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Posts posted by Fonebec

  1. Why you are saying that no one uses them? I have a cousin that shared with me her experience with her boyfriend which has invisible braces and she was getting hurt almost every time when he wanted to pleasure her. She said they were using these dental dams not just for the hygiene buy also for protecting from such issues. It made me understand this better and I will think of it if I will have a boyfriend with braces. Well, I hope we will not have this kind of problems.

  2. On 3/4/2021 at 7:43 PM, NotchJohnson said:

    Can we claim the inflatable doll as a sex toy for men?  I have never owned one and mostly will never either because how do you hide this from a wife to begin with(for myself) and what if you find yourself in a relationship with someone you love?  Will they understand the reason behind?

    Second, if anyone here has/had a doll, I have a question, does it squeak or can it hold your weight?  What is the feeling you get when you put it in it's(no gender here) mouth or bottom parts.  Does it feel the same (I doubt very much).  I only see these useful at a bachelor party only....prove me wrong.

    sure thing, I mean it is a sex toy for us

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