer myself, I can tell you that it is a beautifully city that has something for just about anyone. The suggestion of staying near and around the old Port would be a great idea. As for the other suggestions given above, they are all excellent depending on what you are looking for.


    What you need to decide is what you would like to do while you are here: Sample the night life, the restaurants, the various festivals, visit the sites as well as indulge in your favorite hobby. :)


    One thing I would highly suggestion, is do you research in advance and then I would plan it in advance as much as possible. As the festival season starts soon and with the advent of other large scale events certain restaurants and particular accommodation may not be as readily available for the dates you decide to come here.


    Feel free to PM me if you have any questions.

    • Like 1

  4. My recommendation is


    1) Know exactly what kind of experience you are looking for

    a. General stats do you prefer blonds over brunettes, tall vs shorter,

    slim vs curvy, what about age, etc...

    b. Are you looking for a quick fix, sensual massage,

    longer more sensual meeting,

    how about social time dinner before playtime


    2) Figure out a budget, this can become an expensive hobby/habit very quickly.



    3) Stick with well reviewed ladies, assuming you are interested in ladies and not gents. You will avoid a lot of the pitfalls and issues by using a well reviewed lady.


    4) And of course use your common sense. If something feels wrong or off, simply call it off. Simply out of respect for the hard working ladies in the industry, be mature and respectful. Let them know what is causing your misgivings and give as much notice as possible.


    Good luck and most importantly have fun.

    • Like 1

  5. I would be careful when looking on sites like BackPage and al. Although there are a lot of quality ladies advertising on those kinds of sites, unfortunately in some cases you are rolling the dice.


    The first time is stressful enough as it is, and planning it and it not being spontaneous in my opinion is potentially even more stressful. My recommendation is to go with a lady that has been well reviewed on any of the respected boards, someone that is comfortable with the fact that you are a virgin. This way there are no unpleasant surprises and you can have that fun and relaxed experience you are looking for.


    Simply my two cents.


    Have fun!

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  6. Have traveled extensively in the past, I can certainly feel your pain. However, my experience with last minute bookings is that you may be disappointed just about anywhere you go.


    I am not saying that you will, however it is simply harder to plan and you may simply not get what you are looking for.


    My recommendation is find out in advance who will be working that day and times that you are interested in. Make a a list ahead of time, this way if one person on your list is not available then you have a couple of backup plans.


    Whatever happends, good luck and happy trails.

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