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Rebecca Winter

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Posts posted by Rebecca Winter

  1. While it is my visage that may initially entice you, it is my sharp mind and untamed imagination that will make you take the next step, and keep coming back. Foxy, classy and well-reviewed, I am a low-volume provider and believe genuine enjoyment and meaningful connection are the foundation of success. I am a curator of passions; a choreographer of desire. Let me write your story on my body.






    I am available for SOLO and DUO bookings from Thursday evening (Oct 12) thru to Sunday afternoon (Oct 15). Lily and myself will be staying in a spacious suite in a 4-star hotel in downtown Ottawa. Your discretion is my priority and assured without qualification.

    Remaining availability, listed below, is current as of Monday (Oct 9). For information about my gorgeous, compact, and very gifted friend who I'm once again touring with visit her site: lily-olsen.com

    Listed rates are for INCALL. For OUTCALL service, a fee of $40 to $80 (pro-rated by distance) will be added for travel expense. To book an outcall, a deposit for the outcall fee (at a minimum) must be provided if you do not have good references or p411 verification.



    I was fully booked on previous visits to Ottawa so I encourage you to pre-book, and you can save yourself a few bucks too. A $50 discount will be applied to all SOLO bookings made prior to my arrival in town on Thursday afternoon.



    Thursday October 12 | 6pm - 10pm

    Friday October 13 | 7pm - 11pm

    Saturday October 14 | 10am - 11pm

    Sunday October 15 | 10am - 2pm



    hh - not available for solo dates

    1h $350 ($300)

    1.5h $500 ($450)

    2h $600 ($550)

    3h $800 ($750)


    SPECIAL TOUR DUO RATES with Lily Olsen

    hh $350

    1h $500

    1.5h $650

    2h $800




    - SPECS -

    Age: 29

    5'7" | 140lbs

    Bust: 34B | Waist: 28 | Hips: 36

    Dress: 6 | Shoe: 9

    Wine: Sauvignon Blanc | Food: Oysters


    - BOOKING -

    The advantage of booking Indy providers is that you can develop a rapport with your provider in advance of the date. As a curator of passions I am happy to establish a bit of rapport so as to ensure that our time together is nothing short of magical.

    You may contact me by using the booking form on my site, by sending me an email ([email protected]) or by text or calling my mobile (437-991-8182). Texting is preferred for initial contact but if you prefer calling, please do not call after 8pm or before 10am. Booking need not be stressful; it can take as little as 2 minutes. To make things go quickly and smoothly, here is a list of the info you need to provide when booking:

    1) Name (first name is fine)

    2) Phone Number (booking by E-Mail is fine but I will need a phone number - discretion is assured)

    3) Preferred Date/Time/Length

    4) Any Allergies/Requests/Special Considerations

    5) Screening Requirements - any ONE of the following

    - 1 or more "OK's" on p411 or 1 or more "whitelist" on TER

    - 1 reference (just the name is okay) from a provider whom you've seen in the past 12 months

    - if none of the above, you may provide another review board (e.g. Lyla/TERB) handle + introductory phone call + identify verification

    6) (optional) optimal time for an introductory phone call - a brief 5-10 minute chat to get to know one another and plan our time together




    - REVIEWS -

    Since bursting onto the Toronto scened in the summer of 2016, I have slowly been amassing an array of overwhelmingly positive reviews including 2 recent reviews here on TERB and several others on different boards, in particular TER. I encourage guests to write about our experience and love to hear feedback whether it be public or private.


    What People Are Saying...


    "I had already seen her pictures in the website so had an idea how she looks but when I actually met WoW!!! she is awesome. Slim tall, almost model like girl; slightly nerdy too..." Dec 2016


    "Becca has one of the most beautiful smiles! She has an extremely caring nature... I had no clue was I was in the store for! She is so hot, its hard to keep your hands off her beautiful alabaster skin..." Nov 2016


    "I have been fortunate enough to have spent time with some terrific ladies. However, as I told her, Becca has ruined me! I am not sure that I ever want to see anyone but her in the future. Everything about my encounter a few days ago with her was awesome...." Nov 2016


    "One thing you can't get from pictures is Rebecca's sexy voice and almost slithering seduction. She is the apex and you are her prey. Something else to note and is a reflection of her personality is the detail she goes into on her website. This is someone who has thought deeply about how to create a memorable experience by making a sincere connection. With Rebecca your pleasure is paramount." June 2017




    Rebecca Winter | [email protected] | 437-991-8182 (10am to 8pm only) | beccawinter.com

  2. While it is my visage that may initially entice you, it is my sharp mind and untamed imagination that will make you take the next step, and keep coming back. Foxy, classy and well-reviewed, I am a low-volume provider and believe genuine enjoyment and meaningful connection are the foundation of success. I am a curator of passions; a choreographer of desire. Let me write your story on my body.






