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Posts posted by soggy-airline

  1. I'm located in Ontario, specifically the Greater Toronto Area.


    I'm still very new to this industry as a client, and I wanted to ask how wary I should be of Police? Are they actively trying to bust people? Do they set up catfish/bait ads or LeoList to catch unsuspecting buyers? Should I worry about Cops at all, or can I engage with Providers at any time and any day of the week like it's another day at the office?


    Some insight about this would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

  2. What do you guys think about a client taking a stance to create their own safeguards, in order to protect from fraudulent services upon meeting with the Provider?


    Since Providers generally ask for the money before starting the session, do you guys think it's fair to propose that the client holds on to the money and only pay the Provider AFTER the service is fulfilled? I feel that if a Provider refuses to compromise this way (she doesn't lose anything by agreeing to this) there's a high probability they were planning to scam me anyway.


    As someone who is a very business oriented, I am happy to reward them with much more, especially if they do agree to my safeguards. Because they demonstrate a level of integrity, morals, and professionalism, I would pay them extra for the same service (e.g. $150 for 30 minutes increased to $250 for 30 minutes instead). It's just good business, and I think Providers with this level of foresight and intelligence deserve more.


    In regards to the TOFTT Guide, I've seen and read many of those tips about how to screen ads on LeoList, but the fake ones can still mimic being real. However, so far, I'm not having trouble with things like their photos not matching who they are in real life. I'm more so afraid of being scammed DURING the actual encounter, where I only get 50% or less of the service that I paid for. 99% of ads say "unrushed" or "no drama", but I've had nothing but that so far.


    Ultimately, I guess it's up to me to show the Provider that I genuinely mean well and that I am here to have a legitimate experience. I'll keep trying, and I'll definitely try using my strategy. It actually kinda worked with one of the Providers I was with in the past 2 weeks, but I unfortunately got caught off guard and she cut me off after 30 minutes (paid for 1 hour), and grabbed the money off the table.

  3. Hello, I'm new to this industry (as a buyer/client in the Greater Toronto Area), and I'm hoping to get some insight from the community. So far, I've had two interactions within the last 2 weeks with providers from LeoList. Unfortunately, they left very bad impressions, but I'm still willing to try. I suppose it really comes down to luck and weeding out the bad eggs, however that could be super expensive and very time consuming.


    Is it common for providers to cut off the session after 10-30 minutes, despite having agreed to 1 hour and having paid upfront for 1 hour? Is a provider obligated to spend the FULL hour with you? Do they have the right to cancel the session a quarter or half way in at any time simply because of arbitrary reasons, despite having already accepted my payment? The first woman I was with decided to cut me off after approx. 15 minutes of our (agreed upon and paid for 1 hour) session. Not only that, she also refused to fulfill the services that was promised in our text messages, and only did what she felt like doing, while completely disregarding what was offered, paid for, and promised prior. I made sure to ask her if she could fulfill my requests before I came over, and she obliged. I asked if I could at least get half of my money back; she looked at me like I was the idiot, and she decided to play the victim. I tried to convince her and I verbally conveyed logical reasoning, but that didn't do anything. I find it strange that a provider would do this to a client, as it really does not make any sense in a business perspective.


    The second woman was the same thing, however, she actually did fulfill all of the services she promised, although, she cut me off after 30 minutes (despite the 1 hour agreement that was paid for upfront). When I asked if I could have just SOME of my money back (at least 30%), she called her friend and a BODYGUARD that were inside a hotel suite next door to force me to leave.


    So, twice in a row, it makes me afraid to try for a third time, or perhaps I am just super unlucky with the two providers I called. I know, two providers is a grain of sand of a sample size, and I should not generalize the entire platform, but since there really isn't anything in place to protect buyers/clients, it just makes the probability of it happening again very high. I suppose it's up to us to create fair safe-guards that can protect us (buyers/clients) from fraudulent services that a provider will likely be willing to compromise with (such as paying them AFTER the services are fulfilled). What could I have done in these situations? I mean, I'm not going to fight over a couple bills. It's not worth it. But I honestly should not have to. It's so wrong, unethical, and immoral. If I pay a certain amount for a particular service, I expect to get that. But of course, the provider has every right to refuse or change their mind at the last second. However, if their 1 hour service is $300, but I only got 25-30 minutes, then I should get at least $150 back (assuming I paid upfront before the session began). This would make me super happy, and would tell me that providers on LeoList have integrity, discipline, and an open mind to perhaps reconvene in the future. This is something that would make me come back over and over. It would also show me that providers that do this have a moral compass to some degree. This would make me want to pay her MORE because of my positive judgement of her character, while receiving the same service (e.g. paying $250 for 30 minutes instead of her proposed rate of $150).


    Any insight would be very helpful or sharing your thoughts on my first impressions experience, and perhaps providing me with some tips on how I can better choose which provider to go with, and how to know which ones have a higher probability of being safe, fair, and that will actually fulfill their services.


    Please note: I will never and have never forced a provider to do things they did not want to. I'm still new, but with what experience I have so far, I ALWAYS ask in text if they could provide me with X or Y. Their response is either a resounding YES or just straight up NO, which is totally great and just super easy for everyone. I admire providers that demonstrate firm decisiveness and I always respect their decisions.

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