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Posts posted by brandi


    I just read this link and the last paragraph on the first page says GFE can mean anything from showing extra affection the way a girlfriend might to not wearing a condom.


    I certainly hope they meant BBBJ! I never heard of GFE being BBFS. The way it reads is ambiguous and alarmed me!

  2. One thing you probably have already realized is you should think long term. Down the road if you ever end up in court for anything else this is on a record. Also I don?t know your situation but say 10 years down the road you get married and your SO finds out that could be a problem too. However everyone needs a friend like you as what would life be with out the kindness people like yourself. Your kindness and thoughtfulness is what makes life worth living.

    • Like 1

  3. This year's holiday season is my first as a hobbyist, and I'm curious if most people find themselves more or less active over the yuletide season? I'll have more time, but less disposable cash, so I'm not sure I'll be able to take full advantage of the extra spare time.


    How do you all find the season? I'm curious to hear from both hobbyists and SPs on this one.


    I am usually busier this time of year as men can easily explain being away for longer then usual amounts of time with no questions to where they are and why money is gone. SO thinks he is shopping for Christmas or in a long line up. Many single men seem to feel lonelier this time of year and require services. However I don?t have as much free hrs to work this year as I normally would. The only thing that really slows business is the weather when the roads are really bad or closed.

  4. This kind of stuff offends me greatly. I know not to take it personally but it does hurt all of us honest sp?s as an entire industry when you have to worry like this. I know people are people and theft can happen in any occupation. But please there are some very honest escorts out there! Don?t lump us all in the same boat.


    When a gentleman comes to my in call I have way more to lose then he does. I have no interest in his wallet other then the donation required for our time as I rather long term regular customers then a high traffic revolting door. Treat people right and they always come back. I have had the same in call for 13 years and have no plans of leaving. If a person was stealing stuff from wallets they most likely wouldn?t be able to stay in the same spot.


    I know you need to watch out for your safety but it really bothers me that a man would come here with that in the back of his head but I understand because I have to watch myself when I do outcalls. For in calls I open up my home, you get the privilege of coming in here which makes me vulnerable, you get to use my shower, see my personal belongings etc, leaving me totally vulnerable in many ways. The only thing I have on you is either a board handle or a phone number. I rely on you being discrete and honest just as much as you want that in a sp.


    My clients often come in and leave their jackets/wallets in the front entrance while we are down the hall for fun and then come back for their coat before leaving. Or their wallet is in their pants which are in the room with us. I always make sure they have everything before going and if they ever left anything behind as has happened occasionally (like a watch) I would definitely let them know and make sure they got it back. I have mailed watches to folks from out of town.


    I have had new clients say their wallet is in the vehicle and they leave to get more money and come back and common sense is never leave a wallet in a car! Cars get break and enter all the time even in the best neighborhoods.


    If you are in an in call and don?t feel safe, simply leave. So there is no problems give the lady 20$ to 50$ for her time and to keep your name good. If you stay keep your wallet with you, ie in your pants which are usually in the room with you and in your view, if you still don?t feel safe showering etc take your pants into the bathroom with you.


    Please don?t stereo type us all as the same because we are all different.

    • Like 1

  5. This kind of stuff offends me greatly. I know not to take it personally but it does hurt all of us honest sp?s as an entire industry when you have to worry like this. I know people are people and theft can happen in any occupation. But please there are some very honest escorts out there! Don?t lump us all in the same boat.


    When a gentleman comes to my in call I have way more to lose then he does. I have no interest in his wallet other then the donation required for our time as I rather long term regular customers then a high traffic revolting door. Treat people right and they always come back. I have had the same in call for 13 years and have no plans of leaving. If a person was stealing stuff from wallets they most likely wouldn?t be able to stay in the same spot.