    I am available for SOLO and DUO bookings on the following days. Remaining availability, listed below, is current as of Sat Jun 17. For information about my gorgeous, compact, and very gifted friend who I'm touring with visit lily-olsen.com

    Listed rates are for INCALL. OUTCALL Rates simply add +$50 to $100 (depending on distance) for my time and travel expense. A travel deposit, good references, or hotel verification, is required for outcalls with new guests.


    As of Saturday morning I have just 2 spots left. Will be fully booked soon!


    Friday June 16 | FULLY BOOKED

    Saturday June 17 | FULLY BOOKED

    Sunday June 18 | 6pm - 10pm

    Monday June 19 | FULLY BOOKED

    Tuesday June 20 | 8am - 2pm



    hh - not available for solo dates

    1h $350

    1.5h $500

    2h $600

    3h $800


    SPECIAL DUO RATES with Lily Olsen

    hh $400

    1h $550

    1.5h $700

    2h $800




    - SPECS -

    Age: 29

    5'7" | 140lbs

    Bust: 34B | Waist: 28 | Hips: 36

    Dress: 6 | Shoe: 9

    Wine: Pinot Grigio | Food: Oysters


    - BOOKING -

    The advantage of booking Indy providers is that you can develop a rapport with your provider in advance of the date. As a curator of passions I am happy to establish a bit of rapport so as to ensure that our time together is nothing short of magical.

    When booking please provide the following information:

    - Name

    - Phone Number

    - E-Mail Address

    - Board Handles

    - Provider Reference Name (if available)

    - Preferred Date/Time/Length

    - Any Allergies/Requests/Special Considerations




    - REVIEWS -

    Since bursting onto the Toronto scene in the summer of 2016, I have amassed an array of overwhelmingly positive reviews, in particular on TER. I encourage guests to write about our experience and love to hear feedback whether it be public or private.


    What People Are Saying...


    "I had already seen her pictures in the website so had an idea how she looks but when I actually met WoW!!! she is awesome. Slim tall, almost model like girl; slightly nerdy too..." Dec 2016


    "Becca has one of the most beautiful smiles! She has an extremely caring nature... I had no clue was I was in the store for! She is so hot, its hard to keep your hands off her beautiful alabaster skin..." Nov 2016


    "I have been fortunate enough to have spent time with some terrific ladies. However, as I told her, Becca has ruined me! I am not sure that I ever want to see anyone but her in the future. Everything about my encounter a few days ago with her was awesome...." Nov 2016


    "One thing you can't get from pictures is Rebecca's sexy voice and almost slithering seduction. She is the apex and you are her prey. Something else to note and is a reflection of her personality is the detail she goes into on her website. This is someone who has thought deeply about how to create a memorable experience by making a sincere connection. With Rebecca your pleasure is paramount." June 2017




    Rebecca Winter | [email protected] | 437-991-8182 (10am to 8pm only)

    Main Site - beccawinter.com | Ottawa Tour - beccawinter.com/ottawa

    Repas à Trois Dinner Play Party Series - beccawinter.com/playparty

  3. One quick note that I want to make sure people know about is that if you have Angina (or a history of cardiac issues) then taking Viagra could be dangerous. If you start to have angina and take nitroglycerin (or have it administered by you - e.g. by EMS or by ED staff) then PLEASE LET THEM KNOW YOU TOOK VIAGRA! Don't be shy. Erectile Dysfunction and taking medication for it is nothing to be ashamed of. For the most part its a natural part of aging and/or a response to medication that we may take. Viagra plus nitroglycerin can cause severe low blood pressure, leading to inadequate oxygenation of your brain and vital organs and full circulatory collapse in some cases. Don't mess around. I have seen this and its not pretty. Cialis may be safer but always talk with your prescriber (nurse, nurse practitioner, or doctor or pharmacist) about the side-effects and considerations that apply specifically to you!

  4. As a nurse, what I would counsel people to do is to know the guidelines and, if they really want to donate, they can make the decision to tell the truth or not.

    The fact of the matter is that all the blood is tested for HIV and HCV. I would strongly suggest that anyone who is actively an injection drug user or having unprotected high-risk (i.e. vaginal or anal) sex with multiple partners to not donate as they could be within the window period for testing. But otherwise, for most of us, if we donate blood and are HIV positive then they would find it. The restrictions, imho are unfairly prejudicial and not adequately evidence-based.

