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Ava Jones & Heidi Virgin

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I had met Ava Jones back in March. My reference was Heidi, as we had just got back from a couple tropical adventures and she spoke very highly of Ava.


Heidi and her Playhouse was back in town in April and of course I couldn?t miss the opportunity of getting together with her again so I arranged one of those special 3 hour morning visits before going into the office. By chance, Ava was going to be in town the same day. A few emails were exchanged with Ava and it was decided we would surprise Heidi and show up together for a duo. Well the morning arrived and I had a call from Ava indicating she wasn?t feeling well and wouldn?t be able to join us. So it was just me enjoying more time with Heidi in her Playhouse, one of those pleasures in life one can?t get enough of.


It seemed that each time Ava came to town after that, I had the misfortune of being out of town.


Heidi and I had planned to take her Playhouse on another adventure for Christmas, New Years and much of January, but because an old war wound that needs some attention, sadly that trip had to be cancelled but hopefully will be rescheduled as soon as possible.

Heidi was going to be in town just before Christmas, so what else was I supposed to do. With much anticipation, a sleep over was arranged. Checking a little later, Ava Jones would be in town the same time so a request was made to Santa for a duo with Heidi and Ava Jones. Since I have been a good boy this year, one of Santa?s helper s emailed me back confirming my request.


What could one expect with Ava Jones in a Santa Clause outfit bringing me the gift of Heidi all packaged up in one of her special little outfits. After taking time to carefully unwrap my gifts, naturally being a good boy we all shared and had a great time playing in Heidi?s Playhouse together for a couple of hours until Ava had to leave. Sharing good times and friends in so many positions and being that close with them at Christmas. Isn't that the true meaning of Christmas? Two very amazing ladies.


Waking up with Heidi the next morning like I have done so many times before, I realized I had received my best Christmas present ever, and being so very thankful for this past year and all of the amazing times she has shared with me.

  • 5.0
Ava Jones & Heidi Virgin
I would visit again
  • 5.0
Ava Jones & Heidi Virgin
I would visit again

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