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Posts posted by NormalGuy64

  1. Carrie I wanted to take a moment a share a few thoughts on our time together the other day. You are free to share these thoughts with your blog readers if you wish.


    I'd like to think that as I've aged, I've matured and so have my needs in all areas of my life. When I was young I was enamoured with women with big tits. If a woman had big tits I was good to go. As I've gotten older, I've discovered that a truly memorable experience requires a mental connection.


    For me, a woman who is down to earth, humble, and easy to talk to is a must. Too many attractive woman act as if the world revolves around them. So it was extremely refreshing to be around a woman as beautiful.


    Carrie the world needs more people like you. People who have used their life to grow and make other happy.


    I look forward to the next time we get together.




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