    I know you need to watch out for your safety but it really bothers me that a man would come here with that in the back of his head but I understand because I have to watch myself when I do outcalls. For in calls I open up my home, you get the privilege of coming in here which makes me vulnerable, you get to use my shower, see my personal belongings etc, leaving me totally vulnerable in many ways. The only thing I have on you is either a board handle or a phone number. I rely on you being discrete and honest just as much as you want that in a sp.


    My clients often come in and leave their jackets/wallets in the front entrance while we are down the hall for fun and then come back for their coat before leaving. Or their wallet is in their pants which are in the room with us. I always make sure they have everything before going and if they ever left anything behind as has happened occasionally (like a watch) I would definitely let them know and make sure they got it back. I have mailed watches to folks from out of town.


    I have had new clients say their wallet is in the vehicle and they leave to get more money and come back and common sense is never leave a wallet in a car! Cars get break and enter all the time even in the best neighborhoods.


    If you are in an in call and don?t feel safe, simply leave. So there is no problems give the lady 20$ to 50$ for her time and to keep your name good. If you stay keep your wallet with you, ie in your pants which are usually in the room with you and in your view, if you still don?t feel safe showering etc take your pants into the bathroom with you.


    Please don?t stereo type us all as the same because we are all different.

    • Like 1

  6. I just skimmed over this thread briefly and it sounds like a lot of fun. However, I am not sure if it was mentioned or not but traveling with strangers is something I feel one should really think of all the possibilities before venturing down this path. I have vacationed with a few clients in the past and had some wonderful times. Then there was the time?.I had a regular client who I saw about once a month for 3 years and I knew his full name, where he lived and the business that he owned. Figured there would be no issues. He was also a heck of a nice guy. Only when we were trying to leave the country I found out about his extensive criminal record. This put an end to our trip. It was not the best scenario to be in. Guys and gals really make sure you know who you are traveling with if you go! And even if you know them, their circumstances and behavior can change with stress, anxiety etc and you never know how they may cope. Please be careful.

  7. Is there generally more hobbying in Ottawa, or is it just this site that has such an Ottawa focus? I'm curious if Ottawa's high-tech nature contributes to the higher usage...I guess if that were the case, the Calgary forums would be similarly busy.


    IMHO this site is busier because it is better moderated (they have no hidden agendas), it is SP friendly and an overall more positive focus then other forums which tend to be negative and degrading.

  8. I can only speak for myself and the few ladies that I talk to. We only ask each other about certain hobbyists for reference sake before booking appointments with them especially when touring. Comments that are shared are generally kept to ?yes he was a very nice guy? or ?he was a no show? etc, just general feedback for a ladies safety.


    One the other hand when a guy physically assaults a sp that word and his info gets spread pretty quickly so that no one else gets hurt.

  9. For the past month I've had the same re-curring fantasy dream about one of my most visited,and favorite SP's.


    I simply cannot not believe the tossing and turning, the major hard-on, the waking up and the pillow is wet from me sweating.I actually have to get out of bed and pour cold water on my face! I feel like I'm frigging teenager all over again, having those boy~hood crushes on a girl!


    We are having this great sex, in another country to boot!


    Frig, am I going nuts...or is it normal to dream/fantasize about a gorgeous woman whom you have made love to several times?


    Would you tell her (your SP) that you are having these dreams of erotic pleasure?


    Just wondering if I'm losing my marbles, and should stay out of the game for a while?


    I know I have been playing the hobby game for a while, but wondering if other long time members or in fact SP's have ever gone through the same ordeal?


    Enjoy it while it lasts as these fantasy come and go threw out life or at least they have for me. Don?t judge it or worry about it; just enjoy. It is very normal. Even though we try not to get personal as we are going our separate ways after the session we are after all humans with feelings, emotions and can not always just turn those off. There are clients I sometimes think about when they are not here.


    No don?t stay out of the game for awhile as you put it because it is obviously bringing you great pleasure and stirring something in you other then the body. This is why she is your favorite, she moves you.


    Whether you tell her or not is your call. When guys tell me things like this I have mixed emotions part of me is flattered and it boosts my ego. This just makes me want to please them all the more harder.


