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Posts posted by CapitalGuy

  1. I have found that many new build condos have horrible soundproofing, concrete construction or not. I suggest you spend a night or two in the unit you are thinking of buying, if at all possible. Bring a sleeping bag and an air mattress. If its currently occupied it might be more difficult to arrange, but if its owner-occupied, he might take it as a reasonable request from a serious buyer. In the long run, its worth your while to offer to put him up in a hotel for a couple nights so you can assess the quietness of the unit for yourself. You definitely need to hang around the building at different times of day before you commit to a purchase, 'cause once you're in, its too late.


    Also, ask about your potential neighbours. How old are they, what kind of jobs do they have, how long have they lived there. Ask the current resident, the building manager (who has no vested interest in lying to you), and anyone you bump into in the hallway. The direct concern is either side, above and below. If they are younger, students, or renters sharing a unit, they might be hard partiers and your quiet nights are gone.

  2. I saw this delightful young lady earlier this week. Pics are accurate - Abby is amazingly small and youthful looking. Nitecandy claims she's 19 but some simple math (based on when she had her baby) puts her at 22 or so. But frankly, she has the body of a much younger girl. Tiny with smooth and unblemished skin, her frame could very easily pass for that of a high school girl (she's not though, so no need to panic). Slender but not anorexic, if you know what I mean. She is naturally tiny but not bony or unhealthy looking. She's apparently been a big time party girl in the past and has slowed down now, with "working" and nicotene her only current vices.

    What I especially appreciated is her lack of fuss over what she does for a living. She's not shy like many young 20-somethings but she didn't talk about the trade, either. She was very matter of fact and friendly, displaying a level of self-confidence and maturity usually reserved for 30-something SP's.

    Anyhow, on the menu was LFK, DATY, CBJ, MPos. Didn't ask about "back there" and didn't try for MSOG. She readily changed positions on demand, with no fuss. I very much enjoyed kissing her small frame everywhere and spending some quality face time with her shaved kitten. Still naturally tight due to a c-section (smallest c-scar I've ever seen; I thought it was just a ridge line from the top of her jeans until she talked about it. The baby must have weighed about 3 pounds to come out of a hole that small) and muscle control was spectacular.

    Face - 7 or 8

    Body - 10 (if you like them very small with tiny A's)

    Hygiene - 9

    Attitude - 8 or 9

    Service - 9

    Repeat - yes. If I lived in Barrie I would spend a small fortune on this girl, and likely take her on multi-hour dates. But, I like small women who are just a little bit rough around the edges.

  3. If you have a taste for young spinners then you might have to put up with the smell of greasy fast food, weed and a messy room, not all are like that but a good number are.But it's the price you pay to enjoy the company of a younger less business savy gal. At that age not many of them understand the whole ambiance and package deal or the concept of generating return business from regular clientel.


    Extremely wise words from the Cowboy. Most late teen/very early 20's girls are just that....girls. They haven't gone to the Yale School of Service Provision, and thus they simply transcribe their existing lifestyles (greasy food and messy rooms) into their new, probably temporary jobs. Note that most of the 5-star GFE's out there are in their very late 20's or their 30's (or beyond), and are more experienced not only in sex but in life, thus they understand the benefits of presentation. So, to repeat what Kenny said, if you want to enjoy a tight young spinner, accept what comes with it. Or go to Montreal, where for some reason even the 18 year olds understand the GFE concept!!

  4. http://www.escorts-canada.com/cgi-bin/ad?id=7055


    This was my first time using Pink Kitty. Angelika's pics looked great and I was in the mood for a spinner, so I called them up. Phone Guy was gushing about what a total GFE Angelika is, and couldn't give her a strong enough recommendation. So, I booked her for an hour at their incall location downtown.


    Angelika met me at the door in black lingerie, and just from looking at her I knew my time would be well spent. Even if she was a bad lay, I would enjoy her. Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. Prettier, much prettier, in person than in her photos, and her figure was, frankly, perfect (for my tastes). Classic spinner build, small but well proportioned frame. Tits are sparrow-sized, but I very much like them small, so I was impressed. If you need them big up top, though, she's not for you. She's sensitive about being small up there, but I reassured her that I very much liked her figure. Shaved. She says she visits Ottawa from Montreal, to work.


    Anyhow, Angelika is, in fact, a full-blown GFE. She is highly accommodating and made me feel welcomed. Not much of a talker (French) but friendly and open, and she was not awkward or shy. When we did talk, it was natural and friendly banter.


    DFK, lots of cuddling, BBBJ, delicious multiple posns. Don't know about Greek. After I finished, she cleaned up in the bathroom then came back to bed and lay down with me, her still naked, snuggling into my arms and nuzzling her head into my neck while we caressed each other and recovered and kissed some more. Not many 20 year olds do that, so yes I was impressed.


