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Downtown Halifax hotel next week Dec 14-18 <3

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Hi!! <3


I'm checked into a nice hotel downtown Halifax (different than my usual)! Than I will be away again for a week or so =)


My schedule:

Monday Dec 14 EVENING ONWARDS (In from Downtown Halifax hotel and Outs)

Tuesday Dec 15 (In from Downtown Halifax hotel and Outs)

Wednesday Dec 16 (In from Downtown Halifax hotel and Outs)

Thursday Dec 17 (In from Downtown Halifax hotel and Outs)

Friday Dec 18 MORNING ONLY (In from Downtown Halifax hotel and Outs)


My rates (For single dates or for couples):



300-90 min


(I charge for time of our date only! No "extra" fees or whatever... everything included =))


I'm 5'10, 23, in shape, very small waist and large hips - hourglass with a bit of a booty LOL. I have long platinum blonde hair, pretty face, always groomed nails and try to keep a tan on my lightly freckled body!


36DD-24-38, enhanced but told I'm very natural feeling (I was originally a full C)


I'm very open-minded, happy and friendly! I enjoy playing as much as I do talking and cuddling! If things get really wild I tend to be submissive and let you drive. I guess we can't list specific things anymore, but I am open to most safe activities and willing to try a lot of things =)


I have a lot of great reviews (Thank You <3 <3 <3) on here if you want to read them first.






PM me or email me [email protected] if you want to setup a date! =) <3



Christina <3




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