    Don?t worry so much.

  10. I find life is always transforming. It is quite an interesting ride sometimes. The last big thing for me was learning to squirt about a year ago. I can?t always do it - only sometimes but it is fun and still new enough that it amazes the heck out of me. It has the same kind of power similar to when I first learned to have an orgasm. I always ponder what will be next to learn.


    I have walked out on a few outcalls, because they man was asking too many questions.

    You both know why your there, so why do you need to clarify anything??? Answer you dont...



    Yes, I recently have been aggravated many times and hung up the phone when I get people who call and say ?what is it exactly that you do?? I just say ?well honey you need to know that before you call.? I feel for the new people if they really don?t know how procedures go. Some questions lately have just been over the top.


    I think they ask questions in person because they want to know what exactly you will do as each escort does things a bit differently example some you can daty , digits, kiss etc and some not. I feel this is reasonable as when I go to a health spa and spend 3 browns I want to know exactly what services I am getting. Sometimes it is very tricky to come up with the exact appropriate wording for every question. I totally get your dilemma.

  12. Do you really need another opinion? Probably not. Here is my spin on it.


    I think many people use swear words and it is just a habit. They all can?t be polished professional businessmen. We have all types to make the world go round. There are lots who have trades or work on the oil fields etc and for many swearing is all they hear all day long in their jobs. I don?t agree with swearing or like it but I understand that is just how some people are and he probably doesn?t even know he has offended you. Actually some of my now best regular clients are ones who I wasn?t exactly thrilled to see at first, a bit rough around the edges but inside they are all the same and need our services too. I really recall one guy who I just couldn?t wait for him to leave and when he called me again the following month if I would have realized who he has I would have just said I was busy. He was here and I had already seen him so I went threw with it and got to see that inside behind the rough edges he was so nice. He has ended up being a regular for over 2 years now and one of my favorites. We have talked about how scared I was of him at first because of the way he talked combined with all his tattoos. He just needed a place to be himself. He truly feels bad that I once felt concerned. I think most men no matter what happens at first, after they have been here a few times they don?t seem so scary and tough as they are usually pussy cats inside.


    As for his email I think if you don?t take things personally and look at the big picture all he was saying is that normally 90% of sp?s have phones and you do fall into the minority and there is nothing wrong with that as that is why you are self employed to make your own rules and run your business in a way which works best for you. He just was so eager to hook up with you and saw it as a road block. So he left his number to abide by your rules he just used a pore choice of words but perhaps he doesn?t have the best education either.


    Everyone?s communication style is a bit different as people are all diverse; I try not to get too hung up on words and focus on what the person is really wanting and their intent.


    After reading that email I would call the number and if I still didn?t get a good feel I wouldn?t go any further but he may very well be different on the phone. Just like there are many who sounds decent on the phone and end up being creeps in person.


    Best of luck to you

  13. I'm with Brandi on this, I don't know how most of it works. Chat boogles and putting pictures up is beyond me. Most providers are people people. We can talk to anyone about anything, but try to remember which button to push in which order is sometimes more than we care to learn. If I can't rub its back and give it a head massage to get it to do what I need done, then forget it! But I love that it's all here, and I am slowly figuring it out...




    I can help you with putting pics up as I have learned that. lol so far so good on that one! if you want to try it just get a hold of me and I can walk you threw the steps either in written instruction or over the phone.

  14. What? I'm still trying to figure out what a fortnight is......


    You are not alone as I do not understand how half this stuff works either and I am trying to learn but it is very time consuming. I need a geek to come and sit at my computer and show me how to use all these functions. Currently I am just happy I was able to figure out how to make a photo album and finally figure out a few other user profile features. I just wonder how many other people don?t use the features because they don?t know either. I am glad that we have people who enjoy bringing all this technology to us though. And btw I still don?t understand what fortnight is but that is ok, I just appreciate having a board that is generally positive.

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