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A Dreamer among the Humblest...

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I prefer to be a dreamer among the humblest, with visions to be realized, than lord among those without dreams and desires.

-Kahlil Gibran


I do things a little differently and for those of you that enjoy longer encounters, leisurely dates and value sensuality I just might be the companion for you.


I like to explore the chemistry that we create as individuals, I have no menu and I do not like to plan the details of a date, rather I like to let it unfold naturally. I believe we enjoy the experience more when we are allowed to be ourselves, to relax to not worry about the pressures of the outside world, the expectations and judgements of society. I believe we all need an escape and that it's a wonderful feeling to sit back and relax to enjoy the company of another, to enjoy them for who they are as an individual, to explore the mind and body connection and to feel the same in return.


I ask that you leave your deadlines, reports, quotas, proposals, audits, and task lists at the door.




I am in the Mississauga area this evening and will be in Toronto all next week. If you have any questions or would like to arrange an encounter please feel free to contact me via email or visit my website for additional information and my contact form.

I look forward to hearing from you!


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