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Posts posted by whatsup

  1. A celebration here tonight. Young Lad becomes an official man. Cooking him Large Filet, Stuffed potatos, Grilled asparagus, Lobster tails and a starter of Shrimp Cocktail followed by Molten Lava cakes. And he will probably still be hungry. lol.


    Of course during prep and cooking a few beer for me followed by a nice Cabernet.

  2. Had the MIL turkey dinner yesterday. I have no idea what toxic substance she adds to her rather putrid dressing/stuffing but it practically kills my gastro tract. Usually the turkey is fairly moist but this TG it was like chewing on a piece of punky wood. lol, not that I have actually done that.


    So for tonights dinner it was all about doing it on the Q. AAA striploins, Grilled asparagus, Potatos with onions, garlic and simple seasoning and probably the best local brussel sprouts that I have ever ate in my life. They were succulently tender and sweet. Nom Nom!!!

  3. I like to text my companion that I have made an arrangement with about a hour and a half before our actual meet up time. I believe it adds legitimacy factor. It takes me around an hour to get into the city, then may have to find parking. I will then text about 5 mins early but not before that, that I am in the vicinity for our scheduled rendevous. This has worked well for me.

  4. Believe me it even becomes more special. When one can overcome the wobbly rubber knees. Been their. :-)


    Cheers and Happy Hobbying.



    Maybe for you...the day I don't feel that way nervous whatever you want to call it) I quit this lifestyle.

    And I feel that way even with ladies I have met many times

    BTW I have met many wonderful companions since I began this lifestyle

    A rambling



  5. RG once one has met many wonderful providers, the rubber knees become a thing of the past. You gain confidence and can converse in a charismatic way. It is really awesome. A logical realtime rambling.





    Well personally, I like to now park as far away in a mall (for those few godforsaken times I go to one LOL) but not so much because I am playing secret agent, but it gives me a walk which equals exercise (I'm on a fitness/diet regimen)

    That said, seeing a companion is not the time to park far away. Not only is a car parked far away draw attention, but my stumbling & falling (did I mention I get kinda weak in the knees before an encounter with a beautiful lady) as I try to walk to the lady's house would draw a lot of attention LOL

    Seriously, follow a lady's instructions be it parking or whatever

    A rambling



  6. Dang my last visit to find the lobby and then the elevators was a challenge, I must of stood out like a fish out of water. After I finally found my way to the lobby, I texted I had arrived. All was good and I was not late. It was close though. Great encounter followed BTW.


    Parking is easy. Wherever I am supposed to park. The friggin hotel lobbies are scary. Like you walk in and have NO idea where the elevators are. THAT should be something communicated by the SP. Actually, I have started to ask that question.

  7. For visits to downtown Ottawa bring extra cash (bills and change) The meters/parking garages charge exorbant rates per hour. If I recall its about 7-16 bucks/hr. Money is more discreet than using a card .


    Additional Comments:

    Meg, I have parked in your driveway at your very nice East end incall location.


    A thought that comes to mind is snoopy neighbours that may know that you are a provider. For myself, I frankly don't give a damn if they report my licence plate to LE. I could see this as a concern to others. My input.


    If you are parked in my driveway then obviously I am expecting you' date=' right?[/quote']

  8. The positive side effect of hobbying is I can have a non-monogamus life and maintain a relationship with my SO, of which I found out she was not monogamus.


    It a whole lot less complicated than going to a dating site. I can arrange encounters that suit my lifestyle.


    We are still together after that massive kick in the gonads 10+ years ago.


    Cheers and Happy Hobbying.

    • Like 2

  9. Seeing one of my favourites in public with her beautiful children. Just smiled and nodded as I did my sales pitch for others. Kept it non chalant! What an adorable family. Mother, son's and daughters. Made my repetitive sales talk day great. But one has to promote their own company.

  10. Pan seared pork tenderloin with fresh rosemary, thyme and local garlic and onions. Roasted new potatoes and heirloom carrots. Smells devine. Usually like to deglaze the pan with some white wine but not tonight.


    Perhaps a Big glass or two of Cabernet would round out the flavours :-)

  11. Research is paramount. Do your homework here and there. It will pay off in the end. It can be a very positive hobbying experience. You just might find what you are looking for. But do not ever ask for a reduced rate from a provider. Just move on or wait till you have the coin for your desired companion.


    Cheers and Happy Hobbying!

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  12. Sorry Conguistador, wanted to leave a comment and give you rep but Dumbphone takes away that option.


    Anyways to the OP. Do your homework, type in the name of a provider that you are interested in and review on the other boards ... You will probably get enough information to make an informed decision.


    Cheers and Happy Hobbying

  13. I was typically doing the scissor trim and shave afterwards, pretty painless. :-)

    I tried the IPL method and each time I got zapped my ass must of come of the massage table about a foot with a loud squack. It was like snapping a rather forceful strong rubber band in that area, 1 session was enough for this fella. lol. I think I prefer waxing the twins as it only seems to have a burning sensation for a little bit. But we know us men are wimps at pain control. ;-)

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