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Emma Alexandra

Verified Independent
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Posts posted by Emma Alexandra

  1. "Are you open now?" What am I? A convenience store? Lol. Some of the things I've been asked over the last few years, I just shake my head and can't help but to laugh now.


    This came from an SP friend of mine...


    Him: Are you available?


    Her: Yes


    Him: I dont want to pay. Fun is free


    Her: Would you like to go to work and not get paid by your boss because he thinks you enjoy your job soooo much?


    Him: No but having fun should still be free.


    Her: Well I guess you can't argue with stupid


    Regardless of whether or not someone enjoys their job or not, they are still entitled to be paid. While many SPs enjoy what they do, it is how they make their living. Never confuse her with enjoying her job that she would see a client off the clock because she enjoys it so much. We are also like everyone else. We have financial responsibilities, many women have children, etc.


    Some people attempt to confuse those lines where it is already apparent to begin with.

    Posted via Mobile Device


    I just received an email from a guy with his picture saying he doesn't pay for sex but would love to take me out for a couple of beers. Lmao I wrote him back and said " the site you found me on is not a dating site. "

    • Like 3

  2. Glad that's over...I just put the donation in cash down on a table quietly and discreetly, the same place every time...no big deal..no fanfare


    We never even discuss it, and it is never mentioned....


    Envelope, card, plain old folding $..

    I like that..."just don't forget"


    I've actually had guys come back with it if they had forgotten to leave it. True gentlemen.


    It just takes away from the whole thing if We have to ask.


    Additional Comments:

    So, here is the question:

    Would you like such a career for your daughter? - If you have one or just imagine. (I understand, this is pretty personal question, I have daughter myself)


    Honestly, I highly dislike this question and it makes me cringe every time I see it used in the media because it's a popular line the antis use to get their morals and conservative views across.


    It's not about how I would feel about her personal choice to enter the sex trade but about her having the choice to do it or not and doing it on her on personal accord.


    I'm with Gabby on this..It shouldn't be how I would feel...it should be an option for my daughter {if I had one}.

    Although this work is much more personal then most jobs it's a choice to do it. I would help her in anyway I could if she decided to do it.

    • Like 3

  3. As a new member I have just studied this thread from start to finish with an absolute fascination. It offered an amazing insight from a group of very honest individuals.


    My question is in the area of how taxes are paid or not?


    Since many SP's consider their activities as a business or sole proprietorship, so therefore an income/expense statement is prepared compiled with supporting documents as a basis for a annual federal tax filing. Once filed the CRA will usually request tax prepayments for the current fiscal year based on the previous year net income. All sorts of questions from compiling a revenue journal to allowable expenses. How about line items for "good will" and "depreciation"?


    There is also the question of how or if GST is reported and paid?


    My simple mind is also pondering the area of a CRA audit. I'm having trouble picturing an auditor showing up at your door. They say " We are from the CRA and we are here to help"


    I chuckle when I think of the "ins and outs" of the above questions.


    Any comments are welcome.


    You could ask us just about anything. I don't understand why our taxes are important to you or anyone for that matter. Just seems like odd questions especially from someone new.

    • Like 4

  4. While reading another thread a question occurred to me. Why ask for the donation in an envelope? I understand wanting to complete the transaction early in the encounter, quickly and without requiring a prompt, but why the envelope? :confused0024:


    Another reason is because it is considered a "gift".....many people put the money in a gift card and envelope. That way police can't say we were being paid for sex. I rather this way,it's so much classier. Shows respect. Don't get me wrong. Lol I don't mind it being placed in plain site too. Lol just don't forget to give it. ;)

  5. I'm a newcomer to CERB and have not yet availed myself of the services of a professional SP. I discovered this wonderful CERB community around the same time I started seriously considering this industry as an ideal avenue for someone such as myself, in short, a man who wishes to remain unattached, but still has an itch to scratch! I'm a hundred and twelve percent positive I'd be nervous as hell the first time, and worry about this being detrimental to the experience. Is there any advice you could offer?


    I can't speak for anyone else but i'm always a bit nervous meeting a client for the first time. So i break the ice right away with a nice hug and a big kiss. This always seems to work. From there i'll lead the way...Making people feel comfortable is part of what we do. ;) If we can't do that then we shouldn't be in the business.

    • Like 2

  6. I am by nature a pretty genteel person, and I don't have a very assertive personality...at least until I'm comfortable with people...LOL


    In my limited experiences I have learned that I'm not really able to relax without a measure of affection. If I can't relax I don't feel any kind of connection and without that the experience falls flat and isn't very enjoyable.


    Can anyone suggest any questions that I may be able to ask to help me get a feel and a sense as to how affectionate someone may be able to be? I understand that I show up smelling of motor oil, beer and cigarettes none will want to be affectionate with me LOL.


    Also, are there things I can do to increase the chances that one of you beautiful ladies could show me a little tenderness. :icon_biggrin: During or before a meet.