    • Like 5

  5. Hi! Been with Lyla for a year and a half but am mostly a lurker. Anyhow, I thought I would pipe up here and lend my experience and knowledge - happy to answer questions! In addition to being a provider, i'm also a Registered Nurse and have worked in Family Medicine and sexual health for years. There are a number of misconceptions about HSV.

    HSV has 2 different 'strains' basically - Type I and Type II. HSV also has 2 different sites that it can affect - the oral area and ant-genital area. *Either* type can affect either region. That said, *most* cases of oral HSV are Type I strains and about 60% of genital cases are Type II (meaning 40% are Type I). Generally speaking, break-outs associated with Type I HSV tend to be shorter and less severe (fewer lesions, less pain, etc...).

    Prevalence rates for HSV are about 75% orally and 25% ano-genitally (for Type I and Type II) meaning MOST of US have HSV. If you've EVER had a cold sore you have HSV.

    There is no way to absolutely prevent HSV however some general ways to reduce the risk of transmission. You can abstain from kissing (and oral sex) if you have cold sores or if you feel them coming on (as transmission risk is greatest right before it becomes visible)! If you have recurrent outbreaks you can take anti-viral medications such as acyclovir on a daily basis to reduce the "asymptomatic shedding" that occurs. Generally speaking the more outbreaks you have the more asymptomatic shedding there is. So reducing the outbreaks not only increases your comfort but also reduces the risk of transmission.

    There is no way to definitely TEST for HSV either. The only test readily available under OHIP/Public Health system is to swab a lesion and send the swab off for testing. The challenge of this is that testing can only be done when symptoms are active.

    HSV is a lifelong condition - it never leaves your system however it can be very well managed and a non-issue in most cases.

    The issue that often arises for patients (and lovers) with HSV is when to disclose (or to disclose at all to partners). For those of us who have had cold sores (I haven't, thankfully and I let partners know this so that if they feel symptoms coming on then they can refrain from kissing me or from any oral to genital contact (as ORAL - i.e. Type I - can be spread to the ant-genital area - i.e. Type I in the ano-gential area if one were to contract HSV thru oral sex).

    Anyhow - putting this out there if folks have questions! Happy to answer as I don't want to overload y'all!


    Additional Comments:

    As a nurse and provider, I STRONGLY encourage all fellow providers to get the HPV vaccine if they haven't already. There is a newer nonavalent (i.e. 9-strain) vaccine (Gardasil-9) that is available and covers the 7 most common strains of HPV that cause cervical and other HPV-related cancers (including penile cancer, anal cancer, throat cancer, etc...) and the 2 most common types that cause warts! It takes 3 shots over 6 months and you're basically immune to HPV! Because condoms do VERY LITTLE to protect us from HPV, if we have frequent partners, we're at risk for acquiring HPV. Over 95% (likely more) of people have had at least one strain of HPV at some point in our lives. Basically if you have sex with people who have sex you're going to get HPV.

    So I suggest to women working especially to get the HPV vaccine. It's a health expense and can even be a business expense as well (not sure if it can be both - hunch is no but talk to your accountant)!

    Guys too can get the HPV vaccine so I would definitely encourage y'all to get it too to protect yourself and all your lovers.

    Because none of us ever get tested for HPV (exception if we have an abnormal Pap test and we are over 30 then sometimes the cells are "typed" for the specific strain of HPV. But generally speaking, an abnormal Pap test is a "positive" test for HPV as almost universally this is the cause of cell changes on our cervixes.


    Anyhow, be happy to discuss further and answer questions!


    Your nurse/provider Rebecca Winter

    • Like 9

  6. Hi OP! Welcome to Lyla. Its officially my 1-year anniversary and I have been using the site sparingly but I have met the most wonderful people thru Lyla when I have posted ads.


    To do so, assuming you are an Indy (if you're with an Agency/Spa then you have to pay) then posting ads is free of charge. That said, as other people have iterated, you must wait until your account is no longer moderated before the ads will be immediately posted. It can sometimes take a couple of days so take this into account when posting your ads if you're looking to post for a particular time (e.g. when you're on tour).


    You can post an ad in almost any major city in canada - just scroll down to find the right ad forum (e.g. Banff, Ottawa, Toronto) and follow the directions. If you need any help, PM me and I can walk you thru it. Its daunting at first but with a bit of experience, its not so intimidating. :-)


    To avoid any issues or delays when posting your ads, make sure to read the terms and conditions so that your ad and its pictures don't violate any of the forums rules.


    Cheers and good luck!



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