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Well after taking a break from hobbying to find a new job and get my finical affairs in order, I decided to dive right in and try Redseductress in CP.


If any of you have seen her post I say that, she underestimate herslef



"Remeber Red on the head means fire in the bed..."


I am not going to give you all of the details but.


Arrived at her location on time, She informed me of her "rules" Conformed right away as I did not want to have her get mad at me, LOVE THOSE RULE!


From there things heated up quickly, as thing moved on I was wondering what happend to the AC, we could have been in a freezer and still have been sweating.


At the end she gave me a bottle of much needed water, after I left I found a local store that was having a BBQ so I took the time to replenish my energy, and get another couple of cold drinks. Stopped in Packenham at scoops to get a cold I cream cone to continue the cold down. Nope still not enough, Next stop Arnprior for cold Beer.


In conclusion boys, before you see her, Get some sleep, take your vitiams, and eat your wheeties. Your going to need it.



NOW Stanely will not speek to me, it seems that he is a tad upset for making him wait for this treat, I figure he'll get over it.


and before any of you ask.


STANELY......The Ultimate.....in a power Tool!

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Awesome rec jughead, Red is one of my favorite people and she drains me dry (pun intended) every time I see her!!:twisted:


When you get a chance you should move this to her recommendation thread:



will give her a bump up the list of recommendations and more and people can see how great this treasure is!

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Aww thank you jughead :D You are adorable! I had too much fun turning up the heat with you! A wonderful way to start my long weekend. Oh and btw Stanley "The Ultimate...In a power tool" suits "him" purrfectly ;)


Thank-you too Jerican! Can't wait to drain you again soon ;)



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Well I think Stanely died on me (sure leat it to him to find a way to get back at me!) and the lads seem to be a little sore for some reason!!!!



dry is one thing but i think that there is only powder left!


but is sure was fun .............

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