    Face - 9

    Figure - 10

    Hygiene - 10

    Service - 9

    Attitude - 8

    Overall experience - 8 or 9


    Repeat? What do you think?

  5. She looks just fine and does not need to change a thing... Geeze sounds like you had a great time, isnt that all that really matters....


    The guy spoke his mind and gave an honest review. If her pics are not accurate any longer, it was appropriate for him to say so. What looks just fine to you might not work for someone else - some/many guys don't want larger women, so for them, she does not fit the bill. I don't think the OP was rude or out of line. He called it like he saw it. Alexxxis is a spectacular performer with an outstanding attitude, but even she admits her figure is not for everyone.

  6. You are right to feel ripped off. That was a very mechanical experience, and there are ladies out there who will knock your socks off, in terms of letting you kiss, cuddle, nibble, stroke, chat with, and DATY them. Its called a Girlfriend Experience, and if you book a lady who has a reputation for providing a GFE, your next SP visit will be nothing at all like the piss-poor visit you had with the girl in Hull.


    Normally (but not always), its the slightly older SP's who provide a more intimate service that makes you feel like you're making love rather than just, as you said, getting your rocks off. Teenaged or early 20's SP's are often (but not always) less enthusiastic and just want to make you come, so they can take your cash and leave with minimal fuss. Sometimes that's ok, if all you want to do is nail a 20 year old. But if you want a more pleasurable experience and interactive experience than the one you described, I recommend you book one of the well-reviewed SP's out there.


    To save me some cash, I'd appreciate if you could PM me the name of the lady in question. I'll keep it private. Thanks.

  7. I just remove the slanderous comments, the flame wars and the childish crap that wastes all our time. We do not allow Negative reviews here so you can not compare us to other "Escort discussion boards" as nothing else to my knowledge has the same format and rules. We do not appeal to everyone (nor are we trying to) this site is geared towards a SP FRIENDLY discussion and not a place for people to rant about how they were mistreated, ripped off or done wrong (Many boards exist for this and we do not care to have any part of that here).


    If you still ran the forums I would not go tell you how to run them... it would be your website and your rules. I expect the same consideration here.


    Mod, I fully accept your right to run this board as you please. No problems at all with that. But, I hope you realize that a policy of not allowing negative reviews results CERB.CA having a lack of credibility. It is perceived by many to be nothing more than an advertising forum, and more often than not an advertising forum with heavy ties to Pink Kitty. This may or may not be true, but the biased and one-sided policy of being "SP friendly" is by default a policy of being "customer unfriendly". The result, in my particular case, is that I won't spend money on PK, because I don't believe what I read about them here.


    But as I say, this is your board to do with as you please, and I am not trying to be obtruse or rude or troublesome. I'm simply saying that cerb would be a more useful tool to help us make our spending decisions, if we could read about the bad experiences guys have as well. Thanks.

  8. Hi Jessica. I've not yet used PK, although you hire some great looking ladies who are on my TDL. However I think you need to be aware that an agency is judged by the ladies it hires, moreso than by how they deal with making up for bad experiences. The few agencies in Toronto and Montreal that have sterling reputations, have gotten those reputations because their ladies perform consistently, and the vast majority of customers walk away satisfied and able to provide a positive recommendation. So, a first time customer to that agency knows that he will in all likelihood be well taken care of, even if the SP is new to that Agency, since Agency "X" or whichever, has the reputation of only providing amazing SP's.


    I totally understand that you're a new agency and that it must be a nightmare for you to try and offer consistent services from each of your ladies, and to build your reputation. The fact that you have high turnover right now indicates to me that you are trying hard to build a credible agency, but it also indicates that its risky to use PK right now, since by your own admission you're still hiring ladies who may not be as service-oriented as you are and as you want your agency to have a reputation for. Ideally, you'll get better and better at weeding out the poorer performers before they go out and provide crappy service, resulting in a negative review for PK. I don't envy you the task!!!!!


    I have no idea what you tell the girls before they start working, but I guess you need to have a very explicit discussion with them about what they will and will not do with a client, and what your expectations of them are. Remember though that you will be judged by your worst-performing girls, so if you drop your hiring standards, that elusive sterling reputation will be even harder to get. There's an Asian agency in Toronto that holds "try outs" for new girls. They offer a discounted rate for the girl's first couple weeks of service, and if she turns out to be ok, she joins the regular stable of ladies and her rates go up to the normal rates. If she turns out to be a dud, then she's fired, and the customer isn't as peeved since they knew going in to the session that she was new and unproven, and they paid less.


