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Posts posted by CasinoMing

  1. Our world can be very stressful for many folks. For some, the flight attendant in question is a hero - someone who threw political correctness (and aircraft safety) out the window. For others, he's an idiot for what he did (deploying the emergency slide and endandering the aircraft, ground crew and himself).


    It's a sad reminder for all of us that a build up of stress can lead to disasterous decisions, as in the case of this flight attendant. I don't agree with what he did, but I sort of understand his reaction.



  2. Back in the 'old' days before internet and twittering and the like, people actually talked with each other.. face to face.. Not only was it a social thing to do, it was a way of exchanging (and sometimes furthering) tidbits, and news on births, deaths, anniversaries, celebrations. Speaking face-to-face, feedback on your words is immediate and usually honest.


    While technology has made it "easier" to communicate (cellphones, email, stable long distance connections, etc), are we sure anyone is actually listening???? :-)



  3. Hi folks,


    I just ran across this thread and read the interesting comments and responses. Aside from the aforementioned cellphones (hearing the 1812 Overture during one playdate was interesting!), poor hygiene, bait and switch, inaccurate details (SP's physical appearance, services, etc), I thought I add in my two cents.



    It's been mentioned before, but I will mention it again. Some hobbiests, myself included, are buying into a fantasy, an hour (or more) at a time. It's an escape, the thrill of a "playdate" with no strings attached. If the fantasy falls flat, it's disappointing. Part of this is, of course, managing expectations. A handful of SPs are very skilled and take great effort to make the rendez-vous fun for both parties. Unfortunately, more and more SPs are not.



    I guess I am from the old school. Courtesy is quickly becoming scarce in our 21st century lives. Courtesy isn't just "acting respectful".. it's BEING respectful. It can be defined as polite or respectful behaviour or actions. I heard too many stories of either SPs or clients being disrepectful. This hobby, where the level of physical intimacy is at its highest, respectful behaviour cannot be optional. The toes can still curl when mutual respect is observed. In fact, I think it adds to the overall experience.



    Due to my schedule, I often have to plan SP playdates days in advance. Via email, I set up a playdate with an SP and all looked good. I show up at the hotel lobby and as requested, I called her cellphone. No answer. Called a number of times during the hour I spent in the lobby and outside the hotel, and nothing. Finally got in contact with the SP - three days later! She said she forgot. No biggie as stuff happens. We attempted another date a week later, and again she forgot. I'm all for patience and understanding, but this was just plain disrepectful. I wasn't looking for a "War and Peace" explanation, nor was I looking for some sort of compensation. Simple acknowledgement would have done just fine.


    Anyway, just my few cents. I have been very fortunate to meet a nummber of lovely SPs and only a few not-so-lovely.



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  4. Interesting thread. Retirement from the hobby sounds 'permanent'. If that's the case, I have no plans on retiring. Enjoying the company of women is a pleasure. If I ever lose interest in carnal pleasures, then I may have more serious issues than retiring from this hobby ;-)


    There are a few favourites of mine who continue to provide their company. I might reconsider' when/if some favourites decide to leave the business. I tend not to "play the field", but prefer to establish and maintain longer-term connections with a handful of women in the business.


    Been on CERB for a while and although I don't post often, I do enjoy the threads and discussions. Perhaps I will come out of my shell and contribute more often.

  5. Going to tip my hat to my years in this hobby... Alleah... aka Sereena.. aka Serena.. aka Angel...


    I've visited with Alleah at least half-dozen times in the last few years. Always a good time. No pretense.. no mind games... just lots of fun in a comfortable and inviting environment. Each visit, it's almost like meeting up with an old flame (in a positive way, of course!).


    Damn sexy, regardless of age.



  6. Had a visit with Monique a while back. She's drop-dead gorgeous, tall, blonde, with mesmerizing eyes.


    She was very pleasant, and we had some fun together. But we had little or no chemistry. It's not a knock against Monique... we just didn't click.


    That said, the visit was still very positive.



  7. Lili and Alexandra are cougars... wonderfully comfortable with themselves and their services. I first met Alexandra in 1996, just before she started "Betterhalf Escorts" in Montreal.


    Both ladies' services are well documented, so I won't go there too much. But I wanted to share that I did have a duo with them in 1997. It was a couple of hours of sheer delight, which took me a few weeks to recover from.


    I haven't seen either one for a couple years, but seeing they now visit Ottawa on occasion, they're on my list of SPs to visit.



  8. I met with Katie in 2007. Wonderful appointment... totally stress-free. Very warm and accomodating. Booked through email, no issues. Not a clock-watcher.


    But remember, she's a little older, but very comfortable with herself, and knows how to please. Those looking for a young spinner, don't call Katie. Those who want a mature rendez-vous, complete with intelligent conversation and interaction, Katie should be on your short list.




    PS - My apologies for the tardiness of this review.. I just found CERB a few weeks ago and decided to write positive recommendations instead of lurking.

  9. Chloe's website acknowledges that there have been issues with booking.


    I was providing a factual account of my two attempts at meeting up with Chloe. My post was done without malice. Just providing information - as defined by "recommend a service provider to others with a positive review or request for information". As I didn't have a review to offer, I was providing information.


    And yes, I am new to this board. I have failed to connect the dots what being "new" has to do with providing information.



  10. New to CERB..


    I disagree with missed appointments. While it is true that some SPs have a larger following and may have trouble keeping appointments straight, that's not an excuse. I had made a number of changes to my schedule to meet Chloe. Both times, she was a no show.


    First attempt was for a 9am appointment. Called her from the lobby as she instructed. Over a dozen calls and an hour later, it was time to cut my lost time and get back to work. I contacted later and asked her what the issue was. She said she slept in. Ok, stuff happens. Decided to book for a week later.


    Same deal, different hotel. This time, a noon appointment. Again, called from the lobby, and her voice mailbox was full. 45 minutes later, it was time to get along.


    Two attempts, and stood up twice.. both without prior notification.. both without any regard to my lost time.


    So I ask... how many attempts are there in being "persistent"? If I cancelled on clients in such a manner, I wouldn't be in business too long. Time is a precious commodity, and regardless of your financial status, one cannot buy more time. Chloe wasted my time twice. Twice at bat... there won't be a third attempt.


    Good SPs respect clients' time. I have met a number of SPs here in Ottawa and Montreal in the last 15 years. In all that time, in all those appointments, only Chloe has been a no-show...


    I have no doubt that other clients have had a decent time with Chloe. My post here (and on another board) is done without malice. Fortunately, there are other more reliable SPs in town.



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