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Posts posted by SHE DEVIL

  1. Whips can be fun but also dangerous. Let me explain, I was on a boat tour in Mexico over 20 years ago and the had a show with a guy dressed like Zorro and he chose me to be the laugh of the crowd. I stood up in the middle of the stage with a cigarette in my mouth(now if smoking does not kill you this might) in a quick move he broke the end of the cigarette and with 3 more moves he took it down to the filter.

    As if this was not enough the fun part was to put a balloon between my legs and blindfold me, get me to stand very still and for him to bust the balloon from a distance without damaging my private part or my ego.

    So yes the sound of a whip does scare me a bit and I don't scare easy.



    Robert Dante is fabulous and I'm proud to call him and his a friend. I seen him to do that with a postage stamp.




    We had him out in the country doing an evening outdoor show for a 3 day fetish event.


    I can't wait to get cracking in the park this year. :)



  2. Thanks for the positive birthday vibes. There are many who walk this earth in hunger, there are many who walk this earth alone, there many who walk this earth in fear and many who walk this earth in poverty, despair and poor health.....


    I am not one of them and know how lucky and blessed I am. I am grateful and appreciative!


    Have a great day!!





    Happy birthday!

  3. "At the moment our human world is based on the suffering and destruction of millions of non-humans. To perceive this and to do something to change it in personal and public ways is to undergo a change of perception akin to a religious conversion. Nothing can ever be seen in quite the same way again because once you have admitted the terror and pain of other species you will, unless you resist conversion, be always aware of the endless permutations of suffering that support our society."


    - Arthur Conan Doyle

  4. You were close it's KZ Devil


    You're correct! The one and only... lol She does have a lot of ink. I've stopped for the time being, I have enough and I want mine to gel nicely.



    Is KZ still around? I always wanted to see her but didn't want to deal with Sidnee. Sabrina also has a lot of tats but she blanks them out on her pictures. But one if not both arms are pretty much full sleeves


    KZ is happily retired, sorry to say. I've told her numerous times that people are asking about her. No dice.



  5. I'm of the opinion that something of this nature is really bad for this hobby. It doesn't need this type of exposure. It really fucked up the industry here.


    I'm also of the opinion that exploiting young people for personal finiancial gain, is abhorrent. (like her sickening auction of a girls first session for example)


    The over-presecense and disregard for "discretion" which is sacred. She pissed all over it. She deserves it. What she doesn't deserve is having a sex worker advocacy group pay her legal fees. Those groups are there to help women in the industry and raise the hobby to a different level other than stereotypes. She is a stereotypical opportunist.

    • Like 7

  6. ummmmm. I. LOVE. YOU.



    a long suffering Lions fan


    Awe thanks! Yeah, I get "the look" everytime I go to a sports shop and ask for Lions gear. Are you excited for the first Detroit Monday night football game in over 20 years? Should be a good one. Division game.


    My lions are going to do better this year than last year. I also root for New Orleans and Baltimore.



  7. Interesting thread...


    I don't like being put in a position where I am uncomfortable and it is more than obvious that this person doesn't like me/click with me or whatever. I would rather "let's not and say we did." I've always felt that the first few minutes can be more than enough time to decide if the session is good for chemistry. I will basically allow a full refund for a walk in and out and I'm happy to do that rather than have a person feel obligated to stay.



  8. I volunteer for the Humane Society for the "Quit Stalling" campaigns, however I don't donate to them. I just do farm animal rights/ anti-cruelty awareness year round, not just the holiday season.


    WHS don't employ resources to work with behaviour issues with dogs. So many of them go back and are put down. D'Arcy's ARC does.


    Also, you may want to think of Papa's Ranch and adoption centre. They're non-profit and family run organization. http://www.papasranch.ca/


    The Gimli Humane Society is in desprate need and are dangerously close to not being able to operate. http://www.gimlianimalshelter.com/



  9. I'm in the process of doing a site specifically for this, but here's a short list:


    Cropping/ flogging


    Orgasm denial


    Sensual domination


    Boot/foot worship

    Body worship

    Mental bondage/behaviour modification

    Forced femminization

    Pressure point play

    Wax play


    Looking into a TENS unit.


    I also provide other services for established submissives.


    All person's that apply to serve at my pleasure must include an introduction, background, interests and limits. Communication is of utmost importance.

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