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Posts posted by Evolution123321

  1. I have also ran into this. When I inquired she stated I had to E-transfer the total up front. We had never met. The SP was blaming BP and being burned since it went down. I was immediately sceptical so I therefore politely text back with conversation and questions. Once doing this she was polite and text back. Anyways to shorten this, I found she only answered some questions and avoided others. That was all the red flags I needed. This was also going to be an out call as requested by her. So if I had of...... just who would of showed ?? Or would anyone of ?

    I wouldn't chance it and I don't believe anyone should.

    To say the least, there are many nice, straightforward and honest ladies out there, stick with them. Do your research and read the reviews.

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  2. I came across ads. that if you contact them. They say they want to verify you, find out if you're of age, if you're a sexual predator, ETC. They say its for their safety ! It looks like there is a legit secure link where you enter your E-mail. Then once you enter it I'm told they're going to want at least you credit card info that will be charged $0.00 and only used that one time as the verification tool.

    Has anyone else seen this and know what it is all about ? What are your thoughts on this ? Personally I have been steering clear but I am curious.

    Any help with this will be appreciated.

    Thank You !

    Have a great day !

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