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Posts posted by mainevent

  1. I have a family member who grew up in the time when there was a pill for everything. And she would ignore any advice to get healthy because she just figured she could take a pill for it and she would be all better. But what she didn't realize was that these meds have side effects, that need to be counter-acted with other meds. She was like a walking drug store. She finally took her health seriously when she was diagnosed with diabetes. She lost an amazing amount of weight, following the advice (and working very closely) with a diabetes professional, who helped her with her diet and portions etc. But my aunt still relies heavily on pills as a solution to all her problems. Her kidneys and liver I'm sure will let her know the error of ways one day. Until then she just refuses to accept her responsibility in her health issues.


    But she doesn't see it.

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  2. I wasn't going to answer this question when I read it last night but I feel like I want to now.


    It's one thing to ask questions like how married clients justify seeing escorts because we answer about ourselves but to ask how to be a good escort smacks of complete arrogance when asked by a client. Of course we all have preferences on physical attributes and type of encounters we like but our preferences do not determine the basis to what constitutes a good escort.


    The "being a good client" thread is useful, especially to newbies, because it allows us to understand how these types of encounter work. There is not a lot of talk about all of this is the outside world. Knowing how to be good client helps booking time with an escort, which leads to sex and other fun stuff which means that we leave the incall with a big goofy grin of happiness! There are no negative downsides to that!



    This is a business so obviously good business practices are required to be successful just like any other business but it also a very unique business that involves humans sharing very intimate moments. It's not like ordering a pizza and the mere fact that you even said that is wrong at so many levels.


    I think that as clients if we do our research and communicate well we will find a good match. There are no contractual agreements here, we can ask to visit again or not ask and the escort can say yes or no.


    I have read the happy hobbyist thread and found it useful. I never knew what to expect when I made my first call to a girl. I only watched movies and thought that is what it is like. It's not lol.


    Yes it seems to be agreed (by girls and guys) that it is a business for the girls, but what made them experts on business practices in the first place? Did they go to school and learn, it is just a natural occurrence or instinct in someone who provides a service? I do my job well, I get my yearly evaluation (to find out if I can improve or be assured that my methods are working and to keep up the good work) I never expected a girl to be a business major. I only expected a small escape from everyday.


    I never imagined that so many guys think that these girls are just there for them to play with. whether it's the girls time or head, or to put them down or diminish them. I also never realized that so many guys want to talk about it lol


    I guess the happy hobbyist thread only covers the basics of seeing a girl. The guys on the other hand. I don't want to be one of those guys

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