    Thank you, this has been a very informative thread to read.


    I think being kind and showing tenderness to a person should come naturally. Especially in this business.


    You can email or pm the person your interested in and feel them out. Ask them questions. Tell them what your looking for. Most of us like to engage a bit through Email before we meet.

    • Like 2

  7. I have great memories of many gents but the ones that stand out most are:


    renting me an apartment in Manhattan for a month.


    Baking me cookies.


    Sending flowers


    And one of the best was when my mom passed away several of my clients got together and sent me money. This meant I didn't have to think about work for awhile.



    • Like 2

  8. Just a thought, but isn't writing a recommendation the ultimate compliment (not to mention thank you) you can give a lady?

    I'm happy to say I've complimented many ladies then, just do a search on CERB, those compliments are there for all to see ;-)

    Anyhow a hopefully positive rambling




    Yes they are wonderful compliments. The best compliment to me is repeat visits.

    • Like 4

  9. Here's a question for you ladies. I like to compliment ladies on their appearance i.e if I'm particularly struck by a certain feature. For instance I might say something like "you have the most beautiful eyes" etc.

    It seems that sometimes SPs deflect this kind of praise or give a quick "thank you."


    Are sincere compliments acceptable?

    What is unacceptable?


    Who doesn't like compliments? People love getting them. Compliment away.

    Sometimes if I compliment a client he thinks I say that to all the guys...no I only say things I mean and like this board if I have nothing nice to say I say nothing at all.

    • Like 6

  10. 1. I've only seen a few, but for those who don't put/advertise a schedule I would never attempt to contact via phone or txt unless an ad was put up same day. I hate getting bothered on my day off, so Is this appropriate or am I just over thinking it?


    Im sure I'm not the only Sp here who doesn't put ads up everyday. This doesn't mean I'm not working. That's why we have websites. We don't just advertise on CERB. If I'm off I'll tell you so. Don't be afraid to ask.


    2. When initiating first contact via txt, I tend to start off very discretely, ex. (Hello, I was wondering if your available at such and such time.) I make sure not to mention name/alias or activity until a response is made. For the simple reason insure its the right number or precaution in case her phone is left some place where others may accidentally view. Do you prefer discretion on straight to the point to eliminate back and forth messages? Or perhaps your on example of a txt.



    Again only speaking for myself. If your texting me I want it to read like an email. You can first ask if you have the right number but when it's confirmed I want your name etc. Believe me we can write a book on the stupid text messages and emails we get. Lol so be a gentleman and be polite.

    • Like 4

  11. We are judged all the time. Sad to say but true. I've been in this situation more then once..sometimes if you tell them right off what you do they think "Wow, all the free sex i can have". That isn't true by the way. wink .If you tell them later then they may walk away or they get it. Some dudes think they get it but it takes a special someone that really does. When dating someone it takes a lot more time to hit the sheets. wink

    • Like 6

  12. If I were to book a 4 hour session with a SP, the first hours being dinner and the next two hours being an incall, what would the rates be? Would I have to pay for a 4 hour incall rate?


    Please don't get the wrong idea, I'm not looking for a discount or anything like that, I would just like to know what the rates would be for something like this.


    Speaking for myself only my rate isn't for what I do it's for time spent together.

    • Like 4

  13. Now I get everybody has their own schedules and all, but I've notice some may entertain during the workday others evening and even some very late early morning.

    So I was wondering does certain time attract certain type of clientele? Is there a particular time that is more popular? What part of day or night is your preference?


    Myself I kinda enjoy the early morning or mid afternoon due to easier to take time off/out of my day.


    Ps. If I'm not home by 9pm I start to get cranky lol!


    Im sure it's different for some of us but my busiest time seems to be between 3 and 6. Many times everyone that wants to see me ask for the same time on the same day..that's one of the reasons for advance bookings. I don't work late. I'm an early riser so mornings are fun. Wink


    • Like 1

  14. So I know a few of the ladies offer different services like SP or MP. My question for the ladies is - Assuming you haven't done it, what other service would you like to try?

    - Being a Dancer in a Club?

    - Providing a Dom Service?

    - Being an Escort?

    - Providing Massage Service?

    - Other

    And maybe answer why as well or why you haven't yet tried it.

    Here is your chance cause you don't really need to do it so just might have an interest or fantasy. Look forward to your thoughts.


    Hmmm I haven't tried dancing but believe me you wouldn't want to see me dance either. I dance like Elaine Venus. Haha



    What's the strangest outfit/costume you've been asked to wear?


    panty hose on my hands.




    Well seeing that I LOVE oysters and they are an aphrodisiac apparently


    Would it be cool or NOT cool .....


    To invite you to my suite and have a bucket of raw oysters and a bottle of wine on each nightstand with bibs ? Nekkid with bibs on. :) haha Seriously ?


    shhhhh your not supported to give out my secrets

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