    I'll try and do my bit by booking one or two of your proven performers over the next little while, and sharing the positive experiences I'm sure to have with them!! Good luck.

  9. Stagg - now that you mention it, I recognize your handle from that other place. No harm intended. But PK gets some extremely good reviews here at CERB, and some extremely bad reviews from equally credible posters, elsewhere. I'm torn as to whether to (potentially) waste a couple hundred bucks to find out for myself, which version of PK is accurate.

  10. I?ll keep this short and respectful. If you get a chance to spend some time with McKenzie of NiteCandy, just do it. She is lovely ? pretty with huge bright eyes, slender but big up top, has silky soft skin, is pleasant and very easy to talk to. McKenzie was playful and believably vocal during our encounter (I thought she was going to come while she was giving me a xx). She is enthusiastic and tender. I had to be gentle with her, but the overall experience was very enjoyable and worth repeating. If you are lucky enough to be able to pry her away from the phones and into your room, do it.

  11. Hi AL. Your approach is very good, and will help ensure both the lady and the customer have a good time. That should be a part of any encounter. But we're more talking about when something is very wrong with the date, that is above and beyond what the lady's restrictions are.


    Good topic.

  12. I very much agree that both parties should smell and look their best for an encounter. I doubt there's any disagreement among the civilized members of the hobby, of both gender, on that point.


    As for a prompt complaint on the part of the guys, a point to bear in mind is that many of the men who partake of a lady's services are nervous, shy, or in some cases even scared of causing a scene. It is not easy for some guys to go through with a call, and if something goes wrong, it is even harder for some men to make a fuss. They just want to get out of the situation as quickly and easily as possible. This may be out of fear of insulting a lady, out of fear of getting into a verbal or physical altercation with the lady or her driver or a bodyguard, out of fear that an agency rep or "mob guy" will show up at the hotel or the guy's house in the middle of the night to sort him out, out of fear of getting the police involved, out of fear of somehow being "outed" as a hobbiest, or simply out of fear of having a less than satisfactory encounter if the lady is not entirely content with the way things unfold.


    Ladies and agency reps, please bear in mind that although this may be a profession for you, or at least an activity you engage in on a daily/regular basis, for many guys its a rare and nerve-racking event surrounded by many unknowns. It is likely the most illicit thing many customers do in their day to day lives, so the fear of briefly entering the "illegal" world plays big on their minds, and if things don't go perfectly smoothly, they just want to get the hell out of there, and a confrontation is simply not an option. Posting on a board is their only way of getting their complaint across, and/or of warning others.


    And if a situation is confronted directly and sorted out by the lady or agency on the spot, the guy may still want to post on a board, to let others know about the hiccup and how it was accommodated. If an agency does the right thing, they should not be worried about the story being told, as it shows they are professional and customer-oriented.

  13. Hopefully, of course, the lady who sends away a guy with bad hygiene is professional enough and honest enough to not take any cash from the guy. Otherwise, its a blank cheque for the agency or the lady - take a guy's cash then send him away because he's stinky (even if he's not). I'd be pissed off if I showed up, freshly showered, clean breath and all, (like I always do) and get told to leave, after I'd forked over my money.




    I agree bad hygiene on either side is not appropriate and I am sure most people agree with this as well so feel free to create a poll. It may help a little to increase awareness of this. I would hope if someone had bad hygiene that the girl would say "Please have a shower, here is a toothbrush too" maybe the guy would get embarrassed enough to no longer show up to a call like that... if he refuses send him away ... hell I would expect the customer to send the girl away if she had poor hygiene.

  14. If she doesn't kiss or allow DATY, then she is definitely not GFE. I can understand the restriction on BBBJ, but you are misleading the clientele if you call her GFE but she does not kiss or allow DATY. She is simply a mechanical SP, and should be presented as such. Otherwise its false advertising. Sorry.


    Thanks for your feedback guys, it has been passed on to missy. She did offer gfe but for her own reasons decided to pull back on it with certain clients. To set this all straight she does not offer kissing or daty. She does offer bbbj (up to her discretion) and greek.

  15. there's not an answer that really suits me. if a place is a dump, i will stay but i will take the 30 minute option instead of the normal hour that i prefer, and do my business in a much more rushed fashion. so its costing the lady or the agency a fair bit of cash over the long run. if no 30 minute option is available, i will do my business that one time, then not return. I worry that the lack of cleanliness could cause me to come in contact with some of my fellow hobbiest's body fluids, which i would of course prefer to avoid!! If the in call location is a lady's home instead of a company-provided room, I won't see her again, because if a woman can't keep her home clean, I assume she can't keep her body clean either, and that's just gross, for some fairly obvious reasons.


    good poll.

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