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Posts posted by Jigglerz

  1. 13 hours ago, SarahAlexxx said:

    Awh. But I'm 5'2 and 114lbs. Guess its an agency that makes it.


    Trust me, I'm interested! 😄 But YFL does not require my photo ID to book an appointment. Nothing against your protocol; it's your choice and you have a right to screen clients as you wish, but it's a little too much for me.


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  2. 15 hours ago, Tejjet said:

    Well! I hope you got your tax refund already! It looks like we are being treated to a smorgasbord of hungry québécois ladies fresh out of isolation! They are literally throwing their entire arsenal at us ! All we can do is stand up and take it like men and retreat ourselves every time a new one comes. Yippee Ki Yay!!! Thanks YFL!


    My sweet spot is 5'0" to 5'4", 100lb to 120ib. If that's your sweet spot too then July is going to be a helluva month! Rose will be here in time for Canada Day and then Bella will be here for (tentatively) TEN days! This is why I love YFL!  I can't wait until Anais returns; she fits the bill perfectly too!  

    Yippee Ki Yay indeed, motherfucker! 

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  3. I woul

    12 hours ago, callofthewild73 said:

    if they're at the esquire, don't take a chance and stay  away

    I would never go to a drive-up motel. At least when you enter a large hotel you have plausible deniability as to your intentions and you blend in with the crowd. 

  4. Well, I screwed up again. Took a chance on a (non-Lyla) local and wound up totally disappointed of course. I don't care about the money, but I deeply regret my wasted time and effort. Thank God YFL has returned. They have me totally spoiled and I didn't realize just how much they contributed to my quality of my life until they were gone. I swear, if they ever stop coming to Halifax I'm moving to Montreal!

    I may sound like a paid shill for YFL but of course I'm not. I just want them to do well in Halifax so that they keep coming here! I'm their Robert Palmer and I'm addicted.


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  5. On 4/17/2020 at 9:07 AM, NotchJohnson said:

    I do not regret doing what I did, and I'm not a violent man, I only used force like this 3 times in my life.

    Geez, be careful. You knock somebody to the ground and they hit their head and die and then you're up for manslaughter. You may get off since it was self defense, but it takes money to defend yourself in court. I'm no pro-fighter but I had my share of drunken brawls in years past and I'm just lucky I didn't kill anyone or get killed myself, lol.

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  6. I'll be back to usual because I think I already had the damn thing in February. I recently found out that a provider I was with back then did a tour of Asia immediately prior. I usually don't get much in the way of colds or flus, but whatever this was knocked the shit out of me for a week or two. Oh and I have no ill-will towards the provider at all; in fact I can't wait to see her again! 😄   I'll be happy when they start doing antibody tests so I can know with some certainty.

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  7. Yeah I saw that. If the pic used was stolen from your facebook or twitter or whatever, you can make a DMCA request/threat to remove it, and they will. That might mitigate things for you a bit. As far as I'm concerned, outers risk being taught a lesson by the business end of a baseball bat. 

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