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Gabriella Laurence, Carley Chase

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I had mentioned on an earlier post one fantasy gets to be completed and a new one arrives, I had the supreme pleasure of my first duo this past summer, since late September the fantasy that developed in my mind was to have the pleasure of having the company of two ladies for the night, the two ladies whom I was thinking of when that fantasy came to mind was Miss Gabriella Laurence and Miss Carley Chase.


I had the awesome pleasure of having the company of each of these two ladies a couple of times this fall and in conversation I found out they had contacted each other in the past with the possibility of giving some lucky man the pleasure of being with them both at the same time. During the time I was giving Gabby a tour of PEI I brought the subject up, with her respect of my judgement due to the fact the ladies had never met she said it was ok to approach Carley and try to set it up, Carley accepted my judgement also. The maiden voyage of Gabby and Carley being a duo happened this week I am very priviliged to say I was the lucky man and I am indeed a very lucky man.


The title of this review "A Night of Euphoria" describes this occasion so well, the definition of Euphoria is a condition which a person experiences intense feelings,well being, elation, happiness, excitement and joy, that pretty well describes how the Magician felt this week and from the ladies faces them also.


Our evening started out at a nice restaurant where we could sort of break the ice in Gabby and Carley getting to know other, both ladies looking stunning, dressed in a sexy casual way, in a very short time my smile was from ear to ear in watching these two very sexy ladies from across the table chatting, laughing together, in a very short time both ladies told me I had terrific judgement, permanent grin on my face now. There is definitely many forms of foreplay when you are with someone and for sure this was one. If you have had the pleasure of meeting either Gabby and Carley or if you are as lucky as me have met them both imagine seeing them both at the same time you are definitely in a happy place.


We then went to the Condo I had rented where the evening and night was everything I could ever ask or dream of, as you know the success of having a duo is both ladies enjoying each other as much as I enjoy the two ladies, again it was simply amazing how Gabby and Carley were relaxed and into each other on this their first time together. The Euphoria of the evening and the night started when both ladies appeared dressed in very sexy lingerie and in my favorite colours, not sure if any words can describe how I felt seeing them both looking so damn hot and sexy. As usual for the bedroom activities of the night and morning all I can say is both ladies love to please both man and woman and both ladies loved to be pleased by a man and woman, my new titles for both are Gabriella "The Queen of Sexual Sensuality" and Carley "The Princess of Sexual Desire", their new titles fit them so well, I am still so pleased how well they connected with each other, the three of us all got 110 per cent in the chemistry that flowed in the bedroom along with the moans of pleasure, fireworks and waterworks, a Night of Euphoria indeed.


Ladies it was an evening, night and definitely a morning to remember for the rest of my life, excellent way to complete what I call an amazing 2014, I know for sure it will be my pleasure and privilege to be able to see either of you in 2015, hopefully both of you, both of you are very special ladies, very special indeed.


In closing fellow hobbiests here on Cerb as I mentioned in my earlier reviews of both Gabby and Carley if you get the chance to see either lady go for it,you will not be disappointed in anyway, if you have the good luck of seeing them together you can thank me later.

Magician :)

  • 5.0
Gabriella Laurence, Carley Chase
I would visit again
  • 5.0
Gabriella Laurence, Carley Chase
Edited by Triple HHH
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