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Posts posted by licorice

  1. On 2/29/2020 at 2:14 AM, SmartLamp said:

    I'm pretty sure that's Betty. I saw her a few days ago, exactly what you described,  She told me the used to work at Thompson Dr. with Nancy, and yes, I saw her at Thompson Dr a few months ago. 


    On 2/29/2020 at 2:14 AM, SmartLamp said:

    I'm pretty sure that's Betty. I saw her a few days ago, exactly what you described,  She told me the used to work at Thompson Dr. with Nancy, and yes, I saw her at Thompson Dr a few months ago. 


    On 1/19/2020 at 6:01 PM, Blue0012 said:

    So had a short window of opportunity to drop in here Saturday. It'd been since Sakura opened that I'd seen Betty so figured I'd drop in and see if she was available. I did try calling twice but got message 'the user you are dialing ... blah blah'. 

    Any way dropped in without an appointment. Woman I don't recognize comes out of the back hands up like a surgeon and covered in a TON of excess oil. 'Yes'. 

    I'm like 'I was wondering if Betty were available.' 

    She's like 'Yes can you give me twenty minutes'. 

    I'm like, 'For Betty?'

    She's like, 'Yes I'm Betty'. 

    Now I don't know. Its been a while since I've seen Betty but I remembered her a few inches taller and a lot less round. This woman had wavy reddish hair. Very different then I remembered her. I remembered her average Asian height, not slim by any means but not overweight at all, with dark curly hair rather than reddish wavy hair, and about ten years younger. I don't have the best memory for faces and such, so maybe its me, but has she really changed that much in 8 months that I don't recognize her at all or is someone there trying to pull a fast one. 

    Anyway I agreed to the twenty minutes and told her I'd return. Returned after twenty minutes. Waited ten or so listening the them conversing (loudly, I was in the front room, its not like I was listening at the door) then left. I had only a small window and didn't have time to wait all day. 



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